A friend of mine interned at MS doing S&T. During the final weeks of her internships she wasn't leaving before 11pm. Said she had to just to keep up with the other interns. My guess would be the ML IBanking interns will be equally pressured to work.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/

interns will work extremely hard. If you're a Summer Analyst, take regular analyst hours and add 15-20% b/c you're on a ten-week job interview and you need to get a full-time offer out of it. If you're a Summer Associate, take regular associate hours and add 20-30% b/c the full-time associates will push as much work down on you as is humanly possible, and you will do it b/c you don't want to be the only person who returns to b-school in the fall who didn't get an offer from his investment bank. If that happens, it is EXTREMELY hard (not impossible, but very difficult) to get a full-time banking offer at a bank similar to the one where you interned.

I worked much harder as a full time than as an intern. Most people I know did. Yes it is a 10 week interview, but you don't have anywhere near the amount of responsibility you will have as a full time.

Agree, plus summertime is always quieter.


We were a great group of interns....we were on a pretty quant desk, but we all left around 5:30 or 6. (S & T-all got offers)


Invest in a cot. Perhaps one of those inflatable air mattresses.

"Oh - the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion?"

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

use the search function, this question has been asked several times before, though as always the answers are only a guide. Hours will vary by individual firm, group, deals, ect.


I myself spent the last 2 weeks of the summer on an airmattress. I thought it was pretty good myself, once I let some air out of it and stopped rolling off the sides =)

My personal ave was 95/week, though that is probably on the high side for various reasons (group, OT comp, etc.)


I would say speak with someone in your group/bank. I spoke with one of the analysts in my desired summer group, and he mentioned that it tends to vary, but bc they are staying busy with some live deals, that hours would be something like 9-11/12 weekdays, and maybe a Sat every now and then.

It can't hurt to speak with an analyst briefly, since it may build some goodwill for when group placement comes around (next week for me). If you don't feel comfortable talking about hours, just ask about their work, and what their doing (live or pitching), and the opportunities for a SA>


Hours wise are pretty much what others have said. You will basically never have to work a weekend unless you are specifically on the sales side or rotating into a sales role and an important project comes up.

Doing to day to day tasks just to prove competency are pointless, they already know you're competent (unless you're giving them reasons to believe you aren't.) When you have idle time you can spend it researching ideas or projects that your group is already working on in effort to add value. Don't half ass it if you do, make sure your idea may actually have the potential to improve on theirs, or at the very least potentially improve efficiency in a particular existing way of doing things.

Basically don't try to do stuff that you show to your superiors just for the sake of showing them that you're doing stuff. Ask yourself both before you begin doing something individually, and after you've completed it, if it's something that you think they may find worthwhile.


If you are not required any additional face time, then 7-7 is the norm. Weekend work will probably be non existent (although it happens for the FT guys). If it's a bank holiday - it's a holiday.

Intern events, you will probably be involved in the very same events, not sure whether HR can be bothered to tailor events for every single FO team. Not that it matters though and if it does - just ask HR.


If you are not required any additional face time, then 7-7 is the norm. Weekend work will probably be non existent (although it happens for the FT guys). If it's a bank holiday - it's a holiday.

Intern events, you will probably be involved in the very same events, not sure whether HR can be bothered to tailor events for every single FO team. Not that it matters though and if it does - just ask HR.

This. I would also add that you will likely be thrown into the S&T intern bucket and will attend all structured events/training with them.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Who threw MS? A disgruntled banker envious of a 60-hour week?

But yeah, at BBs in London, 6.30-6.30 is the norm. If you have a big project to complete over the course of the summer, you may well have to stay later (but it's likely that no-one will make you stay - there's often no facetime culture in ER).


I know some BB ER interns (in NYC) who worked more than banking hours during the week, but mostly minus weekends - I'm talking 730/8 to near midnight M-T and a bit earlier on Friday. Small sample size though, so could be the particular interns wanting to make a good impression or whatever (or the bank).


