
It is a strange new feeling for me to empathize with a Frenchman. Being a history buff I can never extricate the image of their post-Napoleonic softness from my mind. For centuries now I have they have hidden behind whatever military skirt they could find. All the while puffing cigs and reeking of feet.

That is why I kinda took a liking to Fabrice Tourre. He's the anti-Henry Hill. But much like the infamous wiseguy, Fab may soon have a change of heart. With his brainchild, Abacus, emerging as the official fall guy mortgage bundle of the housing crisis, Fab might be feeling those screws tighten pretty soon. The guess here is that he falls faster than Paris in 1940. I just like the get-up.

I would be curious to know Fab's thought process. Does he really think the Goldman outfit will have his back post-fiasco? The notion that they would backchanell bonus his silence would be legit under normal circumstances...but I have a sinking feeling the feds are not done watching GS books for quite a while. With midterms quickly approaching it is highly unlikely the Dems will let their "greatest victory" escape from public memory that fast.

GS has already issued a press release saying they would cooperate with the investigation against Tourre and he is not covered as part of Goldman's SEC settlement.

All of this makes me wonder if Henry Hill would have done things differently. Years ago, I had the opportunity to talk to a gentleman who claimed he knew Mr. Hill personally.

"That rat can never go back to Brooklyn. Never!".

Could that be the case here?

Is Goldman wink wink-ing Fab into keeping quiet or is this just a case of pride and loyalty to an "unfaithful partner".

Best Response
Midas Mulligan Magoo:
It is a strange new feeling for me to empathize with a Frenchman. Being a history buff I can never extricate the image of their post-Napoleonic softness from my mind. For centuries now I have they have hidden behind whatever military skirt they could find. All the while puffing cigs and reeking of feet.

Haha, the other day someone asked me if I was French and I was actually offended. I guess my last name is similar to a first name that is common among the French. Just like people would always think my ex-gf was Hispanic because her last name was Roberto, lol.

I am certain nearly everyone has seen this but your post brought it back. Still one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life.

Sorry for not adding any value...I know I am waaaaaay off topic.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Goldman will be under regulators eyes for quite some time into the future. The news and conspiracies that arose when Goldman's settlement was released close to the time that the financial reform bill was released is simply BS. Although I definitely susepct Goldman to be up to something sketchy (not that any other Wall St. firm doesn't have its secrets).

By the way, for all those French haters (which I was one at one point in my life) check this link out and read about how closely the two countries are tied:



[quote=Alan Greenberg]Goldman will be under regulators eyes for quite some time into the future. The news and conspiracies that arose when Goldman's settlement was released close to the time that the financial reform bill was released is simply BS. Although I definitely susepct Goldman to be up to something sketchy (not that any other Wall St. firm doesn't have its secrets).

By the way, for all those French haters (which I was one at one point in my life) check this link out and read about how closely the two countries are tied:


Linked didn't work.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Why do you hate the french?

The easier question might be "What is there to like?"

...just sayin'

And I don't personally hate them, I just don't have any respect for them as a country (not individually).


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Why do you hate the french?

The easier question might be "What is there to like?"

...just sayin'

And I don't personally hate them, I just don't have any respect for them as a country (not individually).


hmmm lets see.. excessively fantastic women, wine, food, great vacationning, medicare, education, fashion, culture, the Concorde, Topless beaches..you're right there buddy, nothing to like as acountry, they are just overly socialistic, bo hoo. When it comes to the markets, they work wayyyy longer hours than us. So i respect that, and all those things above

Why do you hate the french?

The easier question might be "What is there to like?"

...just sayin'

And I don't personally hate them, I just don't have any respect for them as a country (not individually).


hmmm lets see.. excessively fantastic women, wine, food, great vacationning, medicare, education, fashion, culture, the Concorde, Topless beaches..you're right there buddy, nothing to like as acountry, they are just overly socialistic, bo hoo. When it comes to the markets, they work wayyyy longer hours than us. So i respect that, and all those things above


Nulla nihil deleniti maxime rem aut. Nobis veritatis nulla et sequi nihil consequatur. Quasi officiis sit ratione. Facere repellendus sit ut ut non ullam tempore. Quia nesciunt sit unde possimus omnis cum odit cum. Eaque et omnis voluptate quis incidunt aliquam provident.

Est quia est magnam expedita cupiditate sit consequuntur eius. Quod impedit quis quia soluta.

Vitae magnam vitae maxime aut ab. Consequuntur voluptatibus beatae perferendis natus. Qui voluptas vel animi expedita dolorum quod. Rerum reprehenderit architecto quis facilis incidunt incidunt distinctio tenetur.

Non animi voluptatem sed et incidunt non iure recusandae. Officiis ea magni aut facere voluptate totam qui. Et tenetur qui qui. Asperiores aut esse qui adipisci.

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