BTG Pactual Interview Questions

6 total interview insight submissions
Interview Experience (90%)

The Interview Experience is a score from 1 star (very negative) to 5 stars (very positive) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few interview insights). Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset.

  • Very Negative
  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Very Positive
Interview Difficulty (96%)

The Interview Difficulty is a score ranging from very difficult (red) to very easy (green) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. The higher the number, the more difficult the interviews on average. If you hover over the various sections of the doughnut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few interview insights). Simply put, as a company gets more insights, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire data set.

  • Very Easy
  • Easy
  • Average
  • Difficult
  • Very Difficult
% Interns - FT Offers (68%)

The % of Interns Getting a Full Time Offer chart is meant to provide a realistic estimate of the hiring practices of the company based on the reviews at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. If you hover over the various sections of the doughnut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few reviews). Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to the simple company average and away from the average of the entire data set.

  • 0%
  • 10%
  • 20%
  • 30%
  • 40%
  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 70%
  • 80%
  • 90%
  • 100%

Interviews at BTG Pactual

Filter by:
Job Title
1st Year Analyst
Year 2019
Job Title 1st Year Analyst
Group/Division Investment Banking
Location São Paulo
Very Positive
Year 2019
Job Title Other
Group/Division Generalist
Location São Paulo
Year 2017
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Investment Banking
Location Lima
Year 2013
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Generalist
Location Rio de Janeiro
Year 2014
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Valuation
Location So Paulo
Very Positive
Year 2014
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Back Office
Location So Paulo

Interview Questions & Answers - BTG Pactual Examples

Analyst Interview - Investment Banking

Anonymous employee in São Paulo
Interviewed: December 2019
Accepted Offer
Interview Source
Length of Process
1-2 months
1 on 1 Interview
Thw whole process was about 1 month. First I got in tocuh with the risk manager from the area and he asked me about my activities and my current job. After that I got in touch with another manager from the same area and did some questions about what my opinion about Hard Working and working 12hours per day. The last interview was with partners from the Risk area.
Interview Questions
Would you leave the bank to work at international banks like Gokdman Sachs or Morgan Stanley? Why this bank is better than that?

Próxima Geração Interview - Generalist

Anonymous interview candidate in São Paulo
Interviewed: February 2019
No Offer
Interview Source
Applied Online
Length of Process
Less than 1 month
Group Interview
Ths process, usually called "Dinâmica de Grupo" in Brazil, consisted of a group 25 candidates to be separated in 5 groups of 5. They gave us a case to solve. The case consisted of a person, with individual aspects, problems and goals, and we had to build a portfolio (with funds from the bank) to help this person accomplish whatever he/she was intending. After this, half of the candidates were asked to leave the room as they've failed this part.
Interview Questions
They told us that we didn't have any kind of experience or prior knowledge of the investment funds offered by the company, but the truth is that those who got accepted to the next phase of the process were the ones who already works in the field. They (recruiters) even admitted that the email that they've sent us didn't specified this. Actually, they assured us in the email that no prior knowledge was needed, only to later told us in person that "Yeah, we are avaliating what you know about asset management."

Investment Banking Junior Analyst Interview - Investment Banking

Anonymous interview candidate in Lima
Interviewed: September 2017
No Offer
Interview Source
College / University / On Campus Recruiting
Length of Process
Less than 1 month
Was instructed to do a one-pager in an hour about a local company, then present it to the analysts and associates and was asked technical questions about it.
Interview Questions
There are two other guys from the same job you are applying, why should we hire you?

How does pricing work in an IPO?

How are high-yield bonds rated?

How would you get over operative tasks given in the bank?

Describe a transaction you did are your previous bank in detail.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Are you willing to work in BAML as an intern for one year?

Why did you pick BAML and not JPM, CS or another investment bank?

If I told you an analyst position opened at your current job opened, would you take it?

Trainee Interview - Generalist

Anonymous employee in Rio de Janeiro
Interviewed: July 2013
Accepted Offer
Interview Source
Applied Online
Length of Process
2-3 months
Phone Interview
Group Interview
Skills Test
The process for foreigners applying for a Trainee Program is a little bit different than for Brazilians, in that it is much less structured. My interview process consisted of:

(1) Online application: in English, around 1 hr to complete, pretty standard for U.S. / U.K. pattern. One thing that was interesting was a request for "favorite finance career" indication, that was later used in the interview process. I selected a career path without giving it much thought and that caused a bit of confusion later on.

(2) Online tests: (I) Economic / Finance knowledge, 20 questions of multiple choice, and (II) Portuguese, also 20 questions. Not extremely difficult but without any skills in finance and/or language, probably hard to pass.

The Finance test was set for 120 min. which really meant you could google the answers: and I think it was the part of the process, not exactly knowing the answers as being able to look them up

(3) Behavioral interview with HR: around 1 hr of phone interview. Classical behavioral set of questions, 100% in Portuguese. My language skills were mediocre at the time but it was ok for them. I was informed about the positive outcome of the interview already at the end of the call.

(4) Final Interview with BTG Partners. Mine was a conference call NY - Rio. Each Partner would ask pretty basic questions about my interests in Brazil, outlook on their economy, and interests in banking / finance. No real pressure or technical question (which is the case for Brazilian candidates).
Interview Questions
Why do you want to come work in a country with such a vulnerable economy? They wanted to know if I did my homework about the structural problems of economy in Brazil, and if I have an opinion that I can defend.
Are you ok with working really hard, much harder than in school and previous jobs? They wanted to see some examples of dedication earlier in my career. It’s also a usual thing they ask in interviews (most foreigners have been asked that as far as I know).

Valuation Interview - Valuation

Anonymous employee in So Paulo
Interviewed: March 2014
Accepted Offer
Interview Source
Employee Referral
Length of Process
2-3 months
Phone Interview
Personality Test
BTG has a very laid back interview process. They formalized their interview process a couple of years. The process consisted of 3 phone interviews each about 45 minutes and with different bank employees. The questions asked in the interview were very generic questions such as why did you pick BTG? why do you want finance? and tell me a little bit about your self? There weren't many technical question. The interview process is really just trying to see if your personality will match that of the bank's.
Interview Questions
Tell me what you know about futures, bonds, options, stocks, derivates and how to value them? Walk me through the steps you took to get to the target price you reached.

Summer Analyst Interview - Back Office

Anonymous employee in So Paulo
Interviewed: March 2014
Accepted Offer
Interview Source
Employee Referral
Length of Process
1-2 months
Phone Interview
1 on 1 Interview
Got a first round interview with HR by networking. Then, I was interviewed by three partners and one executive director. The company has a culture of hiring only for BO/MO position. All their senior executives came from the back office, and they believe that the training you get there is essential to succeed in the front office. They claim that there is a lot of mobility.
Interview Questions
How is the Brazilian economy doing?
What are your prospects for M&A in Latin America?
Explain the US monetary policy.