Back-Door Mark: The Oracle of P.B.

Mod Note: Blast from the Past - "Best of Eddie". This one is originally from November 2010.

My buddy Pat lived in a condo on the beach, and it was a righteous location. When I say on the beach I mean when you opened his front door, you stepped out onto a large fenced-in deck, and when you went through the gate your toes were in the sand. I lived a little nearer to the harbor, where I kept my boats. (That's right, bitches. Boats. Plural.) The thing that Pat and I had in common (aside from our love of strong drink) was that we were both commodities traders for the same firm in our late 20's. Needless to say, I spent a lot of my free time at Pat's place. His deck was a mecca for beach revelers and bikini babes.

It was there that I met Back-Door Mark. Mark lived in a 350 sq ft studio apartment behind Pat's place. That's how he got the nickname "Back-Door" Mark, though he used the moniker's obvious sexual connotation to his advantage with the ladies. His apartment was so small that he actually had a Murphy bed that folded down from a cubby in the wall. He was an average guy: average height and build, average looking, a college degree from nowhere special. But Back-Door Mark was remarkable in two ways: he almost never worked, and he got more ass than a toilet seat.

I used to light up when Mark came around, because I knew the day was about to take a turn for the absurd. Mark slept with so many different women that he couldn't keep them straight. One day, this really hot chick came rollerblading up to the deck where we were all drinking and called out, "Hey, Mark!" with a smile. He looked at her and acted like they were old friends when he said, "!". I found out later this was a chick he'd slept with on two different occasions and he didn't even remember her name. That's not the worst part.

She came in, grabbed a beer, and started hanging out with us. Pat and I were laughing to each other because we knew Mark didn't remember her name, but we weren't prepared for what happened when she finally realized it. She looked kinda hurt and then said, "Mark, my name is ______" and it was the first and last name of a world-famous actress (think Julia Roberts, Scarlett Johanssen, etc...). Pat and I were floored. It was odd enough to forget the name of a hot chick you'd slept with twice, but to forget one that shared a name with a famous actress? Unbelievable.

Even more unbelievable, Back-Door Mark convinced her to take him out that night and, yes, he bedded her again.

Back-Door Mark was a renaissance man in the late 90's without even knowing it. His rent was $400 a month, his car was paid off (and was a respectable compact), and his monthly nut came to less than a grand. He had some job that I want to say was real estate-related (mortgages, I seem to remember) that didn't require him to be in the office very often, and I think he pulled down about $40,000 a year.

Pat and I would knock off early from time to time because the majority of the commodities markets closed no later than 1 o'clock in California. We'd head back to Pat's place to drink, and we'd find Back-Door Mark at least two or three ahead of us on the deck. He actually caused a problem for us once when a stripper flew in from Atlanta to hang out with him and she was tanning on the deck topless in a thong while our wives and girlfriends went berserk.

The fact is, Back-Door Mark had it all figured out. While Pat and I were killing ourselves to make the big money, Mark was working about 25 hours a week (if at all), living on the beach, and pulling more wool than a New Zealand rancher. When it came to blowing off steam, all three of us were right beside each other at the bar and Pat and I envied his lifestyle. Mark literally had to give Yahoo! Personals a break every couple months because he'd slept with every chick on there and was in danger of recycling.

There were many times back then that I looked at Mark and thought to myself, "Why am I doing what I'm doing? This guy has everything I have minus all the bullshit I have to put up with. Sure, he doesn't have a big house or a couple of boats or a fancy car, but he's got everything he needs to be happy and he doesn't stress out about jack shit."

I think you younger monkeys would do well to give this some thought. Racking up a shitload of student debt, busting your ass for four years to achieve a GPA worthy of more than a cursory glance by an IB recruiter, going through the frustration of the interview process and getting rejected time after time is all just par for the course. God forbid you actually get hired. Then you're really screwed.

What do we have for our big winner, Bob? We've got two years of 100+ hour weeks of mind numbing clerical work, a shitty apartment he'll almost never see, and an asshole boss who makes him jump through hoops for his own entertainment!

It is possible today more than ever before in history to make $2-3,000 a month without ever leaving home. I'm here to tell you, if that opportunity existed when I was in my early 20's, I would've given Back-Door Mark a run for his money. It's all in how you manage your lifestyle. Mark paid $400 a month for a place 50 feet from the beach instead of $3,000 a month for a place right on the beach. He could tell you which bars were serving what free food during Happy Hour based on the day of the week. He knew how to live the minimalist lifestyle without giving up anything important.