Group dependent, but expect to walk out once you see the IB SAs pick up their seamless for the night. Don't be a clock watcher and ask your analyst if there is anything you could do to help out before you leave for the night. There are events. Like Flake said you will be pooled in the S&T bucket. Good networking though as you get to talk to people who eventually might be your peers if you get a FT offer.


It varies widely based on a number of factors: bank, group, deal teams, etc.

Since you're trying to estimate your earnings (and perhaps factor that into how much you can pay for rent or whatever), you can conservatively say 80 hours a week. It may be more than that (85-90+ on average), but it's impossible for anyone here to tell you a firm number.


Could you provide info on the firm?

>Incoming Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master >Literally a problem, solve for both X and Y, please and thank you. >Hugh Myron: "Are there any guides on here for getting a top girlfriend? Think banker/lawyer/doctor. I really don't want to go mid-tier"
yes, exactly, by putting BO in the title of your post you can ensure that you will either be ignored or made fun of.

true that

ambition is a state of permanent dissatisfaction with the present.

Im not in opps and dont know about interns but I see full-time opps guys and they seem to work an hour or so after the traders. Some of there bosses are in the office till late though

My boss is still here and its friday, I hope to leave asap


Well I had a paid corp. finance position but I wasn't enjoying it as much, I mostly did insignificant things and pretty much was paid to show up and sit around. I'm a sophomore / rising junior, I tried to get a paid internship in IB but didn't have any offers.

Thanks guys. By the way, of course I emailed HR and an analyst who works there. I was just using this as a third resource.

I was relaying my personal experience. When I was in a similar situation as yourself, I called HR and they were able to tell me a set time that we would be done by, set enough to book a flight on. I guess it's different at MS.



"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper


"One should recognize reality even when one doesn't like it, indeed, especially when one doesn't like it." - Charlie Munger
7:30am - 6pm, eat lunch at your desk

source: friend who worked at BB SA IBD and got FT offer

Thats sucks, is that enforced to make sure you don't make bank on the OT?

"One should recognize reality even when one doesn't like it, indeed, especially when one doesn't like it." - Charlie Munger

you guys wont be called into work on weekends this summer. deal flow is so low quality and limited these days.

dude.... seriously you got the job, you should know that work comes in waves and its unpredictable until everyone above you (FT analyst up) goes to bed.

first one in, last one out is your average SA workday

Fuck that, if you're done with work, just go home. Ask the analysts / associates politely if there's anything you could help with once you don't have work after, say, 8PM. If there's nothing on your plate, go home and get some rest.

But don't get into work later than 9 or 9:30.


With deal flow low you could find yourself sitting around for 12-16 hours at a time doing nothing some days. Definitely put in your face time but like Classic said, after a certain point ask the analysts if there is anything you can do for them and let them know your going to bounce. Weekends should not be mellow but feel it out the first few weeks to make sure people aren't expecting you to be there.

With deal flow low you could find yourself sitting around for 12-16 hours at a time doing nothing some days. Definitely put in your face time but like Classic said, after a certain point ask the analysts if there is anything you can do for them and let them know your going to bounce. Weekends should not be mellow but feel it out the first few weeks to make sure people aren't expecting you to be there.

Thanks for the advice! I've been hearing mixed stories about weekends, so I wasn't sure if things were busy enough that we would be expected to come in on weekends, too.


Even if things are slow, is it not taboo to leave early?

Don't people who have to stay behind get jealous that you are leaving early and will talk trash about it?

Even if things are slow, is it not taboo to leave early?

Don't people who have to stay behind get jealous that you are leaving early and will talk trash about it?

F that. Those people staying behind should have given the SA some work do.


Yea seriously - its 10 weeks, just ante up and work yourself. You better be the last one out, whether its 5pm or 5am. If you really care about getting an offer, this is a rule you should live by.

There can be fire drills at anytime, and people will always remember the fire drills where the other intern was there slaving it out, while you dipped out early.

