Is the UBS Sophomore Analyst Program diversity only?

Straight Asian male checking in here. Is the UBS Sophomore Analyst Program only for diversity kids, or is it open to anyone? To that end, if it is open to anyone, do they give preference to diversity kids? The description on their website doesn't indicate that it would be for diversity.


UBS is one of the few that is very strict on ONLY diversity for their sophomore program. If you are diversity/women, it is definitely the easiest BB to get as a sophomore because 1) they take a large amount of sophomores 2) the process happens after the top and middle BBs so you are competing against mostly untalented/unlucky kids.


This should have been worded more kindly but I guess this is true. I'm a diversity sophomore at UBS this summer and I had a very low gpa(3.3 when I got the offer but 3.5 now), no finance experience, and messed up in the interview which was all behaviorals. Good news is that people at UBS are down to earth and really nice with each other. But to the poster this is definitely minority or female only position. I have non diversity sophomore friends at other BB places if this would be helpful to you.


3.6 as an Asian is like 2.0 otherwise. Good luck breaking into Corp Fin.


No, Asian (female) went last year from my university. Some Asian guys got offers pretty recently as well. All had higher GPAs from target school


I am currently a non-diversity (think white) male intern with no connections, and I received an offer to work as a sophomore analyst at the UBS internship program in investment banking this summer (2020). Please don't listen to the people above - I actually know another Asian incoming intern. With the right networking, you'll have good opportunities to get in.


That top comment is simply wrong. I'll be interning this upcoming summer in their sophomore IB program. They took about the same as what any other BB took for sophomores. Also, they are probably the least strict on diversity. At least I know someone who I'll be interning with who is a straight asian male with no diversity whatsoever.


Not really, UBS is known to be the very diversity-heavy sophomore program aimed at non-targets. BAML also runs a large diversity-heavy program but its aimed at targets, and recruits much earlier than UBS. Most other firms take way fewer sophomore interns and lean only toward their key target schools.

Any sophomore program is great, but UBS has the highest percentage of sophomores in IB each summer out of all NYC bulge brackets and this is a fact.


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Autem est iste eos ipsum. Non ipsa commodi soluta accusantium enim quam eaque.

Laborum nihil esse ex ducimus nobis qui. Quisquam qui beatae eum est. Et quasi magni temporibus eos illo aut.

Labore omnis natus provident necessitatibus laudantium sed aperiam veniam. Aut delectus repudiandae provident hic et. Et in consequuntur mollitia inventore.

Voluptatem ea eos asperiores incidunt explicabo eos eum molestias. Qui error est omnis alias fugiat autem dolorem. Modi ipsum sint error ea. Incidunt magni ut nisi est.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
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  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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