Before this post gets any longer, I just want to encourage you younger guys to consider the alternatives to the rat race. Most of us older guys remember some guy from college who bailed and became a bartender in Ibiza and just enjoyed his life instead of chasing a buck. On some level, we're all envious of that guy.

I actually re-connected with Back-Door Mark recently on Facebook. He's exactly the same. His photos are all of him with beautiful women hanging out at beach bars. He's got the same smile on his face in every one of them. He's into his 40's now, but the girls he's with have stayed the same age as back then. Incredible.

Why we put so much stock in what a guy like Warren Buffett has to say instead of listening to guys like Back-Door Mark is beyond me. I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for promoting the "slacker" lifestyle, but I know some of you are going to see the wisdom in it.

Am I wrong?


Hey man, I really like where this post went but how about this...

I actually like to play with excel spreadsheets, and I enjoy a good long day in the office... theres a special place in hell for people like me but I think I'll own some shiney ass things this side of the styx beforehand.

Still not sure if I want to spend the next 30+ years grinding away in corporate finance and the WSO dream chase or look to have enough passive income to live simply and work minimally.
Hey man, I really like where this post went but how about this...

I actually like to play with excel spreadsheets, and I enjoy a good long day in the office... theres a special place in hell for people like me but I think I'll own some shiney ass things this side of the styx beforehand.

And I'm sure you go home with beautiful women every weekend with that interesting little line


ive thought bout this lifestyle, but the issue with it I am fairly sure someday with 40 id wake up and think, so what have I achieved in my life? jack shit

ive thought bout this lifestyle, but the issue with it I am fairly sure someday with 40 id wake up and think, so what have I achieved in my life? jack shit

That's going to happen regardless of what you do...

More is good, all is better

ed - great post,

This post just re-affirms a sad thought I had the other day. The truth is, as bad ass as those in banking and finance like to think they are it is not a job for the risk loving. Banking, much like being a dentist, is a risk averse way to become a low level millionaire with a decent degree of certainty. The vast majority wont ever achieve BSD status, but once in the door you could quite easily sit around in the middle collecting a few 100k a year. This is not to say that the finance crowd doesn't have ambition, that is far from the truth. But what most of them don't have is balls - the balls to take real risk (not with client money), risk with their life/career choices and aggressively chasing what might really make them happy.

How many out there think they could actually achieve the quality of life this guy Pat manages on 40ish K? Whats really sad is that too many people(myself included) associate our ideas of "happiness" to the prospect of a fat and regular paycheck. In my own mind that is happiness derived from a feeling of security...knowing I can buy a round for my friends if I want, blow a few grand in Vegas on the occasional weekend, and provide for a family one day when I manage to find a girl who can stand my ass. That mindset is inherently risk adverse...the opposite of type A badassness many of us likely associate ourselves with in the finance world. How about trading your bloomberg for a surfboard and 8hrs of sleep a night? That shit takes guts. I envy guys like Pat for their ability to take risks for the sake of quality-of-life that I personally wouldn't be able to stomach...

In the end of the day its all down to personal preference, but I think its a fair point eddie brings up regarding priorities and unnecessary stress. There are definitely times when I think that I am burning through my 20's in the glow of two duel Dell monitors while I could (with some serious luck and maybe a personality upgrade) be more like Pat.

Its like the old poker adage: "poker is a tough way to make an easy living". Banking is the same...most people would quit if they had enough money or the guts to chase their ideal lifestyle. Guys like Pat are inspirational because they seemed to have come to this conclusion innately, without a care in the world as to what anyone else thinks.

Current sick thought running through my head: Maybe if I suffer enough now I'll make enough to the point where I might extract Pat's level of utility from life when I'm 35? 45? 55?...

Best Response

I have said it on here once, and I will say it again.

I was happiest in life when I was 25, living with roommates (3 girls my age actually), drinking $2 bud lights, and generally had no responsibilities other than paying rent. I was on the prop side, my job paid decent though nothing special, but I was out at 6 most nights, and home by 6:15 to play video games, go out, or just watch TV w/ my roommates.

It is not where you are at (and the few times I have ever had a good time specifically because where I was at, it was usually because it was a don't give a fuck dirty dive that just let you have a good time), it is who you are with. I do enjoy a good meal, but I can't say I have ever had a better time at some obnoxious club in the meatpacking district than any bar in the village.