You should make an effort to have fun, esp in NYC, but don't let it get in the way of your performance during your internship, assuming you actually care about it.


100 hour work weeks are the exception not the rule. I work at a MM and have seen weeks from 65-90, but usually around 70. Buddy over at BAML worked a 120 hr week though. Needless to say he looks like shit now haha.


there is definitely a ton of exaggeration with respect to hours. However, 60 seems a little low. i'd say 70 is more normal

"Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact.

Nah, I'm right there with you OP. I have been tracking my hours, just cause I was curious to see what they were actually like. I would say my average week hovers right about 68-70 hours a week. Worst week being 82 hours, which was only in five days and was the first week.

I would definitely say complaining and exaggerating is the norm. I would also say that the known sweat shops (Moelis, certain groups at GS, etc.) are as bad as expected.


Just wondering but usually at what time do you typically enter the office as an IBD intern (assuming you want to be first one in the office). Then at what time do other bankers typically start coming into the office? It would be great if someone could list an average entering office time, for each rank (analyst, associate, VP, MD etc.) and by year (1st year analyst, 2nd year analyst etc.)


I work in a top group at GS/MS London, and we get out at 3 am consistently throughout the week, even later. Many other groups do the same. At this point, I'm wondering if I should apply to be moved to the us.


Nah, I'm right there with you OP. I have been tracking my hours, just cause I was curious to see what they were actually like. I would say my average week hovers right about 68-70 hours a week. Worst week being 82 hours, which was only in five days and was the first week.

I would definitely say complaining and exaggerating is the norm. I would also say that the known sweat shops (Moelis, certain groups at GS, etc.) are as bad as expected.

And you're a Summer Analyst at a BB M&A or Industry group, not ECM/DCM? If you work around 70 as a SA, do analysts and associates work around 60? Seems too good to be true to me.


80 has been average for me. Week of fourth was 65 and this week will likely be over 90. I'm in a coverage group that is thought to have horrible hours and has heavy deal flow, but like you say it hasn't been too bad with the exception of a few 2-3 day 17+ hours/day stretches. I wouldn't be concerned as long as you know you are at a top group and are getting deal exposure.


i think it really depends on a lot of factors (firm, team, sector etc) - ive had friends giving very wide numbers, but the range usually tends to be between 80-100 hrs


Just wondering but usually at what time do you typically enter the office as an IBD intern (assuming you want to be first one in the office). Then at what time do other bankers typically start coming into the office? It would be great if someone could list an average entering office time, for each rank (analyst, associate, VP, MD etc.) and by year (1st year analyst, 2nd year analyst etc.)

Generally, the more senior people arrive earlier than the analysts. It's not unusual to see first years rolling in around 9:30-45 AM and second years around 10:00-15 AM.

"For all the tribulations in our lives, for all the troubles that remain in the world, the decline of violence is an accomplishment we can savor, and an impetus to cherish the forces of civilization and enlightenment that made it possible."

Hours are grossly exaggerated on this website. With the exception of a few well-publicized sweatshops, hours float around 70 hours for most BB coverage groups. I know several IB analysts who take 50-hour-or-less weeks when things are slow, but this is exceptionally low and only in groups with no-facetime cultures. In short, unless you are heading into a sweatshop, you can count on your hours being ~70 per week.

"For all the tribulations in our lives, for all the troubles that remain in the world, the decline of violence is an accomplishment we can savor, and an impetus to cherish the forces of civilization and enlightenment that made it possible."

At a U.S. BB regional office I regularly worked 8:30-11+ (wide range, but rarely left before 11 and often there until 1-2 a.m. and later).

It was expected you work at least those hours during the week, although Fridays you might be cut some slack (i.e. almost everybody was out by 8-9, unless they were working on something important).

Saturday: expected to work at least 8-10 hours, start time varies but you should be in by 11-12 at latest. From what I saw, few seemed to work extremely late nights on Sat.

Sunday: Be in by noon, you're expected to work "investment banker's hours", i.e. until 1-2am or later.

