Innosight Overview

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Our consulting approach is rooted in the groundbreaking concepts pioneered by the Innosight partners, board members, and our co-founder, Harvard Business School professor Clay Christensen. We have a deep understanding of the patterns of successful innovation, developed through rigorous research and fieldwork across a variety of industries and business types. We believe developing innovation capabilities is essential for long-term and sustainable growth that serves multiple stakeholders—shareholders, employees, consumers, and society at large. Innosight is uniquely able to help organizations address this critical need.

We focus on growth through innovation. This single focus enables us to provide a comprehensive, end-to-end service offering based on proven principles and deep expertise.
We've successfully solved a problem like yours before. Our singular focus means our people bring much more experience, judgment, and pattern recognition to your growth problems. In addition, our employees often have multi-dimensional experience in tier-one strategy consulting environments, corporate settings, and start-ups.
Our insights are unique—and uniquely effective. We bring clarity to growth topics as diverse as establishing a corporate innovation function, overhauling a business model for developing markets, or finding growth alternatives for commodity markets. Our approach and methodologies go beyond traditional analytic consulting approaches to help you "discover the unknown"—and identify and leverage opportunities and markets that don't yet exist.
We focus on results and long-term growth. Our goal is the same as yours—creating tangible business results. We partner with you, working as part of your team through every step of the innovation process to achieve your objectives.
We take a long-term, general management view of innovation. We view innovation as a critical long-term corporate capability, something that should be a top agenda item for the CEO and senior leaders. Because of this, every relationship we form focuses heavily on transferring real, long-term organizational capability to the organization. We aspire to leave you with the organizational structure, process, and skills to continue to grow over the long haul.
We are committed to advancing the theory and practice of innovation. Starting with co-founder Clay Christensen's classic book The Innovator's Dilemma, Innosight has been dedicated to advancing the understanding and practice of innovation. Our partners and our network of collaborators extend Innosight's thought leadership through dozens of books, Harvard Business Review articles, and other content that break new ground in innovation strategy.


92 Hayden Avenue, 02421 MA
United States
8 Eu Tong Sen Street #15-89, 059818
G-01, Prestige Loka, 7/1 BruntonRoad,

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Innosight Interview Questions

Job Title
Student / Prospective Monkey
Year 2018
Job Title Student / Prospective Monkey
Group/Division Generalist
Location Lexington
1st Year Analyst
Year 2013
Job Title 1st Year Analyst
Group/Division Consulting
Location Lexington
Very Negative