Cornell Human Ecology --> Ibanking?

Hi, I am a student at Cornell University. I study in the College of Human Ecology and my major is Policy Analysis and Management. I love the Human Ecology college, the university in general and my major but is it going to be as easy for me to get a job in ibanking or consulting compared to student in other colleges?

I have a 3.8 GPA so far and I am not really worried about my resume (I have some really good occupations outside of school).

It would really suck if I had to go to the College of Arts and Sciences because I love where I am at right now.

Thank you for your help ;)


Coming from Cornell may make it easier to break with that but to play it safe, I'd recommend a) studying something else or b) coming up with a kick ass reason for studying what you're studying. If you know your stuff in the interview and then give them something to remember you by like, I'm studying policy analysis and management and it's really helped me in these areas I think you could make it work. Sorry for thinking out loud.

Best Response

take a lot of "Relevant Courses" that you can put on your resume. Financial Accounting, corporate finance, Corporate Valuation, Financial Statement Analysis, as well as the liberal artsy but sort of necessary Econ classes (micro/quantitative ones more than macro/qualitative ones), Calculus, Statistics/Econometrics. Have a good reason why you are majoring in what you are majoring in, but then provide concrete academic coursework/extracurricular activities that show that you're also very interested in and knowledgeable about finance. With a good GPA and relevant courses, you shouldn't be in a bad position.


@ turtles and Ashley Schaeffer

Thanks for your help.

I feel like I could easily explain why I am both very interested in finance and Policy Analysis. I am not the brightest but I am very good at bullshiting, even if in that case, my interests are genuine. As you mentioned Ashley, I will try to take most of the classes that you listed.


Talk to International Pymp. He is a cornell alum and studied Mandarin instead of finance/econ. He should be able to help.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Don't be stupid. Just stay at Cornell. Your friend probably doesn't know shit.

One thing that I do want to mention is that for most of the OCR you'll be applying through the CUW pool (competing against everyone in the University), whereas CALS & ENG (for example) have college specific OCR for certain positions. I don't remember any HE specific recruiting for finance positions. So you do need to stand out strongly against everyone else (above: turtles & Ashley's advice above).

Hope that helps!


Thanks azndevil666, what you say is very interesting (CUW pool etc.). And I would never transfer out of Cornell, I love this school.


Hey fellow Cornellian (AEM senior here). I know a girl in PAM who got into a Capital Markets position pretty easily, so I don't think IB/consulting is a stretch. I would echo what the others say and get some relevant course work on your resume. A boutique internship would also go a long way in being helpful. That being said, we have (in my mind) excellent on-campus recruiting, so you should have some pretty good exposure to the firms that you want to market yourself to during recruiting season.


Excepturi ab recusandae qui laboriosam eum rerum consequatur sit. Incidunt aliquam ex ut provident ducimus ab. Corrupti molestiae ullam iure dolores quam. Dolorem qui laudantium ratione expedita. Molestias et fuga deserunt aut natus qui est maiores.

Eum recusandae quis ut qui tempora. Sint quod explicabo ad nihil autem minima distinctio. Et ducimus porro modi voluptatem. Qui eum sequi quo qui et nihil. Adipisci omnis accusamus dolores eum eligendi voluptatum.

Aut beatae ullam dolorum dicta recusandae repellendus. Est reprehenderit minus laudantium asperiores voluptatem aperiam iure. Nulla assumenda rerum voluptatum qui commodi. Et ut ducimus saepe aspernatur. Et natus sed voluptatem nihil animi rem recusandae.

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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