I've always heard Asia offices were far, far worse. Expectations vary WIDELY by office / group. When in doubt, come in early and stay late.


Summers always worked less then regular analysts at first. It takes a week or two for a summer to know enough to be able to do anything but print shit and do research on google. At first you should expect about 9-seamlessweb.

Once you know enough not to damage anything you'll be there till about the same time as the full time analysts.

As to the weekend, I would say arrive between noon and 2 and you'll be there till probably 8 both days.

This all being said, things are a lot slower then they have been in previous years. So, who knows if you will really need to be in on weekends or as late as we made people stay in years past.

--There are stupid questions, so think first.

Top MM in the South for one of its best coverage teams. I get in at 8am and I'm usually out of the office by 10pm/11pm. Latest I've been out is 12am one night. It's just me and one other intern on my team, so we've both had the opportunity to contribute a lot. I've helped on several pitches so far and am currently working on one live deal. There's only been one day that I've been bored and read WSJ/WSO for the most part, but that's because we had an intern event going into the evening beginning at like 12pm so they didn't want to assign anything pressing.


Boutique firm in the Midwest. I get in around 8 and leave between 9/10 most nights depending on what the analysts have dropped off. Been mostly working on PowerPoint stuff for memos or management presentations. I have done a little in excel but mostly buyer lists and not modelling. The analysts have been really nice and willing to answer questions. The senior bankers have let me sit in on some calls and been willing to explain their psychology which I was not expecting.


Well-known MM, multi-group/generalist intern (as are the others). I usually get in around 8:30-8:45, leave time has varied significantly (9pm earliest, 3am latest). Definitely staying late because of real work, firm isn't big on "face time" after about 9pm. Staffed on 2 live deals & an M&A bake-off. Work flow during the day is significantly slower than I would have expected, usually doesn't pick up until after lunch.


glad you weren't scared off by that giant pile of monkey shit

cheers mate

Make Idaho a Semi-Target Again 2016 Not an alumnus of Idaho

Just checked out why you're at -16 and saw you were the one with the coffee thread I never clicked on. Have no idea why people got so riled up over that. I thought it was funny; people need to relax.


Dicta dolores ea libero rerum. Est est eum natus perferendis. Iusto voluptatum accusantium corrupti dolor. Facere consequatur delectus fuga fuga.


Accusantium et voluptate doloribus eaque dolores voluptatem consequatur. Culpa qui voluptatem id quo exercitationem dolore eligendi ea. Eos eligendi mollitia minus in nesciunt.

Repellat voluptatem et eos mollitia sit et architecto. Enim asperiores omnis repellendus non dolor. Cumque sint nihil et occaecati deleniti quas dolores et. Qui natus omnis ipsum nisi sunt maiores ipsam id.


Tempore magnam tempore magnam aut dolorem doloribus aliquid. Accusamus optio repellat repellendus esse. Non quis voluptatem harum dolorum et sit. Quae perferendis temporibus non fugit minus. Voluptatibus minima voluptas at beatae. Ea corporis sint ex.

Id perspiciatis molestias sed fugiat inventore tempore provident consequatur. Magnam eos et dolorem. Dolor sunt culpa porro nulla commodi nobis dolor.

Saepe architecto ut est molestiae voluptas neque. Ea vitae voluptatibus nisi eveniet tempora quis. Doloremque reprehenderit accusantium et autem similique.


Harum eos non harum rerum libero magni dicta omnis. Earum sunt id numquam. Dolorem nulla ut doloribus tempora quae. Dolores consequatur vero pariatur consectetur sed velit rerum omnis.

Iste nemo debitis unde delectus quam accusantium est. Repellendus ut doloribus voluptatem aliquid vel. Qui omnis ex nobis. Quos eum iure rerum. Maiores autem maxime et ad repellendus commodi ut. Sed sit sed sit est blanditiis. Cupiditate ea voluptatem facilis dolores quisquam sit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”