Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Interview Questions

7 total interview insight submissions
Interview Experience (47%)

The Interview Experience is a score from 1 star (very negative) to 5 stars (very positive) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few interview insights). Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset.

  • Very Negative
  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Very Positive
Interview Difficulty (87%)

The Interview Difficulty is a score ranging from very difficult (red) to very easy (green) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. The higher the number, the more difficult the interviews on average. If you hover over the various sections of the doughnut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few interview insights). Simply put, as a company gets more insights, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire data set.

  • Very Easy
  • Easy
  • Average
  • Difficult
  • Very Difficult
% Interns - FT Offers (2%)

The % of Interns Getting a Full Time Offer chart is meant to provide a realistic estimate of the hiring practices of the company based on the reviews at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. If you hover over the various sections of the doughnut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few reviews). Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to the simple company average and away from the average of the entire data set.

  • 0%
  • 10%
  • 20%
  • 30%
  • 40%
  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 70%
  • 80%
  • 90%
  • 100%

Interviews at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Filter by:
Job Title
Junior Trader
Year 2017
Job Title Junior Trader
Group/Division Natural Resources
Location Kuala Lumpur
Year 2018
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Sales and Trading
Location Hong Kong
Very Easy
Year 2018
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Investment Banking
Location New York
Very Difficult
Year 2016
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Risk Management
Location Singapore
1st Year Analyst
Year 2016
Job Title 1st Year Analyst
Group/Division Power
Location New York
1st Year Analyst
Year 2014
Job Title 1st Year Analyst
Group/Division Equity Capital Markets
Location Hong Kong
Year 2014
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Oil and Gas
Location Hong Kong

Interview Questions & Answers - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Examples

Trading Trainee Interview - Natural Resources

Anonymous interview candidate in Kuala Lumpur
Interviewed: December 2017
No Offer
Interview Source
Applied Online
Length of Process
2-3 months
Phone Interview
1 on 1 Interview
Group Interview
Background Check
Long waiting time. Contacted by HR and had to undergo 3 rounds of interview. Interview was basic fit/ behavioural questions.
Interview Questions
Why would you like to work here?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Tell me about a time where you failed extremely badly.
What is your biggest weakness?
Why should I hire you?
Are you comfortable working over the weekends?
How do you feel about being relocated? (India)
Tell me who deserves to be hired (Group Interview)?

Case study was difficult with an unrelated topic, the interviewers were looking out for the thought process rather than the final answer. Interviewers tend to interrupt and be disruptive during the case presentation.

Sales and Trading Summer Intern Interview - Sales and Trading

Anonymous interview candidate in Hong Kong
Interviewed: February 2018
No Offer
Interview Source
Applied Online
Length of Process
1-2 months
Phone Interview
1 on 1 Interview
Group Interview
Skills Test
The company posted a job opening on LinkedIn. I applied by filling in a form with my personal details, and also, an essay about the Chinese economy and the world economy's opportunities and threats. Then, I completed an online aptitude test. Shortly after, I got a very short phone call from HR, asking why I wanted to work at ICBC. I then got called in for a Superday, with two panel interviews and one group interview.
Interview Questions
The interview questions asked were quite easy. I remember that the hardest one was only asking about the correlation between various asset classes. And maybe, another repeated question was what kind of trader I was, and if I liked quantitative or qualitiative analysis better, and give your reasoning why.

The groupinterview question was a prompt about the Chinese Greater Bay area (Hong Kong, Macau, Guangdong) vs the US Greater Bay area (New York, San Francisco, and one other city). Given 20 minutes to prepare with group mates.

IB Interview - Investment Banking

Anonymous interview candidate in New York
Interviewed: February 2018
No Offer
Interview Source
Applied Online
Length of Process
Less than 1 month
1 on 1 Interview
“How many hairstylists or barbers do you estimate there are there in this city? Explain your logic/assumptions.”

