How's this add-in comp'ed to Macabacus's?

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Ripping out the F1 key.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

Selecting all hardcoded numbers: 1. F5 2. Alt + S 3. O 4. X ENTER

"If you want to succeed in this life, you need to understand that duty comes before rights and that responsibility precedes opportunity."

Where has this been my whole life?

Director of Finance and Corporate Development: 2020 - Present Manager of FP&A and Corporate Development: 2019 - 2020 Corporate Finance, Strategy and Development: 2011 - 2019 "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

I find that the best way to learn is to NOT use shortcuts for your first year...anyone agree?

What exactly are you learning, how paste special works in Excel?

Sorry man, completely disagree.

MM IB -> Corporate Development -> Strategic Finance

The link below will take you to a very basic modelling tutorial. You can get all 31 days at once if requested. Two of the lectures contain files full of short cuts, probably the most useful of which allows you to paste a link with row anchoring and copy across to the whole row. This alone more than doubles my modelling speed.

Full list of short cuts below.…


If you have CapIQ, FactSet, Macabacus plugins, you can cycle through commonly used (or your own customized) number formats (dollar signs, percentages, decimals, multiples, etc). I found that to be a huge time saver when it came to formatting my models...that is of course until I had to do PE case interviews when I couldn't figure out how the hell change my leverage ratios into multiples...

Also, smart precedents / dependents is god send (also plug in). I don't even know how I'd go about auditing my excel sheets without it.


Alt+E+S = Paste special? I have it in Ctrl+Alt+V (english version) :S

My favorite: F4 = Repeat last action (e.g. instert row, paint cell in yellow, clear cell...)


I think you're looking for hot keys/send key combos. My favorites below. Note mixed in "+" meaning held together versus sequentially entered, I'm sure you'll figure it out...

Open Formatting = Ctrl + 1 Space All Columns = Ctrl+A then Alt + H + O +I Filter = Alt + A + T Underline = Alt + H + B + O Color = Alt + F + C Size = Alt + F + S Move/Copy Sheet = Alt + H + O + M Open Task Manager When Excel Freezes = Ctrl + Shift + Esc Add a ° sign = Alt + 2 + 4 + 8


Just saw this on chandoo for those of y'all who forget how to write index match formulas.

What it does is allows you to type iii which autocorrects to the reminder formula.

Copy the following line into AutoCorrect and then use iii as the text to replace

=INDEX( DblClk_to_Select_Column_to_return, MATCH( DblClk_Single_Lookup_Cell, DblClk_Lookup_Column, 0),0)

This way whenever you need INDEX MATCH you just type iii and AutoCorrect kicks in and you are 3 double clicks away from a robust formula.

AutoCorrect is found in the File, Options, Proofing Menu


I recently wrote a super short and easy macro that helps heaps with filling in empty cells in a tabular database, and now I use it all the time to get my datasets "database ready" to import into another database or a visualization software like Tableau.

It's basically to be used in cases where you export data and have, say, a single record of a county in Column A, but then 50 rows of data for that county in Column B, which leaves 49 empty rows below Column A until you get to the next county. Rather than manually filling in Column A a million times for each of the 100+ counties, the macro does it automatically (and it only runs once per keystroke shortcut so you have some degree of control over how HAM it goes on the dataset).

Here it is, I just saved it in a .txt file and paste it into a sheet whenever I need it:

Sub FillCells() ' ' ActiveCell.Select Selection.End(xlDown).Select Selection.Copy Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown).Offset(-1, 0)).Select ActiveSheet.Paste

End Sub

Nothing short of everything will really do.

Good amount that others have listed. A few more that are my faves: alt + d g g -> Group alt + d g u -> Ungroup (See how that last letter stands for group/ungroup??? insane) alt + hbs -> border all around (I remember this as harvard making you wellrounded. disclaimer: did not go to harvard) shift + space = select row control + space = select column when row/column is selected, alt + e d -> delete selection alt + ic -> insert column (you like that? there's more) alt + ir -> insert row (wow they're literally the first letters of their command)

All of the other formatting percentages, comma, dollar signs, blue font, green font etc. you can pick up by installing a formatting macro from either Training the Street or (my go to) a free one called Wall Street Training.

Just google WST macro. Download. In excel press alt + t i -> opens your macro plugins. Find the file you just downloaded and let magic occur. They should have instructions on which does what.

