How to know if you passed Barclays assessment?

I took the Barclays assessment but I haven’t gotten a hirevue yet. I thought I would immediately get hirevue if I passed but I guess not. Did anyone else get this email:

Dear x,

Thank you for completing your Online Assessments for the position of Banking Analyst Internship Program 2025 X.

We will be in touch in due course with next steps.

Kind regards,

Barclays Programmatic Recruitment Team
Talent Acquisition


Ah, the suspense of waiting for results can be more nerve-wracking than the assessment itself! Based on the highest ranked content on WSO, here's what you can infer from the email you received:

  • Completion Confirmation: The email confirms that you've completed the online assessments, which is the first hurdle cleared. Good job on swinging through that!

  • No Immediate HireVue: It seems like there isn't an automatic trigger to send out a HireVue invitation right after the assessment. This could be due to a variety of reasons such as batch processing of results, human review requirements, or simply a high volume of candidates.

  • Communication of Next Steps: The email mentions that Barclays will be in touch with next steps. This suggests that they will inform you whether you have progressed to the next stage, which could include a HireVue interview, or provide feedback if your journey with them ends here.

  • Patience is Key: The phrase "in due course" is a bit vague, but it essentially means that they will contact you once they have made a decision or once they're ready to move forward with the recruitment process. It's a test of patience, but hang in there!

If you're feeling antsy, it's perfectly acceptable to reach out to the recruitment team for an update after a reasonable amount of time has passed. Just make sure to keep it professional and polite. Meanwhile, keep honing your skills and maybe even practice some more on to stay sharp. Good luck, and may the odds swing in your favor!

Sources: Barclays Internship Recruitment Process - Business Insight Assessment - Video Interview, Barclays Internship Recruitment Process - Business Insight Assessment - Video Interview, HireVue JPM London FT 2019 CIB, Guide to Hirevues,

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

Based on the highest ranked content on WSO, it seems that the email you received from Barclays is a standard communication acknowledging the completion of your online assessments. It does not explicitly state whether you have passed or failed the assessment. Here's what you can infer from the process:

  • Completion Acknowledgment: The email confirms that Barclays has received your completed assessments. This is a typical step in the recruitment process.

  • Waiting Period: It is not uncommon for there to be a waiting period between completing the assessments and receiving further communication about the outcome or next steps. This period can vary depending on the volume of applicants and the internal processes at Barclays.

  • Next Steps: The email mentions that they will be in touch with next steps "in due course," which suggests that your application is still under consideration and that you will be informed about the outcome once a decision has been made.

  • No Immediate HireVue: Not receiving a HireVue invitation immediately does not necessarily mean you have not passed the assessment. The recruitment process can be staggered, and invitations for further interviews or assessments can be sent out in waves.

If you're looking for more insights or similar experiences from other candidates, it might be helpful to check out the WSO forums where many share their recruitment journey timelines and experiences with Barclays and other firms. Remember, patience is key during the recruitment process, and it's important to stay positive while waiting for a response. Good luck!

Sources: Barclays Internship Recruitment Process - Business Insight Assessment - Video Interview, Barclays Internship Recruitment Process - Business Insight Assessment - Video Interview, HireVue JPM London FT 2019 CIB,, Guide to Hirevues

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

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