Brown Brother Harriman (BBH)

Hello fellow monkeys,

I am looking into BBH, and would appreciate any insight on their firm. The vast majority of the BBH threads are quite dated and do not have a ton of information.

I have a call coming up with a friend of a friend and that they may be offering some services that interest me. I believe they do some M&A, and work closely with the firms PE arm, but there seems to be minimal information about their overall IBD presence and role.

Any information would be much appreciated.


Hey, I literally just got out of a super day with BBH. If you are looking to do IB, you are at the wrong place. Their corporate advisory team does not take you immediately default to PWM, PE, or some form of commercial banking for the summer.

Best Response

Brown Brothers is traditionally a Private Bank. It comes from old money so naturally, the partners who have inherited their places from those who came before them can easily be described as risk averse. So, seems like they pivoted the business to a back office custodial firm, as someone mentioned above, and they mostly focus on a niche business similar to BNY.

But the PB still stands to this day. In that company under the umbrella, there's Private Equity, Merchant Banking, an Advisory practice, and Private Wealth Management. I'm not an expert, but I think they all sort of work in some sort of collusion to cater to very wealthy individuals. These would be small to mid-size business owners like commodities dealers and brokers, or retailers, for example. I think the PWM takes deposits and then they're spread into private loans and merchant financing. I don't know what buyout or sponsor deal flow is like there, but I suspect the heavy lifting for analysts is really in lending. The team is so lean that the analysts typically work on any advisory mandates, lending, and deal financing (which is mostly debt).

Another arm under the overhead is their Investment Management team. From what I understand, IM at Brown Brothers is just a group that essentially manages several ETFs. The ER team has very specific protocols to present investment ideas, there's a portfolio committee that approves any idea, and then they have a team that executes the strategy. The investors are PWM folks and the offerings are just the ETF for whatever the specific makeup of that ETF and what it consists of at that time.

Essentially, they operate in low-risk business dealings, with growth towards the custodial and Investor Services side. If you have nothing else take it, but don't be flattered into thinking it's the bees' knees.


I interviewed at BBH during my second year in business school. The role was for their investment management team, working on a team that researched long-only equity managers and subsequently allocating client capital to various managers. Pretty boring stuff to be honest. I don't know what other options you are considering, but I would not recommend it as you don't learn much, and it does not lead to great exit opps.


MmeM, bummer your thread hasn't had a response yet. Maybe one of these threads could point you in the right direction:

  • Brown Brother Harriman (BBH) Hello fellow monkeys, I am looking into BBH, and would appreciate any insight on their firm. The ... vast majority of the BBH threads are quite dated and do not have a ton of information. I have a call ...
  • Brown Brothers Harriman Internship the place, thanks! ibd summer analyst ib private equity Brown Brothers Harriman ... bulge bracket or buy side be possible? A lot of the posts on BBH talk about low pay, not dynamic, etc. ... Wondering what people have to say about BBH these days in terms of pay, culture etc. Also if an ...
  • Citi, BBH, JPM, FT Partners delete Citi Brown Brothers Harriman FT Partners SA internship advice ...
  • Brown Brohters Harriman NY IBD Can anyone chime in on culture/pay a BBH M&A /PE? I know its an old company, looks like ... analysts get a great experience and move onto the PE / VC world or bschool. Not a lot of info. on culture, ... hours, pay on here. Would greatly appreciate any info. culture ...
  • Brown Brothers Harriman- Coming from a non-target and have a couple of contacts How is Brown Brothers Harriman in the MM space? I come from a nontarget and have a couple contacts ... in some MM banks and low tier BBs. How is Brown Brothers Harriman in pay/culture? How about exit ...
  • S&P Structured Finance vs BBH Internal Audit in ABS Structured Finance intern, or at Brown Brothers Harriman as an Internal audit intern. Both ... I've had a little luck in some other areas. With this in mind, I'm focusing now on the up coming ... have pros and cons, however BBH has the networking aspect I am most interested in. Any advice as to ...
  • $137,000 for a 1st year analyst? analyst Salary BBH Brown Brothers Harriman ... The average comp for a 1st year at Brown Brothers Harriman is (according to the Company Database) ...
  • More suggestions...

Or maybe the following users have something to say: Nimisha-Nidhi Andres-Martinez12 adamarms

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Hi MmeM, any of these discussions helpful:

  • HF arms of PE firms a bit more. private equity hedge fund PE HF KKR Ares ...
  • Brown Brother Harriman (BBH) I believe they do some M&A, and work closely with the firms PE arm, but there seems to be minimal ... Hello fellow monkeys, I am looking into BBH, and would appreciate any insight on their firm. The ... vast majority of the BBH threads are quite dated and do not have a ton of information. I have a call ...
  • Arms industry coverage Thanks! arms weapons manufacturing Investment Banking private equity equity researc ... Any IB / PE / ER firm specialized/known for covering weapons, ammo, soldier equipment, etc. ... having hard time finding somebody knowledgeable about "traditional" (small) arms and ammo. ...
  • PE arm of Pension Fund (TIAA-CREF) Possible to move to traditional PE / HF or equity AM? Seems like there is some mix of PE ... Anyone have any experience with an investment analyst position coming out of undergrad for the PE ... arm of a Pension fund? If so what sort of pay, career progression, and exit ops are available? ...
  • work for ib pe arm as an associate? what do you guys know about the private equity arms of various big investment banks as compared to ... different pe shops? ...
  • Overview of Infrastructure Private Equity other asset classes (such as PE, equities, fixed income, RE, etc.). No need to explain- private ... banks that have merchant banking or private equity business, would have infrastructure PE franchise. For ... when everything goes perfectly wrong can still yield 3-5% equity IRR. Also, public private partnerships ...
  • From Private Equity Associate to VP in Private Equity everything you need to know is right here. Private Equity Associate- What Do They Do? PE associates' ... to Become a PE Associate Before we tell you anything else, understand that private equity recruiting ... @lolercoasterrr regarding exit opportunities after private equity. So I am one of these junior ex-PE guys and know ...
  • More suggestions...

No promises, but sometimes if we mention a user, they will share their wisdom: masters rayrayz @Gloria Ranjie-Long1"

Fingers crossed that one of those helps you.

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update- 50 min interview. first 25min " walk me through your resume" next 15 min " Tell me a time when you use analytical skills to solve a problem" ect. Last 10min I got to ask questions.


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Expedita quasi qui et quisquam error et ut magni. Ea sunt rerum libero voluptas amet. Omnis rerum veniam omnis magni.

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Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • Credit Suisse 04 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (154) $101
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