MD net worth

Incoming BB analyst. Assuming I stay in IB in NYC and go analyst you MD and have no family or kids, what should my net worth reasonably be by 40? 45?At what age could I reasonably expect to be worth $20 mil by working in IB?


No answer is 100% valid; really depends what you do with your earnings. If your sole focus is comp you’d have to make MD and have a good few years to be in your desired ballpark, even then I wouldn’t bank on comp to get me to 20m


If you're not an retard and you know how to dump excess cash flow into 100% equities, you'll literally have around 50-70MM liquid by the time you're 50.


If you're not an retard and you know how to dump excess cash flow into 100% equities, you'll literally have around 50-70MM liquid by the time you're 50.

Said by "prospective M&A analyst". THIS is the type of kid that leaves the office crying on the first day and just doesn't come back. 


To make these #'s make sense, add in the footnotes 0 kids, if any kids sending straight to public school in NYC and no expensive hobbies from the wife / gf. 


Great breakdown.

Would disagree saying an average MD is making 3M at 40-45. I think some MD on this website (forgot which poster) said it's more like 1.5-2M. 


You can get MSed for your response even if it’s correct but you put no effort into fleshing out the details. That’s the distinction between “low quality” and “inaccurate”.


Assumptions - 35% tax rate moves to 40% after you cross 500k in TC. You save 100% of your bonus spend the rest. Using 2021 bonus # from Citi via litquidity survey.

An1 -> 70k -> 45.5k

An2 -> 80k -> 52k

An3 -> 112.5k -> 73k

AS1 -> 148.75k -> 96.7k

AS2 -> 148.75k -> 96.7k

AS3 -> 242.5k -> 145.5k

VP1 -> 275.25k -> 165.15k

VP2 -> 336k -> 201.6k

VP3 -> 472.5k ->  283.5k

D1 -> 510k -> 306k

D2 -> 556k -> 333.6k

Total savings at this point is 1.79 million.

MD make between 1- 5 mil on average. Lets go with at MD1 you make 1 mil then hit the avg of 3 mil till you hit 40-45 years old.

510 post tax for MD1 + 5 -10 years *(1.5mil post tax bonus)  = 8 mil - 15 mil

Total NW is between 10 - 17 mil.

By 45 years old you can realistically be worth around 10- 20 mil. Very plausible to move to an EB and break 20 mil net worth.

Are you assuming no market returns ?


I read some article that was, saying to live a comfortable upper class lifestyle in NYC, you’d need a $200mil NW. 

By upper class they meant huge 5th Ave park facing condo, multiple vacation homes, private school, full support staff, many high end vacations per year, and lots of philanthropy 

Obviously no banker will ever hit that unless they start their own EB or get absurdly lucky with extremely high risk investments. 

[Comment removed by mod team]

what the fuck. You need 200m to finally be comfortable in nyc?? 

There is no way the average MD is getting any where near that figure.


what the fuck. You need 200m to finally be comfortable in nyc?? 

There is no way the average MD is getting any where near that figure.

Did you read the article? It is stupid, well not stupid for what they were trying to do (an extreme) but please don’t refer to this as comfortable. The article has items like a $25mm art collection, $20mm vacation homes, $20mm primary residence. Give me a F’ing break. Please stop this nonsense. 


Varies massively. If you're working at a mid/low tier IB, I would say $10M by 50-55 best case scenario. Deferred comp, taxes, high expense base, bopping between firms. You could get to $10M at the same age by living below your means and letting compound interest run its course lol 


Aut ut nulla beatae rerum exercitationem nemo. Similique voluptas ex illum quia. Suscipit rerum ut est voluptas et asperiores porro saepe. Eum recusandae temporibus vel non. Rem quibusdam ut cum velit sed.

Accusamus reiciendis natus voluptatem earum harum placeat voluptas. Impedit veritatis fuga perspiciatis quia. Excepturi voluptatem exercitationem debitis dolorem odio animi. Rerum qui et sed ad omnis repellendus.

Inventore quia ut aut dicta nostrum est ratione. Nobis est id magni ex rerum sed. Modi perferendis cum architecto culpa et.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (154) $101
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