Moelis Class of 2018 Today

Note: US offices only / there were ~15 or so folks I couldn't find, which this excludes. 

Analysts: 47

  • Remaining Analyst / A2A: 6

  • Private Equity Tier 1 (megafunds and well known middle market): 9

  • Private Equity Tier 2 (solid middle market): 10

  • Private Equity Tier 3 (unknown funds): 8

  • Corporate Development: 5

  • Other Investment Banking: 2

  • Hedge Funds: 2

  • Other: 5

Associates: 21

  • Remaining: 13

  • Corporate Development: 5

  • Other Investment Banking: 3


why do you think such a large proportion of people went to tier 3 unknown funds? I'm sure this also happens at GS/MS/EVR.

Wouldn't it just be better to recruit as an AN3, or even A2A than jump the gun and go to a not-so great PE firm?


Dont think their comment was roast worthy. Coming as someone who never was in banking/PE I was curious about this myself...

Obviously lifestyle is a big factor when looking at any employment opportunity, would imagine folks who went through a rigorous analyst program such as Moelis would care a lot about ROI on hours worked which is generally lower on LMM PE firms, despite having less hours.

Ive always wondered how hard/competitive PE recruiting actually is coming from a bank like Moelis and think that is more of what this comment is referring to.


Lifestyle is not a big factor for Moelis analysts - they signed with Moelis and knew what they were signing up for.

Personally I agree with the original comment: ~11/60 (OP mentioned they couldn't find 15) to MF/UMM/HF is lower than one might think given all the dick sucking for EBs on WSO. Maybe give the benefit of the doubt and assume only analysts who ended up in PE wanted to do PE, then you have 9/27 to MF & UMM PE combined (but doesn't include the 15 analysts OP couldn't find, A2A's, Corp Dev etc. who might also have wanted to do PE).

Curious to see this type of data for other EBs and even BBs (or BB groups). This kind of data-driven research is exactly what shuts up the stupid prestige posts and misinformation on this forum. Thanks OP.


Such an ignorant comment lmao. Maybe they just wanted to work there or aren't prestige whores?

Or maybe this is a natural distribution of outcomes.  Not everyone who goes to Harvard ends up at GS and guess what not every who works at Moelis ends up at a Tier 1 place.


After working at moelis, i think a lot of people start to realize "prestige" isn't worth as much as most people think. Work life balance becomes so much more important, and complete respect to those who end up working comfy corporate roles


I think the first comment on this isn't actually that ignorant... I think people tend to have a laser focus on getting to PE asap starting out at Moelis and I think some of the corporate dev exits and/or kids still hanging in there as 3rd year analysts will be better off in the long run than those who jump after a year to a LMM fund... but the fomo is really strong and when headhunters call, you answer lol 


This. Prestige (generally) matters the most to those who have yet to attain it. The people I know at the top of the prestige totem pole seem to really not care about it much. You'd be surprised how many guys will go from EB / BB banks to small shops if they like the team and the work they do.

At the end of the day, "prestige" is just a form of currency. Currency that you hope to one day be able to exchange for either higher comp, more responsibilities, etc. The goal of attaining prestige is not to endlessly accumulate more prestige. Prestige opens doors early on in your career. It shouldn't dictate your every move.

This is obvious to most in the workforce.


Sometimes the unknown funds are like spin offs of top funds. They are unknown at first but they become known


Don’t think anyone was balding in my class. Think balding might be a bit more genetic related for some ppl. Had a good friend in college who was balding already in his teens/early twenties. Had a pretty chill life but that was just the hand he was dealt in life


bit weird you go to the hassle of searching peoples names from wso on linkedin


MoCo may end up merging with Yotta Savings. Great savings bank! Might grow into a full-service bank too!


only 2 went to a hedge fund, is this typical of IB classes? and is this more of a function of lack of interest or competition? 


Depends on IB. Some more RX groups prob do more HF. MC bread and butter when I was there was MM PE deals so naturally plenty of people went to work in MM PE


OP – for the tier 1 private equity placements, did you notice if any of these people worked closely with any specific groups? As a generalist, do you think there are certain industry groups that having strong exposure to can give you a leg up in MF PE recruiting?



OP: A few comments / responses

- agreed would be fun to post an update 5, 10 years down the road... 

- this was the class after the staffer email (Ken responded by arguably overhiring at the analyst level)

- the "no name" shops we're quite frankly ones that I had just never heard of.. some of them are probably great places to work with solid comp, but any good MM shop I put solidly into tier 2 (i've heard of most MM funds tbh)

- in terms of things that led to qualify exits, I think I'm about to say something unexpected, which is just don't settle.. some of the best exits out of the class came well over a year into the job or even two.. I felt such a sense of fear when on-cycle kicked off back in October of 2018, but it was unwarranted 

- I don't think group placement mattered much, but do focus on being good at your job and building good relationships with people you work with and the opportunities will come


would you say the better exits were due to analysts being better prepared than the ones that went on cycle? if so, do you have any thoughts on delaying on cycle your first year?


Well depends. For on cycle recruiting it basically happens so early that it’s more or less just a continuation of on campus recruiting so not much prep done while in banking it seems


Would think it’s good to take things slow in general with work and job stuff. Slow and steady wins the race


For what it’s worth; I think I know the staffer who sent out that email that made its rounds in the media. Before he was asked to take on the staffer job, he might have been the nicest/best VP to work with at the firm. Just a tough job trying to be the one focal point for like 100 MDs trying to get access to one big pool of analysts for some of the more grunty type work they need to do for the firm’s clients. 

Prob as MC grows some of the pressure on the staffers can be eliminated as maybe they can dedicate analysts to more specialized pools somewhat while still maintaining the generalist program


For what it’s worth, I think most of my class (entered summer 2015 or so) went on to PE or equivalent. All solid shops. Some went on to Corp Dev others to HF or like other finance related stuff. Some have gone on to bschool by now. Maybe 1 or 2 still at Moelis. I think one guy is a VP there now. Prob some kids on their way; if not already, making top of industry pay days and others with top of industry WLB. All solid stuff. Def think Moelis does a nice job of helping new people with their careers whether it means staying at MC or other places or leaving industry. Have had plenty of senior and junior people there actively try to help me with my career whether it be get be interviews, discuss stuff, work with me, etc. def nice that it’s a team place, kinda all like part of the Moelis fam to some extent. Friendly, solid culture. 


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Voluptatum dolor voluptatem commodi possimus perferendis. Rerum dolorem dignissimos suscipit at beatae placeat neque. Saepe quaerat laboriosam veritatis perferendis aspernatur corporis molestiae. Qui placeat quas dignissimos veritatis. Et blanditiis iusto exercitationem quos ipsa perferendis repudiandae. Veritatis quae maiores quis molestiae.

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Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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