University of Sydney Investment and Capital Management Interview Questions

1 total interview insight submissions
Interview Experience (58%)

The Interview Experience is a score from 1 star (very negative) to 5 stars (very positive) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few interview insights). Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset.

  • Very Negative
  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Very Positive
Interview Difficulty (68%)

The Interview Difficulty is a score ranging from very difficult (red) to very easy (green) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. The higher the number, the more difficult the interviews on average. If you hover over the various sections of the doughnut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few interview insights). Simply put, as a company gets more insights, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire data set.

  • Very Easy
  • Easy
  • Average
  • Difficult
  • Very Difficult

Interviews at University of Sydney Investment and Capital Management

Filter by:
Job Title
Investment Analyst
Year 2013
Job Title Investment Analyst
Group/Division Asset Management
Location Sydney
Very Positive

Interview Questions & Answers - University of Sydney Investment and Capital Management Examples

Investment Analyst Interview - Asset Management

Anonymous employee in Sydney
Interviewed: October 2013
Accepted Offer
Interview Source
College / University / On Campus Recruiting
Length of Process
2-3 months
1 on 1 Interview
Group Interview
1. Recruiting is done via the University of Sydney's Recruitment agency, Sydney Talent.
i. You are to apply with a cover letter and a resume to the designated recruiter via the online application.
ii. If you are selected you are then required to interview with the recruiter - this takes around 30 minutes.
2. Following the recruiter accepting you, your name is then submitted with a group of other potential candidates to the Investment team.
3. If the investment team upon reading your cover letter/resume is satisfied you are suitable, then you sit a one-on-one interview with the Risk Officer, where the interview is largely fit, however also may incorporate elements of general finance concepts and require a demonstration of your cognitive abilities.
4. If you pass this, then you proceed to a group interview with one of the Portfolio Managers and the Chief Investment Officer, whereby you go through a similar process of behavioural/fit questions with a mix of technical questions. This is where the Portfolio Manager essentially grills you on your ability to value securities and your understanding of risk management (such as foreign currency exposure).
5. Following this you proceed to have another meeting with the same Portfolio Manager to describe the specific role of the job. This is more informal however still requires demonstration of an understanding of Security valuation, manager selection and risk management.
6. Following this you again meet with the Risk Officer for another informal interview to ensure fit.
Interview Questions
Q: What do you think of 'Security' (Apple)? Why do you think it will appreciate in value?

A: Describe the three statements of company, describe catalyst for appreciation in value, describe margin of safety.
How would you hedge your currency exposure if you were to go long on Security (Apple)?

A: Acknowledge derivative solutions, also acknowledge Security in context of wider portfolio (as in, versus Australian/US cash), as well as risk-events that would effect the hedging ratio (discussion on Delta/Gamma hedging in face of 'tapering' announcement).