2019 Sumer Analyst Recruiting Starts

Not to keep reiterating other threads but...the timeline is officially confirmed to be way earlier than any previous year. At a target OCR event a couple days ago for a BB, HR head said apps were literally opening Feb 15th (!!!wtf) and that superdays would happen in April and May.

This is insane to me. Have people heard similar news for BB, EB, even boutique's? Not sure how this will impact the entire recruiting landscape but it's scary to think current sophomores have to start preparation now.

Superday Timeline for Wall Street Internships for 2019

During the Spring of 2018, interviews and superdays for Summer 2019 internships were held. These interviews started in April and May and ran through the summer. This was particularly true for students that go target schools.

Due to the accelerated time line of interviews, it is important to be prepared for interviews starting in May of the year before you plan to interview.

You can learn more about recruiting with the video below.

Read More About Recruiting on WSO

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The WSO investment banking interview course is designed by countless professionals with real world experience, tailored to people aspiring to break into the industry. This guide will help you learn how to answer these questions and many, many more.

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It's true. WF summer 2019 apps are due mid-April for me. Other banks haven't put up apps yet, but info sessions are being planned for late feb, early march. I missed the WF one which was very early Feb.


Just went to a WF info session a few days ago and apps are due after a networking event in March. I seriously wanted to ask the recruiter wtf they're thinking.


Confirmed. This is great for target school students who maxed out easy A classes within their first 3 semesters of college.

This is also great for students who managed to get an internship after freshman year. Not really sure how the process will work out when most will only be applying with 0-1 internships under their belt since these apps are due before people even find their sophomore internships


throw MS at him all you want but the truth is that if you don't have an alumni group to push your application there is a 0.0% chance of getting a first round from a non-target. I don't even think they look at the random online applications.


How will this even work for students that haven’t secured a sophomore internship or have interviews for internships coming up?

Also, seriously what do transfer students do in this situation? Extend graduation date an extra year and try to get a strong IB internship after senior?

I was expecting recruiting to start soon after I make my transfer this fall so that I would be able to put my new school on my resume. This sucks.


Include the internship you have for this summer on your resume. Also, add that you will be transferring where your education is listed.

Last year when recruitment began early I put my summer internship and a few bullet points on what I knew would be my projects/tasks.

If you don't get the summer gig you want and feel that you'll struggle for full time then extend your graduation by a semester.


I've heard from alumni that the banks usually come to campus a few weeks after the fall semester starts(so early september). If all of this is true, they will be full by that time so I won't have the ability to go through OCR. Just seems insane that they are recruiting before we are even halfway through spring semester. Thanks though.


Yeah transfer student here as well. My resume is as strong as it can be coming from a non-target but there's zero OCR here. I was hoping to at least put my target transfer school on my resume and use their alumni to start networking my way in. Sounds like they'll be done recruiting before we even know which school we'll be at junior year. Could any one in the industry recommend what to do for this year. Do we legit just apply for different majors in the B school and switch after a year, extend schooling by an extra year, and network/have access to OCR for that whole extra year?

just a monkey trying to find his way in the finance jungle

I'm in the exact same situation. Now that OCR is pushed up I dont think it'll be worth transferring anymore since recruiting will be over once fall semester starts. Extending undergrad by a year is out of the equation for me since it's mad expensive and i'm confident i'll still get a solid gig even if it's not IBD.


I guess the Sumerians expect way too much from you measly Babylonians. If only you Babylonians had a clue as to what the Assyrians are cooking up....Not to forget the Parthians and the Egyptians, or the Greeks. But hey, at least it's still sunny side up in Mohenjo-daro.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

According to recruiters at target - JPM app is open and will start super days in May. GS doesn’t open until the summer and first super days will be in July. MS same as GS.

“How do you measure yourself against other golfers” “By height”
Best Response

To the sophomores recruiting right now, I wish you all the best of luck. This is basically a middle finger from the banks to transfer and non-target students, and generally just all students, as most 19 year olds probably don't know what the heck IB even is. Do not give up faith and just hustle.

On the bright side, if you don't manage to secure a BB/EB or respectable MM firm, you will at least have plenty of time and opportunities to recruit for backup options, such as Consulting, Asset Management, Private Wealth Management, or even Corporate Banking. While its not as glamorous, it is not the end of the world if you end up in one of these categories. With a solid position and firm, you will still have a great chance of re-recruiting into FT IB after your junior summer. Even if you don't manage to break in, I just want to let you know it is OKAY. These jobs will still pay you $100k+ all-in by the time you get your first year paycheck in 2021, (and they are great feeder jobs for the MBA track if you wish to pursue that route).


Agreed, also keep in mind PE recruitment of IB staff is intense, I was at an industry thing in NY during December; I heard multiple times, from different MDs ,at different banks that: PE head hunters are snatching analysts as soon as they are hired, one mentioned a head hunter sent dinner party invites to an entire class of 2017 analysts.

This new IB recruitment method may be an attempt to strengthen the pipeline and get you to agree to today's salary for tomorrows job. The demand for you guys is there, unless you at DB.......... Also, keep in mind the supply of new applicants is smaller due to tech, etc. Good luck in any event!


At least the European recruitment process is more reasonable.

Obstacles are the things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.

