M&A (2005-):

Blackstone FFL Sycamore Partners TA Associates Centerbridge York Capital Managment Maverick Capital Carlyle TH Lee Farallon Capital Jet Capital Bain Capital Hellman & Friedman Altamont NYC Investment Fund Highline Capital KKR Och-Ziff Capital Berkshire Partners SRS TPG Apollo Capital Partners Bain Capital Hellman & Friedman Centerbridge Taconic New Mountain Capital Oak Hill Anchorage Bain Capital Glenview Capital Carlyle Group Blackstone Eton Park Capital Management CCMP Blackstone DLJ Merchant Banking Yale Law Blackstone Eton Park Capital Management Cerberus TPG Silver Lake Partners Silver Lake Partners Mill Road TPG KKR Westbrook Partners Bridger Capital Glenview Capital Crestview Capital Pershing Square Capital KKR Highbridge Capital KKR Blackstone Canyon Capital Bain Capital Blackstone

R&R (2005-):

Eton Park Capital Centerbridge Partners Oakhill Capital Anchorage Capital Apax Partners Taconic Blackstone Blackstone Baupost Group Anchorage Capital Elliott Management Centerbridge Partners Centerbridge Partners AEA Partners Blackstone Taconic Apollo Capital Partners Baupost Group Blackstone Fortress Investment Group TPG-Axon Capital Tiger Global Blackstone Angelo Gordon Eton Park Capital Blackstone Och-Ziff Capital Silver Lake Partners Carlyle Group Cerberus Capital Blackstone Madison Dearborn Partners JP Morgan Capital Partners Madison Dearborn Partners Crestview

Is this that good though? Sure they have some to KKR and Blackstone PE but it seems like a lot of people go to funds i've never heard of like Eton Park, baupost, glenview which might be disappointing coming out of a name like Blackstone
not sure if this is a troll post...but you just named three extremely elite hedge funds.
Is this that good though? Sure they have some to KKR and Blackstone PE but it seems like a lot of people go to funds i've never heard of like Eton Park, baupost, glenview which might be disappointing coming out of a name like Blackstone

You have no idea what you're talking about you ignorant prestige loving tool.

Exit opps from a group don't get much better than that. Working at a top group means getting first round interviews with the most desirable buy side funds, which BX clearly does. It doesn't mean you are automatically guaranteed an offer from BX/KKR/Carlyle, or that everyone in the group even wants to work at those firms.

Baupost "might be disappointing"? hahahaha. It's ok that you've never heard of them, they're way too smart for you anyways.

Is this that good though? Sure they have some to KKR and Blackstone PE but it seems like a lot of people go to funds i've never heard of like Eton Park, baupost, glenview which might be disappointing coming out of a name like Blackstone

456 posts and you post this...? There are people on this site who would sacrifice their firstborn to work at Eton Park or Baupost.

Above is correct. I'd murder to work at Baupost or the like.

That's what someone told Bateman - he really wanted to work at Baupost.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper
wow BX keeps track of where all their analysts went?

Of course, and not just on a personal level.

Think about it, BX go "we should do some more business with KKR. Anyone know people there?" "Sure Bob, Jimmy from 2008 analyst class went there, he's probably going to look on us kindly, give us a mandate, shower us with fees so that we can go get some bishes!"

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

Unreal placement. When you said none recruited for megafunds is it because they all accepted offers before their processes started, they didn't want to go to megafunds, or they weren't approached by megafunds?

Unreal placement. When you said none recruited for megafunds is it because they all accepted offers before their processes started, they didn't want to go to megafunds, or they weren't approached by megafunds?

They had already accepted HF offers last spring, as did lots of top candidates, and simply didn't want to go through the process again. The megafunds use the same headhunters as hedge funds so it's not a problem of having the opportunity.

I heard TPG basically filled their entire class with GS this year.


I did diligence on this when I heard the placement. I was looking at BX M&A and GS TMT. Megafunds pushed back their recruiting this year, so all the BX people chose to lock up their offers before the megafunds even kicked off (they just ran their processes in January for summer 2013 starts).

And it was clear to me they weren't blowing air up my ass because when you look at the HF placement, that's absolutely top notch. Doesn't get better than that.

If you want megafunds, you can shoot for them, but you run the risk of ending up with nothing. No matter which group you're in, megafunds will remain competitive, so have a big set of balls or lock up top MM offers. The BX analysts chose the latter path.

All that said, what the hell is Gates Capital? Centerbridge, Sycamore, Berkshire, and General Atlantic are all kickass PE funds though.

Word is GS TMT, GS FIG, and MS M&A kids are getting fucked hard in HF recruiting that's just kicking off for first years. BX kids are already starting, and these other guys can't even interview yet. Sucks.

Highly HIGHLY doubt that many of these analysts are actually going to wait until January (or October for MS), especially for HF candidates since HFs have a much looser relationship with investment banks and thus the chances of being caught are slim to none. PE candidates may wait for megafunds, etc, but would not think twice if some are opportunistic and go for funds recruiting this Spring. heard for the class of 2011 at GS that more than a few people accepted offers early and just waited until now to come out with it (without saying that they accepted last Spring).

