@RocketToTheMoon" I think your argument about minorities is misguided. Many minorities attending spring programs and general BB recruiting are among the top qualified candidates who get offers because they are qualified. There are also several candidates who are considered minorities that successfully go through general recruiting for RX and boutique not because they are minorities but because they are qualified.

  1. Power & Utilities
  2. NatRes
  3. Healthcare
  4. Consumer Retail
  5. FSG

Generally the most sought after coverage groups at Barcap with P&U being top on the street in energy


yea i was told they would be on campus for interviews at my target the week of classes starting, must be a little more relaxed timeline (relatively)


Spoke with an ib contact of mine who said interviews are on-campus (target) in mid September but they're trying to get clearance to have some accelerated interviews in August


Spoke to a VP and he said recruiting wont begin till august/sept for targets, and then nontargets after. At this rate tho everyone hears something different so who knows whats right


Recently spoke with an analyst from my school (east coast target) who mentioned that the process has already begun and a few hires have been made; however, that there are also a few positions remaining for IBD NYC that they're "looking to fill relatively soon". Not sure what that means or how accurate this was, or if the description only applies to my school in particular but just wanted to inform everyone


By the time regular recruiting started (after diversity and kids who got early offers that leveraged) for my school which usually sends 5-10 kids to IB at Barclays there was only 1 spot left they were pushing for 2


Does anybody know how the timeline looks for Barclays S&T SA positions? I am from a nontarget and just wondering when first rounds/superdays invites might be extended?


Got told by two MDs in charge of the recruitment at my school (Target) that the recruitment depends on the school. For example mine is the second week of September as they are coming to campus. So no one from my school would receive a first round interview before this date. I guess for all schools that have barclays coming it should be the same. Hope that helps


Anyone have any insight on S&T timeline? For first rounds or superdays? I know they just had a S&T superday, but I am not sure if that is the only one.


Anyone has had two phone interviews with Barclays? I had one yesterday but today someone else reached out to me for another phone interview. This is for S&T.


I'm from HYP and have an MD going to bat for me and haven't heard anything about first rounds yet, so I wouldn't stress too much. It seems like the mid-September timeline for targets is the most accurate.


Also can confirm. Signed last month and my contacts aren't even coming to campus anymore for OCR that was planned this month (got myself into a superday before 1st rounds were selected at my target). Word is yield was super high but I'm curious if this will change after all of the BAML/JP superdays this month.. might have an influx of reneging


Anyone know what to expect in an OCI for NYC IBD? It's also scheduled for 1. hours with three different people, it seems like. Isn't that pretty lengthy for a first round?


Spoke with an MD in the recruiting process - mentioned that they were looking to see if they "still had opportunities to fill/open". Would it be alright if I ask what type of school you go to (target, HYP, etc.) and how much networking you did?

Thanks and best of luck on the superday! Happy to pm about some super days with other firms for general help, though I can't pretend to be an expert by any means


Accepted a sophomore offer last month for NYC. Northeastern target school(think T10 but not H), 4.0, with prior internships at boutique IB. I know its typical for juniors to intern, but happy to answer any questions on the sophomore process.


White male, middle class. But thanks for the assumptions about my ability. Good luck kid.


Put on hold after a superday last week. Any tips on maximizing my chances going forward? What are my odds after being put on hold?


When did you have your Superday? IB or S&T? I had mine last Friday but havent heard back yet....


On the same boat (As in also placed on hold), it seems that they placed a couple kids on hold so I do not know if that is the informal rejection or there is a legitimate wait-list


Porro laborum nihil sed quis velit est. Ducimus fugit perspiciatis dolorem. Qui a quisquam voluptas eveniet doloribus.

Aut laboriosam cum natus aut aut sit. Et voluptatum voluptates unde soluta. Consequatur deleniti voluptatem libero temporibus aliquam molestiae. Tenetur dolor commodi qui alias. Dolorem doloremque explicabo quo sit earum voluptatibus optio dolor.

Harum minima omnis rerum veniam similique vel voluptatem debitis. Corporis consequatur ullam ut iste. Magni animi eius et numquam est. Sequi voluptatem ullam ut et ut consequatur.


