London- Houlihan Lokey vs UBS

Specifically the M&A/industry groups in both.
This is only UK specific, not US, though all options allowed. I have heard that EBs are less powerful compared to BBs in UK. I know Roths tops deal count and HL ranked 4th for UK in 2022, UBS wasn’t in the rankings. HL wasn’t part of the deal value rankings, UBS was 10th in 2022. And, again, interning at UBS just mean more opportunities and prestige.
Though, have heard HL is good for buy-side exits. Is that true? Or any BB>>>any EB in UK, except Roths (in terms of deal exposure, comp, culture, brand value as an intern and most importantly- exists).
If there was an option for UBS intern vs HL M&A- what would be a better pick? Genuine insight appreciated.
Thank you.


Analyst 1 in IB - Gen

No need to make it look worse than it is: HL is a solid MM shop with deals >$1bn (they regularly reach $1bn though...)

But yes, UBS >> HL.

A browse of MergerMarket for deals advised by HL in geographies of EMEA shows barely any £1bn+ deals....

Seems most deals in which value has been disclosed have EV of £100-200m. Several sub £100m as well.

Looks like a very LMM shop to me?


1. HL is no EB.

2. Industry groups in London cover EMEA, not UK. So you might want to redefine your scope (To be fair: This is especially true for UBS, HL has industry groups in other EMEA countries as well, nevertheless, the London team is on numerous deals outside UK)

3. You wouldn't look at deal count for a BB, volume and fee is what counts!

4. Any BB >>> any EB in UK definitely not true (wouldn't choose Roths though - no hate)

Personally, I'd choose UBS over HL


You mean deal value ($$) is what counts right?
I don’t have access to fees data.

I got confused since Roths keep priding themselves on deal count.


Exactly, deal value is the right metric if interested in large-cap, deal count if interested in mid-cap.

Roths is a great firm but they operate in the UMM rather than in the large-cap space. That's why they pride themselves on deal count.

League tables by fees is dominated by BBs only (just google "LSEG M&A scorecard 1H23" and you should find your source).


Est quo explicabo porro aut. Commodi et tempora excepturi tenetur ducimus. Non aut nisi ut autem eos doloribus.

Culpa ab occaecati et veniam tempore culpa ut. Ipsa in fuga similique hic molestiae eos est nobis. Voluptatem delectus voluptatum ducimus rerum eos nisi illo atque. Qui illum inventore exercitationem at odio.

Deserunt et voluptates dolor vel voluptatem incidunt ut et. Architecto doloribus sit et repellat. Dolor ea tempora quaerat tempora nihil ut veniam qui. Et voluptas enim laudantium aperiam rerum. Sunt atque ducimus iure quasi.

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