How far would you travel to intern?

I currently travel 1 hour to my SA internship in Manhattan. I know others who travel even 2 hours!

1 hour commute is not that bad, i usually just end up reading a book on the subway or something. Now I'm considering traveling to internships during the school year, since I study in the middle of nowhere.

Assuming you could take 2/3 days off a week(either T-TH, W-TH-F or M-W-F) and the firm was decent (not those sketchy tiny boutiques), how far would you be willing to travel for an unpaid internship? I'm asking because I'm looking for fall/spring semester internships at the nearest city and these usually end up unpaid.

What if it were a place with a little brand name weight to them, like William Blair, Cowen and Company, Morgan Keegan?


Depends on how much you want the job.

You should figure this out by yourself, especially if you have to ask for other opinions.

Depends on how much you want the job.

You should figure this out by yourself, especially if you have to ask for other opinions.

Well, I'm considering a 2 - 3 hour commute, taking 2-3 days off from school to do so, as long as the firm has any brand name weight to it. I've been at a few boutiques and i'd really like to move into a bigger shop before my junior summer. Just wanted to check with others if It's a crazy idea to even try.


I commute 2.5 hours each way, so 5 hours per day. 25 per week

"Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact.
Will Hunting:
I commute 2.5 hours each way, so 5 hours per day. 25 per week

You should move.

It's cheaper to commute and I don't want to live in NYC yet.

"Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact.

I commute 45 minutes per way but luckily I beat traffic. On the days I happen to stay a little later at work or I stop to get a late lunch with a friend, bam, the trip home becomes a 1 hour and 30 minute parking fest.

Best Response

That commute really sucks, I used to do it the other way around, except deeper in the heart of NJ (about 2 hours each way). Let me tell you something, it is very exhausting and it will make your life miserable.

Buying a used car actually might not be a terrible idea in that you will be going the opposite direction of the traffic during your commutes, so it shouldn't be as bad (about 1/4 of the traffic as going the other way).

The only other thing I could think of is to take the bus from Port Authority, which won't save you any time but would make for a more comfortable ride.

Actually, if you are that far uptown I know there are other buses that go into NJ and pass through Jersey City located at certain points throughout Manhattan. You know the white van-buses I'm talking about. Plenty go through Paramus and all the way through. Do a little research, you might be able to find something near you that could take a half hour or so off your commute.


short find a place in jersey city close by work, or look into pace housing which is close to the path train. if u need a guy with a car to help im pretty sure u could pay one of my friends 20 bucks and they'd drive up and help u out. let me know. also zipcars


most SA's rent an apartment for the summer, while keeping their housing situation at school. i carried two apartments during the summer, and my move was a lot farther than 200 blocks.....

that commute will kill you. just man up and rent some shithole for the summer. keep your old place uptown and you can spend weekends there and sleep in some rented room during the week.


What's the best place to find a sublet. Checked craigslist for the time being and shot out emails.

Anyone know anyone personally of have any tips?

Max I'd like to spend is around 900 (if its extremely close) but more towards the 700 range considering its in jersey.



Dolor vel et tempore debitis. Provident eaque harum reiciendis qui non. Laboriosam corrupti eos in voluptatem quia. Ut et quasi et pariatur minima maxime unde.

Nostrum ut ea nemo et nemo veniam. Sint rerum molestiae beatae aut. Consequuntur quia mollitia assumenda corporis tempora tempore qui. Et aut eligendi qui labore minus pariatur.

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