And I can tell you this as well- when you are truly happy, people want to be around you. When you are really relaxed and content with your life, that confidence shows through. It's not the douche baggy angry confidence exuded by balding frat boys, but when you are talking to a woman or even other dudes and you are in that zen-like state where everything is just awesome, it seems to me like people put their guard down. You can't fake this though.

I make 2-3x what I did a few years ago, and have a net worth that goes along with that, but also a lot more responsibility. And I will tell you this- material things just end up owning you. You are much better off with a solid table from Walmart or Ikea than one you can't put your feet or a beer on because it cost thousands of dollars. Friends will grow old with you and get better with age, crap just depreciates.

living with roommates (3 girls my age actually)

I assume you did all of them, correct? If not then that would be an uncomfortable case of blue balls (unless they were ugly, in which case never mind).

Regarding this story, I sort of agree with Eddie but can't one have it both ways? If one is lucky enough to get very wealthy early on, then said monkey could retire and have a 40000 sq ft house right on the fucking beach. Believe me that guy would get much more pussy than Mr Mark here. Just look at Chanos (aka "Uncle Jim"), and he isn't even retired yet. And once someone is successful they don't have to worry about anything, being rich and all.

living with roommates (3 girls my age actually)

Regarding this story, I sort of agree with Eddie but can't one have it both ways? If one is lucky enough to get very wealthy early on, then said monkey could retire and have a 40000 sq ft house right on the fucking beach. Believe me that guy would get much more pussy than Mr Mark here. Just look at Chanos (aka "Uncle Jim"), and he isn't even retired yet. And once someone is successful they don't have to worry about anything, being rich and all.

Key word here is lucky. Earning substantial wealth early on (before you're 30) is so rare it may as well be a myth, and it's next to impossible to earn that kind of money without working 100 hour weeks banking style. 999999 times out of 1000000 you have to make a choice.

Eddie, from the stories you've told on here, it seems to me that you've lived a rich and full life. Would you trade those stories for a stress induced ulcer, a heart attack, and 2 extra zeros attached to your net worth?

Does it make you sad to see a generation of young men sacrificing the best years of their life for "prestige" and "security?"

living with roommates (3 girls my age actually)

I assume you did all of them, correct? If not then that would be an uncomfortable case of blue balls (unless they were ugly, in which case never mind).

Regarding this story, I sort of agree with Eddie but can't one have it both ways? If one is lucky enough to get very wealthy early on, then said monkey could retire and have a 40000 sq ft house right on the fucking beach. Believe me that guy would get much more pussy than Mr Mark here. Just look at Chanos (aka "Uncle Jim"), and he isn't even retired yet. And once someone is successful they don't have to worry about anything, being rich and all.

Tell that to MC hammer... the upkeep on that 40,000sqf house is gonna be cause for more headaches than Back Door Mark would ever have or tolerate. Not to mention the people you need to help manage this hypothetical fortune - money grubbing scumbags finance-types and lawyers. Plus, BDMark get the pleasure of knowing that the girls he bags and friends he keep are hanging out with his ass because he's a decent human....not cause he has a few spare ben franks to light his cohiba. I have a few really wealthy friends(via their parents), and they are constantly 'haunted' by their trust funds to the point where they cant enjoy it without having to deal with the money grubbing whores and a hangers-on who try to take advantage of them. Not the worst problem in the world true, but something to consider....might not be possible to have a truly simple life and a shit ton of disposable income.

living with roommates (3 girls my age actually)

I assume you did all of them, correct? If not then that would be an uncomfortable case of blue balls (unless they were ugly, in which case never mind).

No, I did not do any of them actually. And since it was 3 at a time, there was actually 5 in total I lived with in that apartment. This was mostly due to the fact that we lived in a pretty badass 2000 sq ft duplex apartment, and at that point in our lives, we all had lots of friends living at home looking for a place to crash after a night out in the city- and we had the nicest crash by far. These girls brought a good source of friends, and of course since I lived with them, I already had the friend seal of approval, and they were already in my home, drunk. I converted on this deal a few times.

One regret- the second hottest of any of them, a rail thin sorority girl whose self esteem issues you could see a mile away, showered with the door open the last week she was living with us. And this was a bathroom that had one door out in the hallway, and one directly into my room. And we aren't talking just a slight crack that could have been overlooked in a haze of morning grogginess, this was open a foot or two. I was woken up to what sounded like someone showering in my bedroom. She seemed more like the type that would press charges if I wandered in there than the type that would leave it open as an invitation (she never said or made any flirtatious action to me once), so I restrained myself and convinced myself it was a mistake. Except... the next day she did it again. Now... I am curious... but again I convinced myself that this wasn't a penthouse letter about to happen, as she had never even so much as sent a prolonged gaze in my direction. I still regret not making a move, or at least testing the waters by saying "Hey, did you want this open?" and getting the conversation started. Unfortunately in the heat of the moment I was not clever enough to come up with that.

