AIMCO Interview Questions

3 total interview insight submissions
Interview Experience (66%)

The Interview Experience is a score from 1 star (very negative) to 5 stars (very positive) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few interview insights). Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset.

  • Very Negative
  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Very Positive
Interview Difficulty (52%)

The Interview Difficulty is a score ranging from very difficult (red) to very easy (green) generated based on the Interview Insights at this company.

The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. The higher the number, the more difficult the interviews on average. If you hover over the various sections of the doughnut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few interview insights). Simply put, as a company gets more insights, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire data set.

  • Very Easy
  • Easy
  • Average
  • Difficult
  • Very Difficult

Interviews at AIMCO

Filter by:
Job Title
Year 2023
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Generalist
Location Edmonton
Student / Prospective Monkey
Year 2019
Job Title Student / Prospective Monkey
Group/Division N/A
Location Edmonton
Year 2013
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Acqusitions
Location DENVER
Very Positive
Very Easy

Interview Questions & Answers - AIMCO Examples

Rotational program Interview - Generalist

Anonymous interview candidate in Edmonton
Interviewed: April 2023
No Offer
Interview Source
Applied Online
Length of Process
Less than 1 month
Phone Interview
Group Interview
Interview with recruiter, team leader, and senior analyst. Talked for about one hour about why AIMCO, my background, future goals. Overall it was friendly and not too stressful. No technical questions
Interview Questions
Why are you applying for an internship after graduating?

Investment Analyst Intern Interview

Anonymous interview candidate in Edmonton
Interviewed: December 2019
No Offer
Interview Source
Applied Online
Length of Process
Less than 1 month
Phone Interview
Very simple. Asked questions pertaining to hedge funds and questions about fund-of-funds investing.
Interview Questions
The technical portion consisted of a stock pitch and a few hedge fund-related questions such as what is a sharpe ratio? Name famous hedge fund investors? They asked for a lot of numbers during the stock pitch such as what is the P/E, EPS, quarterly results etc.

Behavioral is pretty basic cookie-cutter questions. Asked why you would like to relocate to Edmonton and how the firm meets your long-term goals. Overall, a moderately difficult interview if you are passionate about investing and interested in working at a pension fund.

acquisitions analyst intern Interview - Acqusitions

Anonymous interview candidate in DENVER
Interviewed: November 2013
No Offer
Interview Source
Employee Referral
Length of Process
Less than 1 month
Phone Interview
AIMCO has an unstructured internship program. I reached out to an alumni who worked is property management and he passed my resume onto his friend in acquisitions. I answered general fit questions over the phone. I was told they would not be hiring any interns in the acquisitions department this summer, but I was reffered to redevelopment. Still waiting to hear from them.
Interview Questions
Why real estate? They seem pretty committed to maintaining hires and promoting within. The alumni I got my foot in the door with has worked in several different capacities and quickly moved up to a VP role.
How do you think your past non-real estate experiences could help you succeed in this industry? They usually hire people with past experience in the industry but if you are generally competent and willing to learn you will have a shot.