Lead topic notwithstanding, there is hope for 2.XXers

My buddy (senior, Princeton) has a 2.8 grade average and he was recruited at GS for S&T. He has heavy ECs which include a SA last summer. He is a politics major.

I have another buddy with a 2.4 who landed full time S&T at JPM. He is an engineer at Cornell.

Just a little assurance for the 2.whatevers out there. Come January SA recruitment I will hold my head up.


Actually, they didnt put their respective gpas on their resumes. They were asked and obviously had to devulge. They probably got the interviews from stellar ECs and the fact that one is a Cornell engineer. I'm a Princeton engineer, I should get an interview as well.

Why doesn't your gpa matter for sales?


well thats understandable, the hardest part is getting the interview...and since they didn't have their GPA on the resume they didn't get killed at that level.


Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD...follow the advice at your own risk


If I went to Harvard or Princeton I would apply even with a 2.0 GPA as I am assured to have a chance leaning towards infinity, compared to the 4.0 non-target. Come on this is a white-shoe club. What are you expecting, that you will dazzle them with your superior intellect???


If you have a sub 3.0 GPA, you better become an underrepresented minority (black, native american, hispanic), and quickly.

As for the previous post, I'm at an ivy and I can assure you that the standards are still quite high. For SA spots, you really need above a 3.5 in a nonquantitative major (including econ) or above 3.0/3.1 in a quantitative major (engineering, math). This applies to banking and s&t spots (other divisions like investment management are less competitive). The standards are a bit easier for full time. Also, if you have a good in-major GPA AND you have a quantitative major, this can sometimes be enough for s&t programs (which care much more about quant skills than sheer endurance)

Best Response
How to save a life:
My buddy (senior, Princeton) has a 2.8 grade average and he was recruited at GS for S&T. He has heavy ECs which include a SA last summer. He is a politics major.

I have another buddy with a 2.4 who landed full time S&T at JPM. He is an engineer at Cornell.

Just a little assurance for the 2.whatevers out there. Come January SA recruitment I will hold my head up.

we know you're Dan Bush. it's ok....you can ask honest questions and we won't make fun of you. you don't have to fabricate an identity. lol....


I went to a top 5 university and they recruit on campus--you submit your resume to a pool, then they offer interviews. I fail to see how anyone below a 3.3 could legitimately get an interview without having connections or having started their own business or something like that. Obviously everyone has gone to the same university so a 2.4 is gonna look really bad compared to all the 3.5+ people.

How to save a life:
Prospie, you are an idiot. I think you are Dan Bush.


we already established on another thread, long ago, that you are dan bush!

seriously, it's not a big deal....nobody cares at this point....it's just funny that you're so afraid to admit it


Actually, save your response. Whatever it is, fine, so be it. I, and a small contingent on this board, think YOU are Dan Bush. How long has that guy been gone for? A couple of months? Go to class Dan.


I'm not linking to the thread....it really is not worth my time....but it was basically some thread that you started and then everyone subsequently calling you out as dan bush and pointing out your similarities [btw i think i see one right now: your inability to edit all your thoughts into one post/your habit of replying to yourself!]

seriously, it's not a big deal that your'e hiding it. it really has no effect on anything....u'll get decent advise either way... i just think it's funny how f-ing weird you are about it


how about this...you are both Dan Bush, logging in and out of 2 accounts to have a conversation with yourself?

Disclaimer: The post above has been made by someone who is not currently employed in IBD...follow the advice at your own risk


Perferendis sapiente veritatis inventore ut ipsum laudantium. Magni consequuntur molestias incidunt itaque dolores corrupti vel. Minima placeat architecto necessitatibus. Minima quasi et sit quia non.

Nostrum laudantium sit placeat sit. Sed quo nam est omnis voluptas consequatur totam veniam. Accusamus amet quos ut odit delectus. Dignissimos vel excepturi ut quis sit placeat vel.

Voluptatem earum qui ipsum iure. Ullam dolor et consequatur qui eaque. Recusandae aperiam sit sint labore qui soluta est molestiae. Officia modi non perferendis.

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