Lastly, not excel related but blew my mind first day. For word/powerpoint/outlook... select something you want the same format from -> control + shift + c (copies the format, including color, size, font, bullet layout, etc.) and then select text where you want that format to go -> control + shift + v (literally copy paste for formats).

Hope this helps. ;tldr cool stuffz


The highlight all constants one is pretty clever, didn't even know you could do that at all, but in general this thread is pretty sad. Not because people aren't offering useful shortcuts, plenty of good ones mentioned, but that this is what people spend their time doing at work

Rip out the F1 key so you can crank even faster in excel? Seriously? Can't risk wasting even a millisecond when you are pounding out spreadsheet after spreadsheet

Don't forget to take out the caps lock key and the insert key. Then the windows key, scroll lock key, and pause/break key. And finally all of the other keys until you're left with just a big fat spacebar


If you live in Excel & are constantly editing cells/formulas (using the F2 key ad nauseam), tearing out the F1 key is absolutely a great piece of advice. One of the first observations at my current job was that most of the analysts & associates had F1 ripped out. After about two weeks, I understood why - the 'Excel Help' popup from accidentally hitting F1 is infuriating.


If you don't want to "rip out the F1 Key"

Copy: Application.OnKey "{F1}", ""

then F11 + and paste that in the text box and press enter. F1 will be disabled until you close the workbook.

Also for shortcuts, just use excel regularly and memorize Alt key shortcuts. Alt HIR, alt+ HIC, alt HBN, alt+ AT, alt+ HIS, alt+HOR, etc. etc. encompasses pretty much everything.


Not necessarily for Excel, but WINDOWS+LEFT/RIGHT/UP arrow to snap current window to screen edge. Haven't seen this for grouping: CTRL+ALT+RIGHT Arrow (/LEFT Arrow to ungroup).


Not really a shortcut but... Saving your workbook in the ".xlsb" format as opposed to ".xlsm" makes calculations faster, the file size smaller and overall the workbook becomes more efficient.

Also a couple of my favs...

alt a - v - v : to insert a data list (aka drop down menus) alt d - t : to make a data table (for SA analysis) [toggle] shift - F8 : it holds down the ctrl key for you while you select multiple cells [toggle] F8 : it holds down the shift key for you while your select another cell


Also, to fill in surrounding cells (instead of CNTRL+R, then CNTRL+D, enter one hardcode in the top left, highlight the region, F2 then CNTRL+Enter.

If you have Factset, CNTRL+ALT+"," to copy cell formula references and formatting and CNTRL+ALT+"." to paste them is AMAZING.

Personally, IMO the fastest shortcuts are the ones that you create on your ribbon by recording macros, e.g., standard formatting for headers (fill, bold, center, etc.), Borders, Sorting data, center across selection. Instead of taking several steps to do these things, record the macro, and make it an ALT+1, ALT+2, etc. This saves hours of work for formatting.


How can I get that? Also, how can I pull up the damn format painter. I can't find it anywhere...getting frusterating. Sorry guyes...never worked with excel that much.


Quidem architecto corporis error quo corporis et. Unde adipisci et neque labore. Dolorum et reprehenderit sunt ducimus. Sunt deleniti libero id atque maxime voluptates. Omnis distinctio tempora voluptatem laborum quis.

Et rerum doloribus molestias itaque. Sunt molestias inventore molestiae enim aspernatur. Veniam nulla reiciendis qui qui ad dicta excepturi. Sint quae non nostrum aut qui non maiores. At nostrum omnis hic esse provident in ad. Atque dicta quisquam et quia eum.

Consequatur ipsa laboriosam reprehenderit ipsam mollitia omnis officiis. Iste soluta delectus excepturi possimus quos at.


Qui repellat at iure et sit hic quos. Aspernatur accusamus enim magni qui. Debitis laborum non quia delectus. Deserunt sed doloribus eaque. Sint perspiciatis ipsum in et. Aut sed ullam adipisci voluptas vel.

Molestias et adipisci laboriosam doloribus deleniti ducimus. Ex voluptatem doloribus ut ratione ea sed id. Porro fugiat qui doloremque dolor qui.

Necessitatibus eos sint eos vel. Est ut a officia qui optio omnis voluptatum. Cupiditate quaerat accusantium qui nam.

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

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July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

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July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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