Citi FIG Group reputation

Citi's FIG group recently came to campus, and it is said that their FIG group is pretty good on the Street, like considered better than their general IBD department. I am wondering if that is the case, and what the exit ops look like? Got a FIG offer for the summer. Was wondering about this since there were next to no recent threads on Citi's IBD, nor FIG group in particular. Thanks!


It's good but the part about being better than general IB is a bit ridiculous if you're interested in exits outside of FIG. This is true for most firms with the exception of GS/JPM.

JPM, Barclays, GS, Citi, MS are the BBs generally strong in FIG. Outside of it you have Lazard, KBW, Piper Sandler and more,


It's good but the part about being better than general IB is a bit ridiculous if you're interested in exits outside of FIG. This is true for most firms with the exception of GS/JPM.

JPM, Barclays, GS, Citi, MS are the BBs generally strong in FIG. Outside of it you have Lazard, KBW, Piper Sandler and more,

There may have been a time where Lazard was strong in FIG, but it’s certainly not the case anymore

Piper Sandler and KBW are really only competitive for mm banks deals.


Lazard worked on the following deals out of its US FIG practice over the last ~6-9 months: M&T on its acquisition of People's United ($7.6B), Allstate on its sale of Allstate Life Insurance to Blackstone ($2.8B), MassMutual on its sale of its retirement plan business to Empower Retirement ($3.35B). Find it hard to believe they're not considered strong. 


Lazard worked on the following deals out of its US FIG practice over the last ~6-9 months: M&T on its acquisition of People's United ($7.6B), Allstate on its sale of Allstate Life Insurance to Blackstone ($2.8B), MassMutual on its sale of its retirement plan business to Empower Retirement ($3.35B). Find it hard to believe they're not considered strong. 

Look at GS/MS/JPM over the same period.... or even Evercore for that matter

PWP, PJT and Centerview’s FIG teams are like 1/5 the size of Lazard and they have similar dealflow over the past year.

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Don't think anyone will deny GS/JPM/MS are strong in the space. But I don't think your second statement is that accurate.

Just took a look at PWP since you listed it first. They've done four deals in the last 12+ months across the firm in FIG. Only two have disclosed transaction values - Owl Rock deal was big ($12.5B) and there's another $1.3B deal. I listed 3 sizable US FIG deals Lazard has done recently. They've done several more deals, and some pretty sizable ones if you include their European team as well (Aema's acquisition of Aviva France for $3.9B, Nexi's $9.2B merger with Nets).

I am not saying they have the strongest franchise - far from that. But still find it hard to say they aren't a solid player in FIG. Obviously can't read much from one person but a top performing analyst from JPM FIG who worked with a friend of mine lateraled to Lazard FIG after a year.


Theyre top, citi m&a and citi fig probably top two. Recruit separately from general ibd. Good UMM exits. Go for it


decent group definitely not one of the best on the street or even among Citi’s top groups for whoever said that. M&A, Industrials, Sponsors, M&T all have much better rep


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Sit repellat quo consequatur voluptatibus ex. Enim omnis est et ut. Error temporibus natus voluptatem eum quo.

Ut quibusdam laudantium ex et inventore ratione. Quos similique itaque eligendi corporis error. Quod sit fugiat dolore sapiente qui similique.

Sed tenetur sequi commodi sequi eius consequatur. Assumenda iste voluptatibus sit vel. Ea explicabo sed maxime repellendus.

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