i attend one of hyp. what should I do if i can only go to a middle market this year? should i stay an extra year or take the job anyways because i think i can lateral to a BB later? i feel having hyp on my resume does help


Oh dear, the HYPers are out in force. The trolls won't be far behind- this is too juicy for some folks to resist. :D

Once you get to the interview, it's not about your resume anymore. It's about you, the interviewer, and how productive they think you'll be.

This is one of those cases where you need to get some practice. You go to Harvard for gosh sakes- take advantage of their career services department and do a number of practice interviews.

Dr Barnaby Fulton:
I wouldn't want to work with any Harvard assholes much less make friends with Harvard people after seeing that Social Networking movie.

I would have to disagree, I had the opportunity to work with some Harvard, Yale and Columbia ppl over the summer and they were pretty legit people.

"The higher up the mountain, the more treacherous the path" -Frank Underwood

I have to contribute this little story for you OP in case you actually do go to Harvard. The only person I have ever had extended dealings with that graduated from Harvard was 32, made 24k a year and could barely get through the day without significant help from the people around him. Guy played hockey in college and was apparently just good enough to not play in the NHL.

Going to harvard doesn't mean dick. As much as I think this is a troll, that still needs to be said.

Oh and he graduated with a 3.4 due to their "merit based" grading system.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Obviously, the OP is not use to the bar scene. I feel this best exemplifies looking for a job.

When going out to bars to find some "sexy dime-piece" to bring home for the night, you get rejected plenty of times. All it takes is one "yes" to make your night successful so you just have to keep your head up and keep trucking.

You will get rejected from jobs plenty of times but you just need one "yes" to make the experience worthwhile.

What does "rejected" mean in this sentence?

Obviously, the OP is not use to the bar scene. I feel this best exemplifies looking for a job.

When going out to bars to find some "sexy dime-piece" to bring home for the night, you get rejected plenty of times. All it takes is one "yes" to make your night successful so you just have to keep your head up and keep trucking.

You will get rejected from jobs plenty of times but you just need one "yes" to make the experience worthwhile.

Unless your "yes" is after you have downed one too many, and then you may end up with this:

And no girl at a college bar is a dime-piece. They are simply "slam-pieces".

But I do agree that if you have the confidence to work the bar scene and take on rejections then you can surely take the rejections in terms of your career and life.

No need to fret about the rejections, you only need to focus on the present and what you are going to do about it.


Yeah, picking up women is the best practice when it comes to networking. If you can approach a hot chick randomly and get shot down you can call an MD and sell yourself.


Did somebody say grade inflation?

I beat out hyp kids in interviews all the time, SON.

It is funny how non-Harvard kids will give you 1000 reasons why Harvard's not all that it's cracked up to be. The simple truth is:

Harvard is pretty baller, but Goldman Sachs is infinitely more so. It all matters where you end up.

What makes you guys think a harvard student could possibly get rejected at a bar?

Good Will Hunting.

How do you like THEM apples?

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

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