Big 4 Intern to Full Time Conversion Rate?

Did not see an accounting section, so figured I would post it in here. I have offers from a few of the Big 4 to intern this summer on the audit side of things, and was wondering, do most interns end up getting full time offers? Are there some firms that have a higher conversion rate than others in terms of the Big 4 firms? Has anyone heard of an intern not getting a full time offer at any of the firms? I obviously plan on making the most of this internship, but would like to know of any actual experiences people have had or any concrete statistics regarding this.

How Many Big 4 Interns Will Be Hired for Full Time?

Heading into a Big 4 internship, it is natural to be curious about the hiring rate for full time positions. Our users shared that for the most part, if you work hard and smart and don't make any boneheaded moves - you will likely receive a return offer.

Asatar - Investment Banking Associate:
They will not hire 'x percent'. They will hire as many as they think are good enough. Some years that might be 100%, some years it might be 0. Stop worrying about the percentages and just nail your internship and you have nothing to worry about.

Whiskey5 - Private Equity Associate:
From what I know, most everyone will get offers. Don't be an idiot. A friend of mine did an internship in auditing, and one of their interns got so drunk and puked in the lobby.

Needless to say, that person did not get a return offer.

Although competition won't be as fierce, team work is still valued. If you see a fellow intern struggling with something, make an effort to help that person. Little things matter.

Learn more about this topic in the video below.

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Best Response

If audit is something you actually have interest in, then by all means go for it. I don't know if extension to FT really differs that much between the firms but as long as you don't royally mess up, they should extend an offer to you.

And yes, there have been many people who didn't land FT positions after their internship but most likely it's because they screwed it up somehow.


I know auditing gets a bad wrap a bit on here, but it is definitely something i want to do. In terms of the Big 4, I read a stat somewhere that stated around 90% receive FT offers after the internship, except at DT it is around 75%. Does this mean that in general, say at the Chicago office, out of 100 interns, 25 don't receive FT offers? That seems wrong doesn't it? I really like DT and the people I have met there, and overall it seems like a great fit for me, but that number scares me, especially if the other 3 hire at around 90%. They just seem like the safer way to go. Thoughts?


They will not hire 'x percent'. They will hire as many as they think are good enough. Some years that might be 100%, some years it might be 0. Stop worrying about the percentages and just nail your internship and you have nothing to worry about.

Also to reiterate my earlier point, audit is hell.

What happens if you don't meet your expected graduation date? Are the big 4 firms likely to rescind your offer? or Push your start date back?

The only reason I ask is because if DT consistently hires 75% of its interns, while the other 3 hire 90% or more, something has to be going on. Either, they over hire in terms of interns for the number of full time spots they need (and always take around 75%), they hire less qualified students so they give fewer offers to their interns, or a certain office location is bringing the average down. Either way, as I said, I really like DT, but I want to make an informed choice as it is pretty important to me. If its simply because students tend to screw up more there, then I would be fine with it, as I am confident in my abilities, but if it is because they over hire and reject many qualified interns for FT, then I would have to really think about the decision.

I do have offers from multiple firms.........hence the question. go with my favorite or go with one of the other 2 i got and still like but doesn't have as much of a cultural fit (but does have higher offer rates).


OP has a valid concern. Have the rest of you actually had a summer internship? From what I know, most everyone will get offers. Don't be an idiot. A friend of mine did an internship in auditing, and one of their interns got so drunk and puked in the lobby.

Needless to say, that person did not get a return offer.

Although competition won't be as fierce, team work is still valued. If you see a fellow intern struggling with something, make an effort to help that person. Little things matter.

I also second what OMS said... Don't be and idiot, work hard, play hard, and you will get an offer.


Former DT auditor here. The only way to mess up is if you eff up your work (which should be really hard since you'll only be in charge of getting lunch or updating dates), piss someone off or get in a fight. Pretty much be an obedient servant with some sort of personality and you will receive an offer.

Edit: Also, have a sense of humor - if you get pranked and start crying like a little baby, no one will want to work with you.


Dude as long as you do your job and be somewhat personable they will give you an offer, just don't be a total douche bag. I know a dude who did not get an offer caz he thought he was too good for the job.


Which firm was this at? And just to clarify, what do you mean he thought he was too good for the job? I am definitely very grateful for the opportunity but would like to avoid any actions this student took, so if you have specifics that would be great.


I know this is a bit off topic but, like the OP, I may be doing an audit internship this summer with big 4. I think I may be more suited to tax though. Would I be able to go through the summer, get an offer, and then tell hr I want to move to tax? I really don't want to have to re-interview at the same firm for another position. I bring this up because I also have a tax internship offer that I have been seriously considering if I have to jump through a bunch of hoops to switch to tax at the big 4.

any last minute opinions out there?

Go with your favorite firm. Don't get overtly drunk at the social events, don't fight anyone (this happened at my firm and out of 30 interns, he was the only one who did not receive a FT offer), don't think you're too good to do any of the menial tasks you are assigned and you will get a FT offer. Avoid KPMG and note that for PWC, it takes 3 years to be promoted to senior vs. 2 years at the other firms


Thanks for the advice. I don't think I should have a problem doing any of the things you mentioned, especially the fighting aspect. Did that occur at DT or a different firm, and who did he fight? I can't imagine something like that even happening.


Big 4 firms invest so much in their candidates (AKA throw so much dough and treat you like kings and wine and dine you) because it's literally the shittiest work known to man once you start full-time.

Oh back to the question... I have lots of friends going the Big 4 route and the rate I believe is near 100%. Just don't show up to work plastered and kill someone


I went through fall recruiting and everyone I talked with said that as long as you have common sense and don't do anything stupid you will get an offer.

I'll be interning this winter and I was wondering if there is any difference in regards to getting a FT offer compared to the summer interns?

I'm too drunk to taste this chicken -Late great Col. Sanders

Nemo enim magnam corporis et. Veniam sed dolores quam ducimus vero rem odio. Natus illo adipisci iste consequatur incidunt. Voluptatibus architecto magni sit repellendus sequi placeat sed. Sequi voluptatem dignissimos sequi nobis odit.

Non exercitationem explicabo autem id rerum et qui. Quibusdam ab magnam in qui sit voluptatum velit. Itaque ut qui minima aliquid odit hic.

Saepe quod iure quia omnis sint dolore. Asperiores esse nobis odio voluptas pariatur.


Repudiandae laboriosam voluptatum voluptatem ab est beatae. A inventore cupiditate ut architecto ut. Autem eos aut tenetur optio distinctio quia. Aut expedita excepturi tenetur id voluptatem.

Ratione adipisci porro tempore voluptatem nobis est nemo quibusdam. Est quod omnis accusamus autem sit. Dolor nulla repellendus qui eos animi ea recusandae. Ipsam necessitatibus quod consequatur enim excepturi sequi ut. Molestiae molestiae voluptatem dolorem dignissimos repellendus doloremque. Qui quia perferendis qui vitae soluta. Nostrum velit distinctio deleniti ad perspiciatis commodi.

Qui debitis eum deserunt et esse eius. Et saepe sit fugit qui consequatur porro.

Repudiandae praesentium eaque suscipit ea corporis provident qui occaecati. Eos quo et quam atque. Unde voluptas reiciendis at vel sequi dolores. Velit nisi ea rerum ab perspiciatis ut ipsam. Ut enim dolorem possimus optio atque inventore.

I'm too drunk to taste this chicken -Late great Col. Sanders

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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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