Admission reality-check

Hi. I'm a commerce graduate and have been working in a hedge fund (front office support group) for one year now. My gmat score is 690. Do you think i have some chance of getting in Masters in finance at Princeton University for the session starting in fall 2010?


One poster on this board is in the Program. Have you looked at the admission stats? You need to have a high level of mathematics previously. A 690 is not a horrible GMAT, but more on the lower end for Princeton.

Here is my blog in general for future reference:


My quant score in GMAT is 48. I'm planning to apply for Fall 2011 course. Do you think that retaking GMAT or preparing for GRE makes sense or should i work on my maths? I always scored well in my exams but being a commerce student, the maths we did didnt include vectors and detailed stats. Do you think clearing a Financial Mathematics exam by Actuaries institute help and show my capabilities in the course?

Best Response

1) Go to the Princeton website. They talk very openly about the level of math they expect. If you are not at that level then work on getting to that level.

2) You might want to retake the GMAT. I HATE saying that, but Princeton is VERY competitive. I was looking at student profiles and that place is no joke.

3) Why just Princeton? The school is a middle ground between MSF and Comp Finance, but if you are looking to be a trader or more quant then you should be looking at CMU, NYU Courant, Columbia, Cornell, etc. If you are dead set on getting an MSF then you should have some safety schools.

Look at Villanova, Boston College, Vanderbilt, WUSTL. I can give you more schools if I know your geographic preference and ultimate goal coming out of the program.


I'm not a US resident and dont have any geographic preferences as long as i get into a good university. I was looking for Princeton for the balance in its course, duration of course, good recruitment and the brand name. I dont want too much of quant, and that was a reason i wasnt really looking at MFE at Columbia etc. I would prefer more of Finance based course in a good recognised university. Any suggestions for other courses/colleges is welcome. I checked at Princeton website for the scores required. They have mentioned a score of 49.5 - 50 (above 90%) in GMAT quant section. Mine is 48 (82%) and 690 (88%) I was also thinking LSE and Cambridge but wasnt sure of their placement records for non-nationals. Also, I have 15 years of study, due to the pattern of education in my country. So there may be a few schools in US which might not accept my scores and require 16years of study before getting into a Masters course. Thanks!


Agree with above. A FEW programs in Europe (mainly London) will be well known enough to place well in the US. It really comes down to how well HR or the interviewer knows a schools prominence. I would say that if you want to go to school in the UK and work in NY you should probably focus on Cambridge, Oxford, LBS, LSE and HEC (maybe). There are all great schools and will do very well in Europe.

In the US you have MIT and Princeton (a little more math-y than most MSF programs at the top. Then you have your regional names: Villanova, BC, Vanderbilt, WUSTL, Florida, UIUC/Purdue, Claremont, and Tulane. You need to decide where you want to ultimately work and in what field.


Thanks all!!

I think I'd like to work in NY or eastern coast of US finally. But, if I get a job in the UK that too is fine, as once in the circuit, I can find my way to the US, i think. My main concern is if the recruiters in both countries give jobs to non residents or is the preference given to the nationals first. Also, where will the job opportunities or placecments be better?

Also, i think the shortlisted list of schools will be something like this: Princeton, LSE, LBS, Cambridge, Oxford, MIT.............

I am contemplating giving the GMAT again. Please suggest if i should, or should i not worry about the score for the above given institutes.



Princeton might be a stretch unless you have the necessary math background.

LSE is fine

LBS looks for working professionals. I dont know if 1 year in a support role with be good enough, maybe

Oxford - decent chance

MIT - not too sure. This is only the 2nd year of the program. With Merton going there things might get tougher


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