2021 League Tables

As requested by some of y'all on this forum, here are the 2021 league tables, courtesy of Factset.

Global 2021 League TablesGlobal League Tables - Sell-side Advisors
Global Sell-side 2021Global League Tables - Buy-side Advisors
Global Buy-Side 2021United States
2021 US League Table United States League Tables - Sell-side Advisors
US Sell-Side 2021 United States League Tables - Buy-side Advisors
US Buy-Side 2021Global ECM
Global ECM 2021


Thanks for posting! Interesting to see Rothschild's disparity between their global and US presence. Basically tied with JEF globally but not even in the top 20 in the US. Always heard their global and domestic reputations differed but didn't realize how just how big the difference is.


Hmmm Australia witnessed a few large transactions last year. Tad surprising for a small market. 


Why are some firms so much stronger at sell-side or buy-side advising than the other?


A lot of Balance-sheet banks (JPM, RBC, BMO, Barclays, DB, UBS) are much higher on the league tables for buy-side advisory because they get provide the financing for the transactions and also get advisory credit as well. Often what happens on larger buy-side transactions is that a lot of BBs are brought on for financing and all get advisory credit while a single BB or EB does most of the actual advisory.


Yeah it's pretty deceiving but to be fair it can be the case that there won't be 'that' many banks either.Additionally, it's not like all the banks will get advisory credit. It can be like the bank that does the most will get it. And they dont 'do nothing' either. There's still a lot of BS involved, it's just that there's a lot less because the buy-side people have their own team and aren't going to pay what some bank recommends for an asset.Flip side, a sell side advisor has some genuine value add in that aspect.Overall though the boutiques get the credit they do for a reason (independent advisors) and the BB's have a bloated importance.(worked at BarCap).


Incoming Barclays analyst who did my SA at a top MM's M&A group...how does that translate into the analyst experience in a coverage group? Did I make a wrong decision in giving up solid M&A experience for prestige?


Sellsides typically depend on board relationships or something historical (dual track IPO, lending, personal) so are harder to land but more profitable. Buysides is a gamble because you're gabling that you're picking the best horse. Commercial banks can also get in by bankrolling the financing package

Run the league tables by wallet and it will be clearer


Question for Industrials USA league table, Citi/BAML/BarCap basically have around the same amount of transaction value, does anyone (maybe working there) see any further consolidation in the league tables as to which bank may win more deals into the future? Seems like at the moment they all 3 have super solid shops (considering the hype behind Citi/BarCap Industrials, unsure about BAML).


This is very marginal, but can anyone comment on the disparity between BofA and Citi? Is Citi that bit stronger than BofA or are league tables not indicative of overall platform strength 


right right that's interesting - by that logic, I would imagine any RX league table would be top-skewed (i.e. only accounts for the announced / public RX deals)

but wouldn't you run into the same issue regarding lack of public disclosure of private deals for M&A league tables as well? or do you think it's proportionally more hush-hush for RX deals given your point (1) [information asymmetry sometimes beneficial given that suppliers could get flustered]

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Sorry if dumb question but how is Moelis so low but regarded as one of the best banks? Thank you!


EBs typically can shift quite a bit from year to year anywhere from ~10th to 30th in league tables depending on if they can land a few landmark deals that shoot them way up in league tables (ex. in 2019 Moelis was 14th in league tables with the Celgene/Bristol Myers Squibb adding $93B to their deal volume and PWP was 29th while it was basically flipped this year with PWP landing the $59B Warner Media/Discovery deal). Also, Moelis has a lot more transactions with undisclosed values compared to other EBs as they do far more sponsor deals than most other EBs, and league tables obviously don't take that into account.

Also, for what it's worth, most of the EBs have similar reputations to clients and across the street, and the difference in reputations comes from the junior level in terms of PE exits, which Moelis historically does very well in as their analysts get a super rigorous experience (generalist M&A/RX model, very lean + high deal volume = analysts get their reps in, firm and MDs have great relationships with sponsors which also helps out placement).


Moelis has changed from a generalist to a sector focused model. How do you think this will affect the recruiting for the coming analyst class?

Most Helpful

JEF has basically been continuing its trend, which is a good thing considering it's been the fastest growing bank on Wall Street for some time. JEF has been able to capitalize on building sponsor relationships through its LevFin practice over the past few years. Now that the sponsors that JEF helped finance are selling their Portcos, JEF is able to get a piece of that sell-side advisory. JEF has also been building its LevFin practice through its partnerships with Mass Mutual and SMBC.

JEF has also been very focused on poaching MDs (something like a fifth of MDs at JEF have been there for less than a year) across all industries, and they're a much stronger bank all-around compared to just a few years ago. They've also been focusing on expanding their HC practice through building relationships through their ECM practice (HC ECM 2021 League Tables shown below).

