Bank of America Online Assessment Test and Application Process

Immediately after submitting my application an assessment appeared on the career portal. Anyone know what that Bank of America online assessment test covers? Here's what I've gathered.

BOA Job Assessment

There are deadlines for this assignment and you should should check your application portal regularly. As mentioned above, the assessment will appear in the career portal after the application is submitted. It's a simple personality questionnaire with no technicals. It is comparable to the Myers Briggs test. However it is more focused on work style.

It's a three part test. Each part consists of 14 to 15 questions. All of the answers are multiple choice.

Part 1: Your characteristics
Part 2: Your attributes in the workplace
Part 3: Your relationship with others

Examples of BAML Personality Test Questions

Most personality tests are in one of two formats.

Making Choices:
Your task is to choose one statement that is most like your behavior in work situations.
*I am the sort of person who...*

  • I consider other peoples feelings
  • I am prepared to tell people if they are mistaken
  • I have highly original ideas
  • I review work carefully

Rating Statements:
You may be asked to rate yourself on a number of phrases or statements.
*I sometimes make mistakes*

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Unsure
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

Consider some of the characteristics that would make someone a valuable team member. Think about these topics beforehand since these questions are multiple choice. However, remember that these are normative statements.

One of our more senior members @hockey1316", a private equity analyst, contributed the following on personality tests and personality types.

hockey1316 - Private Equity Analyst:
Used to administer these tests as part of the honors program at my college freshman year and always got a kick out of the responses.

A few things to remember for many people taking the test for the first time:

  1. No personality is better than another and while some lend themselves better in particular situations the advantage depends highly on rule #2.

    I am strongly ENTJ but someone with is ISFP will be better than me at many things. We are different not better than one or another.

  2. These tests are best used to understand your place in a group or how well a group will work together. So in Rule #1 with particular situations being better than others...this depends highly on the other people in the group or department you work in. If your boss and co-workers are all INTJ or other types of Introverts and you are ENTJ or ESTP you might not get along with them at all.

    Try to understand where your co-workers and bosses would fit in these personality groupings and understand how they fit in groups, derive energy, and think. It will be worth it to you.

  3. Your results are meant to be a point in time look at your personality. Things, situations, and experiences change and it can be helpful to take the test every few years in order to only better understand yourself.

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