^HF interviews haven't kicked off yet for summer 2014

Not true. Most funds (especially the bigger ones) haven't started but there are definitely some funds that are currently recruiting.

Any idea on where the RX class is going?

sycamore, berkshire, farrallon, monarch....i'm forgetting some. As a whole not as strong as m&a this year

I heard one of the second years is going to McKinsey

list is incomplete. one of the second years left to join a start up candy company...
Jamie Laing?

SB for correct identification of reference.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper
Any data on where SAs go full time? Are most retained?

For the past 3-4 years, I think all the SAs who got return offers accepted. There's always 1-2 crappy ones who don't get the offer though. Those who didn't get an offer have ended up at GS, Lazard, and the likes though. I think BX lets you say you got a return offer unless you were really terrible

Any data on where SAs go full time? Are most retained?

For the past 3-4 years, I think all the SAs who got return offers accepted. There's always 1-2 crappy ones who don't get the offer though. Those who didn't get an offer have ended up at GS, Lazard, and the likes though. I think BX lets you say you got a return offer unless you were really terrible

No SAs try to recruit FT for 3-year analyst programs at megafunds?

Gray Fox:
Just looking at those placement lists... wow

This thread almost made me regret not going into banking...lol

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/_KarateBoy_
Surprising to see Sycamore Partners on the list since they're very new. Anyone know the deal with them?

I don't know much about them, but if they can afford an office in the 9 West building with KKR/Apollo/Silverlake, they must be doing alright

Surprising to see Sycamore Partners on the list since they're very new. Anyone know the deal with them?

I don't know much about them, but if they can afford an office in the 9 West building with KKR/Apollo/Silverlake, they must be doing alright

All I know is that they're ex GGC guys focusing on the consumer space. Already have over $1bn AUM, which if I were to guess, is their first fund.

nice exit opps lol, out of curiosity is there any group that does better? Id guess maybe GSIP, although technically that is an exit opp lol


Idk, I'd imagine as a sheer % of the class who get top offers in the PE and HF space, it's got to be even better than GS TMT and FIG and MS M&A and probably the best in regards to exit opps on the street. Hard to do better.

Best Response

Wtf how do they keep doing this year after year?


I didnt do my analyst stint at BX but i have two friends who did and from what ive gathered even though their M&A practice sucks and does nothing, the BX brand attracts top tier candidates. also the interview process is extremely technical and rigorous (again I dont know firsthand but this is what ive heard) so those who get offers are likely top notch candidates to begin with. recruiters probably know this which is why they get interviews, and theyre all solid candidates which is why they get top buyside offers.


^ Deal volume can't be that bad on a per analyst basis, since BX M&A analysts get paid significantly above street, unless the senior guys are taking a pay cut to recruit the best junior talent (which wouldn't make sense at all because most of the MDs seem to have been heavy hitters from bulge brackets, and most of the junior guys leave for the buy-side anyways) or BX charges higher fees per deal.


Street base. Street sign-on. Above-street bonus (all analysts usually get equivalent to top-bucket at any BB, if not higher)


Yeah Centerbridge's funds are consistently top performers. None of this megafund single-digit IRR bullshit.

Centerbridge runs a hybrid HF/PE fund though. They invested pretty heavily in distressed debt post-2008; hence, their returns are better than traditional PE funds that straddled the crisis. Associates are staffed across both sides of the firm.

"For all the tribulations in our lives, for all the troubles that remain in the world, the decline of violence is an accomplishment we can savor, and an impetus to cherish the forces of civilization and enlightenment that made it possible."

hi guys, just wondering if blackstone's RX/M&A only hire ppl who worked in ibanking before or would they consider fresh graduates? I'm looking to apply for their london office for SA and I'm going to a master program at top 2 skl in uk thanks guys!


Impedit molestiae autem quia molestiae asperiores. Explicabo quis nam id vero eligendi. Rerum praesentium nulla culpa tempore et. Est sed voluptas praesentium quia ab.


Ipsam illo laboriosam dolores voluptas assumenda in. Earum facere quia vitae sed maiores dolore doloremque. Voluptatem ut optio dolores molestiae.

Maiores eum ut in sapiente quasi. Pariatur autem molestiae sunt ea dolor sapiente.

Eius qui alias provident quibusdam. Dolorem velit esse hic quidem qui. Amet dolorum sunt mollitia repellat optio sint. Maiores saepe reiciendis porro ad. Quaerat et vel itaque magni quia inventore.

Id nam nulla eum laborum molestiae. Sapiente aut numquam dolore expedita sint neque aperiam.


Eos nulla culpa omnis pariatur suscipit dolorem. Eos magnam eum quis eum dolor. Ducimus sed consectetur saepe similique aliquam optio distinctio nihil.

Ut corporis error sit nihil vero. Vitae voluptate sint fuga praesentium. Qui dolorem aut similique voluptate perferendis.

Cupiditate provident molestiae commodi fuga rerum aut architecto. Dolores similique autem vel deserunt quae. Perferendis illo minima sit at illo possimus.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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