Corp. Fin internship to IB, why are my interviews hell?


As the title says. I am in a corp finance internship (no name b2b int'l manufacturer). I've interviewed with 2 banks in the past month or so, last one more recently.

First one was for entry level IB FT at a new boutique office here, the MD asks "so how much full time experience do you have," and I quickly realized, he was not a Banker by background - no technicals. That was a 1st round. Second place (got to second round this time), the people seem friendly at first then start asking weird questions about my race and such (ambiguous non-white), and other sorta leading questions, I redirected. They then said some pretty unethical things about manipulating clients which led me to think it was a psycho test. After that the interviewer then says "sounds like you want a FINANCIAL analyst role, this is an INVESTMENT BANKING analyst role" after I'd already explained that I was in IB extracurricular in college and learned modeling (NAV, DCF, 2 stage DCF, 3 statements, LBO) from pro alumni. At this point i felt like i had died and gone to crazy land. She didn't know any modeling herself, and a friend of mine with a FT at another bank, looked at her LinkedIn (so I wouldn't show under viewed) and said she had no IB experience whatsoever. This was a pretty big bank - and I had really wanted to work there.

(Btw, not trying to imply anything about second place. It just made me uncomfortable, and when I mentioned to a friend at another bank across street, and one at a BB bank in Mexico city, they both said it was very strange. I personally, assumed it was a stress test which I failed.)

But to continue, does this ever end? I follow vault guides, but haven't been asked a single technical. Not even accounting.

On me: 3.5 at target (for energy), tons of friends in industry. Don't want to lean too heavily on network yet (as they have been so nice in past) but this is pissing me off. I email/try to call analysts in BB but they don't pick up unless we are already friends - can't stick out neck yet as most only 2nd years.

Any advice? I thought it would be easier at this point, but no SA IB junior year is killing me I think (natural disaster wrecked life/grades junior year, just rallied by graduation). I graduated late may, interning at same place I did Sophomore year, since then (after begging old boss).


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  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
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  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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