Answer: Explain the logic based on the population of the city, average number of cuts people have per year, number of cuts one barber can do per year, and thus how many that implies there must be. (i.e. 2 million people, each get an average of 4 cuts per year, which results in 8 million cuts per year. Each barber works an average of 8 hours per day, times five days per week, times fifty weeks per year equals 2,000 hours of cutting time per year. Each haircut takes 1 hour. Thus, 8 million haircuts, equal 8 million hours, divided by 2,000 hours per barber requires 4,000 barbers in the city.)
Interview Questions
Question #3
“A windowless room contains three identical light bulbs. Each light is connected to one of three switches outside of the room. Each bulb is switched off at present. You are outside the room, and the door is closed. You have one, and only one, opportunity to flip any of the external switches. After this, you can go into the room and look at the lights, but you may not touch the switches again. How can you tell which switch goes to which light?”

Answer: Switch on switches 1 & 2, wait a moment and switch off number 2. Enter the room. Whichever bulb is on is wired to switch 1, whichever is off and hot is wired to switch number 2, and the third is wired to switch 3.

ICBCS KYC Intern Interview - Risk Management

Anonymous interview candidate in
Interviewed: April 2016
No Offer
Interview Source
Applied Online
Length of Process
Less than 1 month
1 on 1 Interview
The hiring process was very fast and efficient. After applying online I waited two weeks to get an email for the interview. One week later I got another email with the results.
Interview Questions
The most unexpected part of the interview was when the interviewer asked me how my command of Mandarin was. He/She then proceeded to take out a page-long form in Mandarin and told me to read it out. The form was entirely in Mandarin and was filled with Mandarin financial jargon that I do not recognise. It was purely text, no numbers or equations. It seemed like it was a corporate email from the bank to its customers as it was very descriptive and wordy. Aside from that, the questions were quite general and simple. You were also asked about your knowledge on Excel as it was an important part of their selection process.

Project Finance analyst at ICBC Interview - Power

Anonymous interview candidate in New York
Interviewed: November 2016
No Offer
Interview Source
Length of Process
1-2 months
1 on 1 Interview
Group Interview
Consisted of two separate on-site interviews. Both with upper-level employees (VP and above). One was a two on one interview.
Interview Questions
What are your thoughts on net-metering? What occurred in Nevada regarding net metering? What credit risks would you analyze and look to understand before entering into a residential DG transaction? (company was looking to move towards a renewable directions so lots of questions focused in that catagory)

What type of asset types do you have experience working with and describe them to me in detail? How did you get comfortable with the risks?

Walk me through how you would build out a debt sizing model?

ECM Analyst Interview - Equity Capital Markets

Anonymous interview candidate in Hong Kong
Interviewed: September 2014
No Offer
Interview Source
Employee Referral
Length of Process
2-3 months
1 on 1 Interview
Group Interview
I got the interview through a referral. The person who referred me was high-rank, but our relationship is close to being a stranger. I was the 2nd in-line to be interviewed, the first girl had much stronger connection, and already received the offer. However, she turn the offer down, so I went in for an interview 2months after I got in touch with them.
Interview Questions
Basic behavioral questions and questions on your resume. Asked about Bloomberg skills (but knowing Bloomberg have very different functions for different positions).

One question that stood out and what I presume to be the reason that I didn't get the offer was " Are you confident and ok in dealing with Chinese clients. You came to the States at very young age and our clients are heavily Mainland based, it would be a very different experience compare to dealing with Western clients."

Equity Research Intern Interview - Oil and Gas

Anonymous employee in Hong Kong
Interviewed: February 2014
Accepted Offer
Interview Source
Employee Referral
Length of Process
2-3 months
Phone Interview
1 on 1 Interview
Background Check
Asked about my background and past internship experience. Went through my resume line by line. Since I am a student, the projects and activities are requested to be explained in very details.
Interview Questions
Please compare between Asian market and U.S. market. What do you think about internet industry. What's the competitive advantage of this/that company. How did you do the models in your previous company. bla bla bla bla bla