As for the other 4, aside from the above: One girl was quite pretty, but definitely a dorky late late bloomer. She wore granny panties and made to-do lists with things on it like "eat more tilapia." Definitely not down for some quality nsa room hopping.

Another was an actress wannabe and supposedly a fun girl but was so piss broke she couldn't afford to go out, and was so obsessed w/ gaining weight she didn't like to drink. She got a boyfriend a week after I moved in and they are actually married now.

3 was actually one I was always trying to test the waters with as she was a very hot southern belle. The last month we lived together, I found out a few things about her: yes they were fake, she was indeed a virgin, and she did look just as good in her underwear as I thought she would. (she didn't want to put a robe on to grab something from the bathroom real quick, and I walked out of my room into the hall, and I didn't think of anything of it. But she shrieked like a banshee in embarassment and ran back into her room.) She still lives in NYC, and I would still like to hit that, but she is a friggen hermit and never goes out, and she is just too good of a girl for that sort of thing.

4 was another low self esteem girl that used to cheat on her bf all the time. She was kind of meh, kind of beat up looking for her age, and I had a gf at the time. She actually brought a friend home who was so out of it, that she passed out on the couch upstairs next to the roommate's room while the gf and I were watching TV. Next thing you know we hear moaning. We tiptoe upstairs, and I don't know if she thought she was home in bed or what, but her pants were around her ankles and she was going to town on herself. If my gf wasn't there... this would have been a slam friggen dunk.

I have said it on here once, and I will say it again.

I was happiest in life when I was 25, living with roommates (3 girls my age actually), drinking $2 bud lights, and generally had no responsibilities other than paying rent. I was on the prop side, my job paid decent though nothing special, but I was out at 6 most nights, and home by 6:15 to play video games, go out, or just watch TV w/ my roommates.

It is not where you are at (and the few times I have ever had a good time specifically because where I was at, it was usually because it was a don't give a fuck dirty dive that just let you have a good time), it is who you are with. I do enjoy a good meal, but I can't say I have ever had a better time at some obnoxious club in the meatpacking district than any bar in the village.

And I can tell you this as well- when you are truly happy, people want to be around you. When you are really relaxed and content with your life, that confidence shows through. It's not the douche baggy angry confidence exuded by balding frat boys, but when you are talking to a woman or even other dudes and you are in that zen-like state where everything is just awesome, it seems to me like people put their guard down. You can't fake this though.

I make 2-3x what I did a few years ago, and have a net worth that goes along with that, but also a lot more responsibility. And I will tell you this- material things just end up owning you. You are much better off with a solid table from Walmart or Ikea than one you can't put your feet or a beer on because it cost thousands of dollars. Friends will grow old with you and get better with age, crap just depreciates.

Truer words have never been spoken. I know exactly what you're talking about - people truly want to be around you when you're really happy and content. I had a brief period of true happiness and content, and I had a blast meeting new people and hanging out with them and having a good time in general. Conversations flew better, developed some great bonds, and hell, things were even better on the women front.

Fast forward that to today - and I'm stressed all the time, I eat poorly because I'm too busy to cook myself a proper meal, I find myself being increasingly anti-social and impatient with everything around me. I'd do anything to rewind time, but I just don't know how...


Truer words have never been spoken. I know exactly what you're talking about - people truly want to be around you when you're really happy and content. I had a brief period of true happiness and content, and I had a blast meeting new people and hanging out with them and having a good time in general. Conversations flew better, developed some great bonds, and hell, things were even better on the women front.

I have tried analyzing why I did better with women and people in general when I was in this phase, and I think it came down to a few key things:

1- I wasn't trying to impress anyone. I feel like when I was younger and just out of school, one of the first things I would ask when I met someone is "where do you work/what do you do?" which was partially because I wanted to impress them with my job. And shit like that probably works on Stone St* or in the meatpacking district, but in most places, people are at the bar to forget about their jobs. I never asked them that when I was truly content, mostly because the conversations just seemed to start on their own after I made a joke or something.

