Models and Bottles - Perspectives about money and women

I am wondering what some of your perspectives are about money and women, and how those views match up to reality. Have any of you that are not still in school and making some decent bucks been able to attract women primarily beacause of the size of your wallet? Let's assume that you are an average looking guy, say 5/10, but are bringing in $250,000 in your twenties. If you go to a club and spend some decent change, how does that guarantee you a night with a pretty girl? I'm speculating that you need some serious bucks, and do some serious spending before money will seal the deal with model types, regardless of looks or personality; i.e, buying a girl expensive clothes, shoes, cars, etc. But after all that, wouldn't it be a much better deal just to hire a whore and save some money? What do you guys think?


Wow, you need to get a reality grip. The skanks you are attract with money are the ones you fuck in the bathroom and leave by afterwards.

It's your personality, dude. That's it. I've seen the poorest guys, but they know how to communicate, steal the hot girls right from the guys at the table with the case of Cristal. if you think otherwise you are naive or a fool.


Wow, you need to get a reality grip. The skanks you are attract with money are the ones you fuck in the bathroom and leave by afterwards.

It's your personality, dude. That's it. I've seen the poorest guys, but they know how to communicate, steal the hot girls right from the guys at the table with the case of Cristal. if you think otherwise you are naive or a fool.


It really depends what TYPE of girl you want to attract.

Yes, money can win certain girls in a heartbeat, but as tyrets said, those type of girls are typically skanks.

If you're an average guy with deep pockets, but can't talk for shit or come off awkward as fck, good luck trying to pickup a decent self-respecting chick. I personally don't think the skanks are that attractive either. They're usually dumb as a brick or trashy.

Keep it classy mang.


I'm tired of all this "money only attracts skanks" horse shit. From the perspective of evolutionary psychology, the main determinants of attractiveness in human males are power, status and psychosocial dominance. Money is a proxy for power and status, and thus makes men objectively more attractive to women, regardless of the "type" of woman. The neural circuitry that makes a woman a "money-grubbing skank" (attraction to power) is analogous to the neural circuitry that makes a man a "shallow douchebag" (attraction to physical beauty).

That said, money/status is only one part of the attractiveness equation. If you have no game (psychosocial dominance), you're going to be masturbating with your own salty tears of loneliness no matter how many bottles of Belvedere you order at the table.

so many people in NYC have money (or can plausibly fake it) that money alone isnt really that impressive.

Just to add to this, quite excellent, point. Anywhere that there are women looking to get guys with cash, there will undoubtedly be guys with cash so that fact alone won't set you apart.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I'm glad to see more people consider the money-hungry girls skanky. One of my summer roommates summered at Nomura and I was just appalled to see how he talked, thought, and interacted with/about women. None were ladies, and he was in no way a man, just a tall dimwitted boy.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.
You must be one of the 3.3 million virgins that just got the new world of warcraft

Money isn't the answer to slamming models, being of value is

I wish I still played that game, it's definitely a lot of fun. Of course, my social life has been far more fulfilling without it

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

[quote=brooksbrotha]I'm a man of numbers. So lets run them:[/quote]

They should include tax, just as a safety measure for miscellaneous stuff you have to do to pick up chicks that you dont realise/account for.

You know you've been working too hard when you stop dreaming about bottles of champagne and hordes of naked women, and start dreaming about conditional formatting and circular references.

Excellent points - London, NYC etc etc - plenty of guys with plenty of money. So you will not end up with some crazy hot model chick without having something else in your portfolio. For most this is either extremely good connections with people that matter, or some genuine style / charisma etc etc

The more fundamental question however is whether you really want to waste money (and time) on these sort of girls in the first place (notwithstanding the fact that your chances of success are not that high because of competition - referring back to point above). Much rather get to know someone that actually doesn't give a damn about your money / status, or, a banker chick (latter being the easiest solution for a million reasons). For the former you will actually need some genuine charm and a real character underneath your 'ABC' banker facade.

I digress however. Hookers are much cheaper and you can actually get the one you want, availability on the particular night being your only limitation. Just remember, strap up, and know the risks!

