JP Morgan Palladium Card

Raj has to pay $92.8 million, Corzine lost control MF Global, Goldman Sachs is losing money by the second, and Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi will finally resign. Oh yes, start basting the ham and get out the decorations because Christmas has come early this year.

What do I want for Christmas, you ask? Although ending the NBA lockout is definitely somewhere on the list, JP Morgan’s Palladium card is my number one priority with Santa...:

The palladium & 23-karat gold, laser engraved card will have you saying the Steve Jobs “don’t settle, keep looking” line to just about every underachieving broad you come across. Reserved primarily for JP Morgan’s Private Bank customers, a strong applicant needs about $30 million in net assets to qualify for palladium status. Benefits include Marquis Jet discounts (first class upgrades for holders that still fly commercial), personal concierge, and access to an international directory of the world’s finest co***ne dealers.

Did I mention that it’s a Visa? That’s right, no more getting denied for handing over the Amex Black at the local breakfast joint. But if Palladium members have any self-consciousness about carrying around a credit card made up of metals worth $1,000, JP Morgan will mail a plastic version in order to quell any millionaire anxieties about the card. In all seriousness, Amex better up the ante because baller status just got a new service provider. Any monkeys with a better Christmas present?

Thats what you call a "wet" card.....get it...get it :)
uh... no? is there a double-entendre here? has there ever been such a thing as a "wet card" in real life? or... does "wet" rhyme with something? racking my brain here for what makes this a joke. please advise.
Best Response
Thats what you call a "wet" card.....get it...get it :)
uh... no? is there a double-entendre here? has there ever been such a thing as a "wet card" in real life? or... does "wet" rhyme with something? racking my brain here for what makes this a joke. please advise.
When something is referred to as wet, its very classy and highbrow. This comes from a tradition that began 1000 years ago. Roman aristocrats used to dip their testies in holy water before they entered court or other public buildings to cleanse themselves and their eventual offspring and ensure that the building remained pure. If a commoner was found with his balls in the water, he was made a eunuch on site. Thats what is meant when someone refers to something as being a 'wet' card, car, etc.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I get it =p

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

You go through an entire date and that at the end, you take out your pallwhatever card to pay- THAT's when she throws out whatever notions she's formed of you in the last hour and decides she wants to hump.

As long as its not something like a public teachers credit union card its good enough.


Dolore aut consequatur illo sed totam libero quisquam. Amet est sunt architecto ab saepe dignissimos. Sed harum placeat quasi.

Sed corrupti quam alias at. Nostrum dignissimos qui adipisci quis voluptatem vel. Quae aut cumque blanditiis delectus ipsam voluptatem quia enim. Necessitatibus explicabo ab voluptas suscipit. Quisquam fuga perspiciatis molestiae magnam voluptas laboriosam facilis similique.


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