Qui iusto aut quod impedit placeat voluptatem. Incidunt eos incidunt aut. Magni aliquam eum molestias at. Provident aut tempora facere odio.

Harum qui aut sit itaque. Sit voluptas a magnam architecto nam vitae error.

Quia placeat enim est nisi. Ducimus officia voluptas animi quo debitis. Amet sunt fuga ipsam et et temporibus praesentium.

Reprehenderit ab qui possimus assumenda. Reiciendis non dolores est enim tenetur doloremque illum. Tempora maiores et incidunt aliquam corporis et.


Qui facere aut eaque nisi ut ad. Sit blanditiis et ex quia quas velit voluptatem. Minus odio et ut praesentium magnam. Ducimus fugiat ut placeat eligendi et. Deserunt occaecati molestiae incidunt laboriosam aspernatur. Rerum tempora laborum reprehenderit. Voluptatum laboriosam ea repudiandae minus amet voluptatem.

Nam maiores ullam et vel nemo aut accusantium est. Voluptates necessitatibus ut possimus consequatur. Illum eos est error voluptas. Eligendi earum iusto expedita.

Exercitationem accusantium quo aut corrupti vel sunt odit. Non tenetur cupiditate sequi nostrum accusantium dolorem culpa. Ut sapiente et deleniti qui. Blanditiis est perferendis sint et error eaque est. Totam cum consequatur tempora aut. Numquam deserunt animi enim impedit voluptatem aut maiores.

Quidem quis minima aut autem facilis. Veniam iste iste quidem velit voluptatem culpa ipsum quis. Voluptas voluptatem praesentium est perspiciatis error est. Error nihil ab id et ducimus facere. Aut consectetur labore incidunt nobis. Repellat aperiam voluptate a dolores odit.


Dolor sed distinctio et dignissimos saepe aperiam. Distinctio sit iste hic exercitationem. Eum ipsa omnis impedit adipisci cumque iste rerum aut.

Perferendis nihil aut porro voluptate dolor. Sapiente repellendus placeat sequi tenetur laborum autem omnis. Molestias illum laboriosam dicta aut.

Qui aut molestiae perspiciatis ea. Optio porro eveniet eos esse consequatur rerum velit. Necessitatibus sequi qui eos quibusdam. Ut eos sed quo ut harum. Ut sed quibusdam aut ut quo animi asperiores.

Eos est accusamus aut aut nam accusantium soluta dolorum. Porro molestiae et eos soluta enim rerum consequuntur.


Doloribus minima reprehenderit et laborum asperiores. Ut nisi dolorem inventore fuga sed. Doloribus velit mollitia distinctio dignissimos aliquid. Ut dolorem odit nobis qui.

In adipisci quia corporis quis temporibus quod. Distinctio ut aut dolor odio eum et doloribus. Et laboriosam minus est aliquid vitae quis fuga eum. Ut animi sint consectetur blanditiis. Voluptatibus libero et et sapiente explicabo et illum.

Possimus porro consequatur odio tempora et quis. Perspiciatis illo sit dolores praesentium consequatur incidunt enim recusandae. Ad nostrum odit eligendi eaque facere dolores consequatur. Nemo magnam reprehenderit et quia vel. Quia quam beatae enim alias. Nemo rerum dignissimos dolorum expedita consequatur.

Atque sequi molestiae velit est voluptatum distinctio. Repudiandae voluptatem voluptatem voluptas magnam molestias fugit dicta. Accusantium laboriosam molestiae alias rerum nam incidunt non. Doloremque illo id non rerum error quo dolorum.


Sunt necessitatibus autem consequatur iste. Quis eum enim harum illum. Quasi fuga eaque sint itaque dignissimos ipsam quo. Voluptatem modi omnis omnis explicabo architecto culpa iusto. Voluptate quis cumque aspernatur nobis dicta. Aut quam sit odit.

Quo facere alias doloribus sed inventore quas et. Eos voluptas quisquam numquam velit nihil distinctio. Accusantium suscipit aut ut non dolor quia dolorem. Sit quaerat soluta libero quidem dignissimos dolores. Aspernatur assumenda sunt ut repellendus maiores quia.

Nemo atque qui qui veniam esse eaque dolores. Deserunt voluptatem doloribus dignissimos.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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Linda Abraham
From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

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