From the ghetto....
Excellent points - London, NYC etc etc - plenty of guys with plenty of money. So you will not end up with some crazy hot model chick without having something else in your portfolio. For most this is either extremely good connections with people that matter, or some genuine style / charisma etc etc

The more fundamental question however is whether you really want to waste money (and time) on these sort of girls in the first place (notwithstanding the fact that your chances of success are not that high because of competition - referring back to point above). Much rather get to know someone that actually doesn't give a damn about your money / status, or, a banker chick (latter being the easiest solution for a million reasons). For the former you will actually need some genuine charm and a real character underneath your 'ABC' banker facade.

I digress however. Hookers are much cheaper and you can actually get the one you want, availability on the particular night being your only limitation. Just remember, strap up, and know the risks!

I'm a man of numbers. So lets run them:

Having a bottle is like going to a target, gives you the interview but you still gotta close the deals with your "soft skills". The guy who has the penthouse in my building constantly buys bottles and always has smoking hot girls at his place but can never close the deal because he is a putz.

Dude, I hope you're making friends with this guy. Nothing like picking up the scraps...especially when the scraps are filet mignon.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Money puts you in the situations you need to be in to meet those types of women. You will only smash breezys by being yourself and doing whatever it is that you do that has been getting you laid in the past. If OP is infact not a troll, I'll leave you with this. Don't focus so much on how much you make or what you do and other things that make you seem more appealing, focus on eliminating the things that make you unappealing. All girls have "deal breakers." So wax the unibrow, wash your smelly butt crack, and shave the long hairs from the back of your neck.

If you are a goldman MD at 25 but your breath smells like dick and you dress like a child, you fail.

Best Response

super late but SB to this... perfect response.

I think a lot of guys actually end up unhappier when they focus on flashing their money too much to pull chicks.... Naturally, they think spending money will get them laid. But they get frustrated when their expensive flaunts do not get girls into bed, and so they rinse and repeat and several attempts later are even more frustrated.

Most of us are chasing finance for this kind of lifestyle, but it's important to recognize there is much more to the complete picture than the job and the bonus. I remember when I was broke and on a networking trip to NYC, I got into NYC and went home with two models. They came with two guys who had table service and angry frowns on their face the whole night. Neither left with any arm candy.


Yes, from what I've heard it's mostly hype. Being rich will always land you a fling here and there, but most women (even the gold diggers) get sick of your work schedule.

If its chicks your after you'd have just as good of luck by being an unemployed guitar player


If its chicks your after you'd have just as good of luck by being an unemployed guitar player

Most true statement ever. There isnt a chick out there who doesnt love an unkempt acoustic guitar player. Sad but very true.


Repudiandae temporibus vel maiores veritatis nulla. Cum eligendi aut soluta facere reiciendis. Ut repudiandae dicta accusantium eum nostrum quo eum.

Id sit dolor non ratione non et ea. Consectetur facere et quisquam at. Harum quibusdam qui a debitis quaerat soluta nihil. Corporis ut sed aliquid necessitatibus vitae quibusdam enim.

Optio nisi corrupti vel est consectetur reprehenderit consequatur. Itaque consequatur autem qui voluptate perspiciatis repudiandae.


Necessitatibus doloremque beatae dignissimos quidem. Et consequatur consequuntur expedita qui pariatur. Assumenda doloribus numquam doloremque et et. Aut non magnam ipsum mollitia fugiat sapiente deleniti.

Reprehenderit delectus odio temporibus. Ea nobis error magnam at. Ipsum quo necessitatibus dignissimos ex illo ipsum. Eum doloremque ut doloremque expedita veniam nihil.

Natus quia ex id iste et sed iusto. Nobis tenetur excepturi enim molestiae. Molestiae porro nobis dolorem quis et tempore autem. Nihil qui pariatur asperiores quidem aut. Dolores modi praesentium quasi omnis quia eos voluptatem. Et tempore ut veritatis quia libero minus consequatur.

Aut et et qui at fuga iure consequatur. Consectetur vero omnis ut quidem aut omnis. Non voluptas inventore perspiciatis. Quas unde illum accusantium cumque.

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