major decision


If I go to Amherst College and major in psychology will that hurt my chances at a BB/MBB job out of college (just thinking ahead, may not even go down that road, pretty sure I will though). The "catch" if you will is that I've already interned at MS and plan on getting it again next summer. Judging by some of the other kids that have gotten this internship from my prep school I am assuming I'll continue to internship for them into my freshman and sophomore summer.

So lets say I'm a psych major at Amherst with very good internship experience over the summers (lots of the guys are now interning at other BB, Im guessing they got because of their previous internship) does that put me at the same level as the econ majors? Or maybe I should just suck it up and do econ?

Hopefully being at Amherst doesn't disadvantage me also, I would go to an Ivy but I'm set on playing my sport in college. If you couldn't tell I'm just a 18 yr old high school kid, if anything I said is stupid let me know

p.s, this is all hypothetical, hopefully i still end up at an Ivy


Suck it up and challenge yourself.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Amherst is an awesome school, my BBs head of investment banking went there and majoring in English... don't major in psych, its useless and gives names to conditions/mannerisms that everyone is already aware of. Why do you want to major in psych if you aren't even there yet?


It seems as if you have many connections in the industry, which is impressive for an 18 year old. That being said, when you say you're interning at Morgan Stanley, are you talking about a PWM branch? That's completely different than working at a MO or FO type position. Economics is an interesting major and it will definitely challenge you. Not sure about Amherst's major catalog, but Finance also makes for a solid choice. Why do you want to major in Psychology?


rmahal: It's not so much that I want to major in psychology, it just seems like the most interesting major that I don't have to do any work for. But Ill do economics if I have to. I know what I'm doing now at MS isn't important at all of course, just want to use it to get me future internships.

what: football

correge: a top prep school

So if I do it I'm putting myself in a bad position?

rmahal: It's not so much that I want to major in psychology, it just seems like the most interesting major that I don't have to do any work for. But Ill do economics if I have to. I know what I'm doing now at MS isn't important at all of course, just want to use it to get me future internships.

It's great to hear that you're so ambitious and driven...........

pick a damn major that you find interesting and will challenge you


Thank you all for the advice. What if I want to do consulting or something not banking. Does that change any opinions or should I still do econ.

I don't know if football will impact my grades, I'm not the greatest math student so I don't know how well Ill do in econ. But if I do it I'll work hard at it.


You're going to need to be a good math student if you want to do consulting or banking.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw

I mean I'm not math illiterate (idk if theres a word for that)...but I'm also not in calculus bc honors with the asians.

I mean I'm not math illiterate (idk if theres a word for that)...but I'm also not in calculus bc honors with the asians.

Calc BC isn't hard.... You sound retarded. I seriously doubt you're getting accepted at any school anywhere near the quality of amherst. Fuck you.


thanks for the descriptive answer. once again, you will feel like an idiot later on if you major in psych. grades dont matter enough to miss out on cool classes especially when you go to a top tier school like Amherst. Just start networking with football dudes and youll be set. major in poli sci or history or something. I got a d and a c- in micro and macro at another NESCAC (Amherst was the only other school I applied to, hockey), decided to do poli sci and now I'm at a BB. Just network your ass off


haha if you really care Ill mesage you the school. Thank you all for the advice, wherever I go I'll do economics, if I fuck up I fuck up, whatever.


playgoodguitar: whats so great about history? just curious as to why people bring it up. I like history but I thought it was viewed as a joke major

By the way, I know Amherst is an excellent school. I only referenced the Ivy's because I'd prefer them for athletic/social reasons, nothing academic.

playgoodguitar: whats so great about history? just curious as to why people bring it up. I like history but I thought it was viewed as a joke major

By the way, I know Amherst is an excellent school. I only referenced the Ivy's because I'd prefer them for athletic/social reasons, nothing academic.

I've had many friends that did history undergrad and went on to top law schools and MBA programs. Just thought of psych as more soft material like sociology.


Mollitia quisquam quo sint amet molestiae maiores expedita. Qui alias illum non reprehenderit veniam nisi. Minima quasi error velit dolor possimus impedit. Necessitatibus fugiat voluptas ut quia et.

Omnis ea dolor facere unde consequatur aut et. Est facilis dolorem sunt iure quo rem illo. Id deserunt ad autem voluptatibus dolorem. Quo tempora possimus molestiae.

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