Confession: I intentionally sabotaged another analyst's work product and I don't feel bad

It makes me so mad to see so many people, myself included, grind our butts off to get into IB, and meanwhile some nepo kid gets the exact same job just because his dad is a client. 

When asked about what he did over the weekend, this kid will talk about how he went to his parent's lake house, flew to Florida for a vacation, or some way to tell everyone that he is richer than us. 

Call me petty, but I can't stand this guy and I'm going to do everything I can to destroy his career. I've gone as far as intentionally hardcoding just a few variables in his models when he's away from his desk. He got absolutely lit up by an MD for this last week when a valuation was materially inaccurate, and it was the most satisfying thing to see. He's spending most of the 4th just going through his models checking for other errors he think he made. Pretty sure he's going to be button bucket.


Behavior from OP is the formula to successfully becoming a 7th year analyst


Keep dreaming. You’ve done no such thing.

if you actually did this you would be caught and fired at any reputable bank.


I know this is most likely a troll post, but as an atheist, posts like this make me wish God was real so we could all get some judgement.


Assuming this isn’t a troll post, you’re probably one of those short, ugly, dorky kids that’s chronically angry that everyone else is better than them. If you can’t handle your emotions this early in your career, it’s only gonna get worse as you get older. Plus, people generally don’t want to work with angry losers with zero leadership qualities who can’t influence and lead a team. Good luck 


People have this rhetoric while also simultaneously hoping that their own kids can one day benefit from the same nepotism down the line lmao


You are unironically an awful person if this isn't a troll post. Congrats, you absolutely fucked this guy up because he's kind of a dick sometimes. Was completely sacrificing your personal integrity worth it to you? 

I hope this is found out by someone on your team and you get a blacklist. I also hope I never work with you in my lifetime, because you are actually poison and are definitely a nightmare to work with. 


I'll go out on a limb here and say, good for you. Fuck that kid and his ilk. His daddy knowingly stole a spot from another, more deserving candidate. People are calling you toxic and a loser, and that might be true to an extent, but I legitimately don't care. If we all collectively stopped rimming rich people's asses and realize we have more in common with each other than with nepo douches like your coworker, this country would be a better place. Meritocracy my ass.


There's definitely a lot more nuance with diversity hiring. Depends on the type. If it's a legitimately socioeconomically disadvantaged person that's a hard worker and hungry for success, then I'd object to similar conduct. If it's some Ivy-educated rich kid that happens to have the right sexual orientation or ethnic background, I'd be more ambivalent. But then you could argue that people of color/minorities have been historically disadvantaged so it evens out and so on and so on. Not as clear cut as OPs case.


Unfortunately behavior like this does exist sometimes - think there was an analyst who acted this way from my friend's group, and she was called out by possibly over a dozen people during her review for doing similar sounding stuff. Absolutely despicable


TLDR; OP is a sweaty awkward incel who has no friends and copes by sabotaging his coworker’s work out of jealousy. I hope you get found out and blacklisted from the industry. What a tool.


Did we all collectively miss the part where the coworker is a nepo hire? Can't say I find OPs behavior particularly mature, but I also struggle to feel any empathy whatsoever for the victim.


It doesn’t matter. You should be able to separate the morality of the act from the recipient. Intentionally fucking over not just the Nepo hire but by extension OP’s entire team is immature, childish, and plain gross behavior. I don’t care how big a dick the other dude is- this isn’t something a mature, normal fucking person does.


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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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