2021 Healthcare ECM

That being said, JEF also has some growing pains. I don't work at JEF, but I've heard some things from people I know at JEF that through their aggressive poaching strategy, they've picked up some a lot of great MDs but also quite some dead weight with very expensive guaranteed comp packages.


Thank you, super informative! How do you see them competing with BB/EBs in the next 5/10 years? Taking more market share? Which groups do you see the most growth, tech and HC?


Sat in on a call with the head IB (Chris Kanoff) and it was great to hear his perspective on recruiting constantly for MDs, asp mind you this was during COVID where there’s recruiting pitches for MDs took place primarily over zoom. Also I wld add further emphasis on the SMBC deal w/ their LevFin arm these relations will help them with advisory especially in the buyside w/ financing deals.

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Would anyone happen to have the healthcare league tables by U.S sell-side/buy-side? Thanks!


What's the consensus on Liontree? A few years ago they were invisible, but now they're landing several huge mandates and on the league tables they're above PWP and PJT, despite having significantly less headcount. Are they officially an EB now, albeit TMT specialist?


Just as a disclaimer reading these:

The dataset is only getting pulled off publicly announced transactions. As a result, any player that does deals sub $2B likely is getting undercounted massively because the deals might not get disclosed. Would guess BB’s like Goldman that have a strong mm presence and obviously mm players or EB’s that dabble in the UMM space aren’t being accurately represented. Fun to look at though.


That's fair, looking at Factset with deal count by transactions with disclosed values vs all transactions, it appears that banks that are underrepresented in league tables are Lazard, Rothschild, Jefferies, Guggenheim, Moelis, and HL, which all happen to also be banks that do a lot of sponsor deals. The BBs' places on the tables seem pretty representative by the % of deals with disclosed values.


Agreed - I work at Baird and our Consumer team has had an insane year. We've done $35BN in transaction size, there's no way Baird Consumer alone is the 17th biggest sell-side advisor in the US. 


Why does the 2008 league tables includes both Wachovia and WF under WF and both BofA and ML under BofA but not Lehman and Barclays under Barclays? It's interesting to see how consistent things have been over the years, with the only obvious moves being Greenhill falling off from being among the best boutiques and Jefferies rising out of nowhere.


Damn Goldman is leagues ahead of everyone else. I can’t imagine they advise better than BAML or Citi. Is it just perceived reputation / existing relationships that make them #1 all the time.  


League tables sorted by transaction value is really more a prestige of deals ranking. Doesn't necessarily make them any better or worse than others, just means they had some of the bigger ticket deals. League tables sorted by deal volume gives an impression of how much work they are winning, how successful they are in the market, how busy and how much experience the junior staff gets. If you could ever do league tables based on deal fees, that certainly would be speak to overall success. Bigger transaction value doesn't 100% equate to bigger fees / higher profit. A larger ticket size usually means a lower success fee % (which can still mean more in absolute dollars). And deal fees per number of deals or deal fees per headcount would really even the playing field and give a perspective of based on the size of the shop, how successful are they really.

But regardless of all that, league tables based on transaction value is still the most basic view of ranking how successful each shop has been during the year, and they're still fun rankings to see.


2021 US LBO per BBG

1. Jefferies 12,996 deal value, 115 transactions, 5.63% share 

2. barclays 12,495 deal value, 117 transactions, 5.41% share

3. BofA 12,412 deal value, 109 transactions, 5.37% share

4. CS 12,397 deal value, 134 transactions, 5.37% share

5. DB 11,363 deal value, 100 transactions, 4.92% share

6.  Antares 10,980 deal value, 94 transactions, 4.75% share

7. BMO 10,257 deal value, 115 transactions, 4.44% share 

8. GS 10,006 deal value, 113 transactions, 4.33% share 

9. RBC 9,683 deal value, 98 transactions, 4.19% share

10. UBS 8,334 deal value, 82 transactions, 3.61% share

11. JPM 7,298 deal value, 69 transactions, 3.16% share 

biggest takeaways here is obviously jefferies dominance in the sponsor space without a balance sheet. Barclays in at 2 is also a bit of a surprise. JPM not even in the top 10 is also an eye opener and really shows how corporate driven and risk averse their levfin franchise is. 


What happened with UBS? I thought historically they were among the top for sponsor-backed LBO financings?


The ROE on these loans is terrible for the large banks, and they only do them to the extent they have to in order to support the broader relationship. Goal from the big banks is to minimize the dollar value of loans given while still maximizing the fees generated by the bank overall.

It's a huge win if the bank is able to maintain their place on the M&A league tables while lending less than peers.


