Canadian Securities Course - Honours?

Hey WSO,

Quick question for my fellow Canadians. Currently interning at RBC DS and was advised to get my CSC. Was wondering if it's worth putting in the extra hours to get a 85%, so that I get "honours" on the certificate?

Do banks/wealth management firms even care? Or do they just want you to pass?

Thanks, and I appreciate your efforts in advance!


I agree. The reason I am enrolled is because most entry level (AM) jobs here in Canada require both the CSC and CPH. Also, since RBC DS is an IIROC member, I got a good discount.

Thanks for your input though.



I've taken the exams, they were pretty easy i got 91% on the first exam and 93% on the second exam. However, I have taken a lot of finance and economics courses that already covered most of the material. So, it was more of a review for me. I say read the books and do some practice tests. Also, don't underestimate the small sections! I decided to skip some of them, and for some reason (a lot of questions) came from those sections (but that could be just my experience).

I hope this helps!


Is the CSC a requirement for everyone who wants to work in banking/trading in Canada? Or is it a nice, but not obligatory qualification (like the CFA)?


I took the CSC to help my Ivey application and I got about a 75 on both exams (which is not a good score considering a pass in a 60 but I was in grade eleven at the time and so didn't have the background you would most likely have). I studied for about forty hours for the first exam and about twenty for the second. It was useful to me because it helped me gain a broader understanding of the industry but I was coming from a position of almost complete ignorance. If you know stuff about finance before hand it doesn't help a lot and if you aren't going into an industry that requires it, its probably not worth the price.


CSC is a required licensing course for fixed income S&T in Canada along with the CPH course. Not 100% sure about equities side. Content is really simple, no where near the difficulty or the breadth of CFA. If you have 2-3 years of business ,finance or economics background you basically don't have to study. Since the course is mandatory for licensing, the firms will pick up the tab. On your own dime there are many more cost effective ways to learn about finance imo...


I don't have the correct answers, but looking at your questions, I have similar concerns as you.

I would say that A/C are both correct answers for #8. C is almost a direct textbook definition of what an SRO is, while A just seems logical because it's the provincial commission's role to carry out the regulations. I also actually think B is incorrect. The only two SROs the CSC book explicitly states are SROs are the IIROC and the MFDA. I just did a quick googling and this link doesn't talk about the TSX:

I also agree with you on #12. Copy and pasting straight from the PDF, "The offeror shall deliver a takeover bid circular setting out certain prescribed information."


Exercitationem molestias ea omnis ut eveniet. Nulla quia doloribus temporibus harum. Autem aut qui est est maiores sint quod quibusdam.

In itaque consequatur ut fugit veniam. Harum repellat vel enim iste consectetur. Voluptatem quod ut nam nihil consequuntur. Est iusto unde provident. Rerum molestiae mollitia aut molestiae. Numquam earum odit vero ut ipsum. Est dolorem vitae eaque recusandae.

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