Just checked JP's page and SA 2019 is not open yet for Europe. Haven't checked any of the others banks but I'd be surprised if they opened any earlier than July/August. That being said, the earliest possible date would be after SW conversions have been given out around the end of April.

Obstacles are the things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.

Haha I'm awaiting transfer from a community college. To all of you that feel that you don't have a chance, I will remind you that life is a marathon, not a sprint. Those with the persistence and dedication in the long-run will always win regardless of your starting point.

If you let things like this bring you down, you're not cut out to be in banking. Keep working hard and trust that good things will come.


If anything, this gives you all a leg up on the competition. If you're on this thread you're aware of the recruiting cycle and can begin preparing/networking now. All those people with strong resumes that only learn about banking at the last minute won't be in the mix. Study up, talk to people, and lock something down. Non-targets, get your foot in the door and then fucking slam it shut behind you.


This may be specific just to my school but this is the timelines we were given from the banks.

Goldman Sachs is doing an accelerated hiring process in the spring, taking apps between April 15-March 15. They’re hiring 75% of their SA in the spring and then doing the process again in the fall for the remaning 25%.

As mentioned JPM is open and being review on a rolling basis.

BAML has not officially confirmed when exactly they’ll be doing theirs. They seemed surprised by the accelerated timeline and looked like they’re trying to figure out exactly when every other bank was doing theirs

Deutsche is doing first round interviews in the spring, offering a couple kids internships immediately after with no superday, and inviting the rest back for superdays at the end of the summer/early fall.

WF is doing their whole process in the spring including superdays with the application opening next week. Interviews beginning in April.

All are moved up significantly compared to last year.


When banks are recruiting this early they’ll probably be getting a lot of their applications and whatnot from on campus events like coffee chats, dinners and info sessions and a lot of the banks will probably be only accepting super early applications through campus recruiting job listings which excludes non targets and by the time they open the general population applications for non-target students to apply classes will be mostly or at least partially full leaving fewer spots available


If I had to guess, FT recruitment won't change much. FT spots only open up when the SAs don't get return offers, and the analysts won't get a sense of that until at least a couple weeks into the summer. So there seems to be a hard limit on how early FT recruiting can be


Semi-target here. Asked our career center when banks were doing OCR and she said second week of September. According to her, many targets/semis are putting their foot down and refusing full OCR this spring so there will still be opportunities next August/September.

Probably just means the top firms are going to be much more active in diversity/accelerated programs this summer.


Best of luck everyone. Just remember there are a lot of smaller "unknown" banking/consulting/ PE firms that no one talks off but are always on the look out for ambitious, talented young people.

It may not be as "sexy" working for these firms compared to the larger firms but they can provide an excellent platform on which to launch a career. Some smaller firms may even provide you with far better exposure and opportunities than in a bulge bracket.


Has anybody ever combined their GPA from the school they transferred from (3.91) with the GPA they made after the first semester of the school that they transferred to (3.09)? Currently at a semi target state school and they're already holding interviews for OCR in March and super days in May/April.

My current resume says:

"XYZ Semi Target University Major: Finance Overall GPA: 3.5"

But I am not sure if i should put:

"XYZ Semi Target University Major: Finance Overall GPA: 3.09

ABC Community College Overall GPA: 3.91"

or just

"XYZ Semi Target University Overall GPA: 3.09"

Let me know if you have been in the same situation.. I feel like a 3.09 GPA is an automatic ding, but I don't think putting a community college on a resume will all that helpful considering the competition of the other applicants. Thanks


How long do you usually have after getting an offer to submit an official transcript? I'm projecting a ~3.5 after this semester (so the beginning of may)? And I thought some places even require an unofficial transcripts to apply?


Facere aut fugit tempore soluta deleniti soluta cupiditate. Sunt vel laudantium dolores numquam sit sint minima. Praesentium quasi et est nihil fuga. Optio aspernatur ut maxime inventore eum voluptatibus.


Neque eos et eveniet sunt itaque molestiae culpa consectetur. Sed nostrum repellendus corporis itaque quo. Deleniti praesentium quis rerum eum sed mollitia illum.

Officia doloremque est rem quia sed sit. Nemo quo voluptatum velit laudantium adipisci tenetur. Iusto ut aliquam et maxime. Architecto optio et sequi rem.

Esse nisi aperiam beatae et ipsam dolorem. Molestias beatae ex molestiae aut sit odit. Neque rerum qui aut. Perferendis earum tempora consequatur non id. Soluta nam aut deleniti. Voluptatem non similique sunt perspiciatis sapiente unde.

Consequatur molestiae adipisci est iusto qui quis eos. Atque hic est velit quasi aut et eligendi sit. Magnam provident officia reiciendis nulla facilis aut. Accusantium et saepe et quo.


Aut ipsam natus perspiciatis ad. Veritatis voluptatem est animi reprehenderit. Repellat iure animi fuga veniam reprehenderit qui.

Et animi quasi quae dolor maiores porro. Labore qui et ipsam inventore harum distinctio. Aliquid similique aut illum eum culpa occaecati et libero.

Itaque cupiditate dolorum architecto sed nam qui nihil. Id consectetur consequatur molestiae et ad. Nisi quo aliquam sint voluptatem. Et beatae consectetur sit ullam. Id sit omnis dolores sed soluta ad ipsum porro.

Nam quia voluptas dolores sed mollitia eaque fugiat. Dolorum quia ex modi quia labore.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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