League tables really only make sense for Bulge brackets and even then, not really outside of cap markets (and even THEN, we still have private raises). There are so so many undisclosed deals and work done that league tables are the epitome of trying to force rank players by comparing Apples to Oranges.

An example:  look at the huge split ups which have occurred and are occurring (Toshiba, GE, etc.) . That is a "$0" deal by league table metrics but clearly the advisors on it will earn massive undisclosed fees. 

I'm not saying they have zero value to get a sense but the college-aged contingent on this site is viewing them the same way they look at (also flawed) college rankings, as an absolute arbiter of who is "better", and it's not how the world actually works. 


I always find it interesting how, for example, if you were to sort by deal volume a shop like PwC at 809 transactions is first place and miles ahead of the other shops, but in terms of deal value they're like 10% of what the top IBs have done. When looking at learning and growth opportunities for employment, does that point to a consideration of quantity vs quality and what would give the better learning experience?


Does Jefferies reporting poor Q4 revenue/earnings, even though IB division outperformed matter? Like in terms of people's bonuses and such. Stock is down 10% today


Why is MS considered to be a "better" IB than JPM when JPM is always above them in the league tables? Genuinely curious because it seems that prospects would take a MS offer over a JPM one 100% of the time. Could be wrong though.  


Because MS is generally hired for their advice and not due to lending, which is a big factor in JPM's dealflow. Deal volume and fee dollars per banker at MS are also much higher given a smaller team vs. JPM, who are probably the largest IB in the world. M&A has always been the crown jewel in of MS' IB division.

Not shitting on JPM at all though, they're a fantastic bank.


Because DB and RBC are balance sheet banks that get boosted on the league table through getting buy-side advisory credit for providing deal financing. Just look at the discrepancy between where they are on the global sell-side vs buy-side league tables. If you get a chance to sort through FY-21 earnings reports once they all release, you can see the "real" difference between the M&A strength of banks by looking at the amount of their IB revenue that's from advisory for the banks that do break it down.

As for UBS, they have a pretty strong M&A franchise led by their sponsors relationships (much like CS and JEF), but they get shit on because they've taken a hard fall since the GFC and every time it looks like they've started to rebuild, their top bankers get poached again. Case in point, look at SVB and UBS Tech this year. Just when UBS Tech was finishing their rebuild from falling apart in 15/16, they get poached again.


Velit quo quaerat aut dicta delectus rerum. Distinctio dolore est ullam magni. Eaque unde repudiandae dolores possimus minima sit porro. Dolor dolorum eius et molestiae voluptatem qui quo.

Sint sed et voluptatum vero necessitatibus. Alias et ipsam perspiciatis quas. Maxime nesciunt fugit beatae non pariatur adipisci similique dolorem.


Quo explicabo numquam quidem et facilis. Voluptate non quae modi necessitatibus et. Architecto rerum dignissimos laboriosam nobis.

Beatae delectus quis voluptatibus est ut sed. Et dolor quos facilis repellendus et quisquam. Nemo harum et cupiditate non exercitationem qui ut. Quod sint ut consequuntur aut ea recusandae.

Quia molestiae et corporis voluptatem eum vero doloremque. Illum accusamus nam rem. Hic unde et expedita. Iusto rerum dolores et totam. Architecto ullam architecto provident est. Quam omnis et hic molestiae.

Non in officiis laboriosam est cum. Consectetur est sint pariatur et maiores nisi quia et. Officiis autem qui voluptatem eum amet officiis aut.


Temporibus molestiae est natus quia fuga consequatur. Sit amet at labore iste atque.

Voluptatum itaque est sit qui explicabo delectus. Aut ut quo dolor quam sequi autem sapiente. Non sequi et ut aliquam similique.

Voluptas dignissimos qui aut beatae ut. Odit delectus nesciunt qui laborum veritatis nemo nemo. Ex suscipit pariatur earum molestias error. Similique vero et sapiente totam magni possimus.


Similique recusandae placeat ratione blanditiis necessitatibus quisquam. Autem est perferendis dolores autem. Et impedit doloremque in aut voluptatibus.

Alias officiis cum placeat repellat. Est doloribus in enim quia nostrum. Aut aut iusto qui consequuntur et excepturi voluptate. Dignissimos officiis placeat architecto iste exercitationem. Est id ducimus illo numquam quia voluptas dicta qui.


Aut neque eius quae omnis voluptate repellat ut laudantium. Rerum aut consequatur est voluptas at voluptatem. Et recusandae facilis nisi sunt aspernatur similique. Quis illum harum labore nam. Tenetur nemo perspiciatis et voluptatibus molestias porro.

Doloribus nemo omnis qui adipisci cumque quibusdam. Quibusdam illo dignissimos vel neque aut. Corrupti aut ullam tempore rerum repudiandae. Et consequuntur ex consequuntur alias aut commodi.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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