Insane resume

Holy cow. He's a friend of a friend. One of those resumes that really makes you humble.

econ at princeton undergrad in 3 years

econ phd at harvard in 3 years

TA at harvard kennedy school

NBER researcher

senior economist at lehman/Barclays

chief U.S. economist at Citadel

currently, director of macro strategy at Citigroup, adjunt research fellow at conuncil on foreign relations, and adjunct lecturer at columbia SIPA

he's 28 years old

In his free time, Dr. Ahn enjoys reading history. He also enjoys listening to classical music and going to Broadway musicals.


In his free time, Dr. Ahn enjoys reading history. He also enjoys listening to classical music and going to Broadway musicals.


Says the guy with TropicalFruit for his username.


Yeah, I read that and I don't know if I believe that he actually likes listening to classical music and going to Broadway musicals... seems way too stereotypical ivy to me.

Anyways... comparing resumes could get way out of hand. I can only imagine some insane resumes that some people have.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

These markets need to turn around as so I can go back to working on stuff and stop posting stupid shit all day on WSO...eff.

That said, in my book has the op's douche rocket beat:

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:

^^^ he seems to have a thing for prestige

doesn't seem healthy, but different strokes n all that jazz

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
Best Response
Or the other option, which is have fun in my teens and 20's building social skills, having sexy girlfriends, and going out on the weekends. Youth is priceless. His resume might be impressive, but would you want it given that you'd have to give up your life?

I don't mean to offend, but you're missing the point entirely. Nobody is going to argue that the things you described aren't fucking awesome, trust me, on the spectrum I'm closer to your description than this nerd's. However, the distinction your post fails to highlight is that literally everyone has "the other option" that you've described, whereas a largely nonexistent percentage of people in the history of our species has ever had the ability (not just the opportunity, but the ability) to achieve what this man has (let alone before the age of 30).

Don't hate on an individual for working hard and succeeding, he wouldn't have been able to accomplish the feats he did if he didn't enjoy doing them.


“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Or the other option, which is have fun in my teens and 20's building social skills, having sexy girlfriends, and going out on the weekends. Youth is priceless. His resume might be impressive, but would you want it given that you'd have to give up your life?
bitter much?

anyone can do what you described, very few can do what this kid did.

plus seeing that his career was in academia and er, given the more relaxed hours, his achievements do not even imply sacrifice of youth.

Id also bet your amazing nights out and youth involved drinking cheap beer at shitty bars and hardly any actually amazing experiences lol.

Or the other option, which is have fun in my teens and 20's building social skills, having sexy girlfriends, and going out on the weekends. Youth is priceless. His resume might be impressive, but would you want it given that you'd have to give up your life?
bitter much?

anyone can do what you described, very few can do what this kid did.

plus seeing that his career was in academia and er, given the more relaxed hours, his achievements do not even imply sacrifice of youth.

Id also bet your amazing nights out and youth involved drinking cheap beer at shitty bars and hardly any actually amazing experiences lol.

Yeah I agree with this. People who say this kind of shit are usually the ones who couldn't make it and thus justify it by saying, "Well I didn't go to a good school or have a good job. But at least I partied my ass off by going out every weekend night and puking from excessive drinking!"


Good on him, always like to see youth not be an impediment for skill.

Having a rummage around the interwebs looks like the path was as follows 2001-04 Princeton AB Economics 2004-07 Harvard PhD 2007-09 Lehman/Barclays w/ Ed Morse doing commodities until Ed left for LCM in Oct 2009 Louis Capital Markets w/ Ed 2010 Citadel doing US forecasts 2011 Citi/CFR/Columbia.

Busy chap! (also, easiest way to get promoted is to shift companies..)


I know you guys get hard for bankers... but personally this guy is the most impressive man I know of:

He's founded and successfully sold like 3 biotech companies, one for over $700M. Probably has a dozen or so patents. Summa cum laude/PBK from Columbia and Harvard MD/PhD.

Oh yes and he's a concert-level cellist, speaks four languages fluently, on the board of Harvard Med School, is good looking and an excellent public speaker.

He is early 40s I believe.


Consequatur enim eos suscipit impedit veniam. Culpa corrupti voluptatum perspiciatis.

Ea ipsa consectetur quam omnis. Voluptatem et assumenda qui molestias dignissimos facere. Asperiores dolor sed laborum veniam dolor possimus et culpa. Laborum delectus tempora et eos quia et necessitatibus.

[quote=patternfinder]Of course, I would just buy in scales. [/quote] See my WSO Blog | my AMA

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