  1. I wasn't trying too hard. Kind of ties in to the previous, but I had so many people around me at the time, that I was rarely out looking to meet people. Most of the time, I would make a joke, someone would laugh, and then we would just start talking. I had no agenda, I didn't care if she liked me, and I wasn't trying to pick her up. The aloofness may have helped- girls want what they can't have, not what is chasing them.

*Seriously dudes- you want a good spot to pick up some shameless gold diggers- go down to Stone St on a friday night around 7/8. I had a bday party down there at Ulysses last year, and girls got decked out to go there like they were going to a club- skin tight dresses, tiny skirts, the whole nine yards- and the place has an irish pub theme. I was w my gf, so I didn't get a chance to actually talk to them, but presumably their number one goal was to pick up finance dudes in suits.


Great post Eddie. Thanks a lot for writing it, because I think about similar things all the time. Many academic psychologists (and maybe even economists) believe they've proven that happiness is mainly just a function of 2 things, your satisfaction with your job and your social relationships. Regardless of the quality/details of that research, I buy it (purely based on introspection). So, as I look to begin my career, I'm constantly trying to figure out how to obtain a nice balance in my life. Asking myself, which jobs will give me satisfaction during working hours? Which jobs will earn me a decent (but not necessarily great) living, while also leaving me enough leisure time to pursue other goals (exercising, learning, socializing, dating, etc)? I still don't have the answers, but hopefully one day I'll stumble on happiness.


Back Door Mark will grow old and die alone.

We find our truest, best selves through commitment, not pleasure.

********************************* “The American father is never seen in London. He passes his life entirely in Wall Street and communicates with his family once a month by means of a telegram in cipher.” - Oscar Wilde

Living like Back Door Mark is a committment that you just dont understand Veritas. It takes a certain level of pride to stand back and live without certain things and be happy being yourself.

Granted im talking about his way of life, not his slaying of women on a daily basis. I know quite a few people in PB who chose to lead the simpler life, and the commit themselves to it, not cause theyre lazy.

They live with bikes everyday and have a $5,000 dollar car for when its needed, though it typically sits on the street for days at a clip.

As nice as being able to afford models and bottles and blowing 5k a weekend in vegas is, give me Pacific Beach, my gf and her DR salary and a small condo w/ 2 surf boards. Ill be poorer, but happier.

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"
Living like Back Door Mark is a committment that you just dont understand Veritas. It takes a certain level of pride to stand back and live without certain things and be happy being yourself.

Granted im talking about his way of life, not his slaying of women on a daily basis. I know quite a few people in PB who chose to lead the simpler life, and the commit themselves to it, not cause theyre lazy.

They live with bikes everyday and have a $5,000 dollar car for when its needed, though it typically sits on the street for days at a clip.

As nice as being able to afford models and bottles and blowing 5k a weekend in vegas is, give me Pacific Beach, my gf and her DR salary and a small condo w/ 2 surf boards. Ill be poorer, but happier.

Where did I advocate for models/bottles?

I advocated COMMITMENT over pleasure.

Back Door Mark should be mocked not applauded, just as the 50 year old single banker/lawyer should be pitied not praised.

********************************* “The American father is never seen in London. He passes his life entirely in Wall Street and communicates with his family once a month by means of a telegram in cipher.” - Oscar Wilde
Back Door Mark should be mocked not applauded, just as the 50 year old single banker/lawyer should be pitied not praised.

Dude, what? Just because someone wants different things out of life and has a different standard of success or value or whatever doesn't mean he should be 'mocked'. As far as the 50 year old single banker/lawyer, I know PLENTY of guys that are happy as hell being single and who the fuck are you to say that someone's happiness should be tied to having a significant other? I should pity the single guy? How about you pop your broad's tit out of your mouth and realize that there are different ways to go about life.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
I advocated COMMITMENT over pleasure.

That's the thing, Back-Door Mark is committed to pleasure.

--- man made the money, money never made the man

back door mark's lifestyle is only possible because of other people's hard work and effort. if we all tried to live that lifestyle, we (including this character) would be all flat broke, living out of cardboard boxes. He was lucky enough to get some random job where he is rewarded far in excess of his effort/risk/education, jobs that in time will become more and more rare. Personally I'd rather not be a mooch but that's just me.

having said that, i think his perspective is laudible and if that was the point you were getting at, then sb for you ed. actually enjoying life and doing the things you want to do is the best way to live and the path to the least regrets. too many chimps rush into jobs they hate, for prestige/money they cant enjoy for a future they'll despise. too many guys think that they can't get girls without the whole models/bottles philosophy which is pretty pathetic. some of my best conquests started out with girls buying me drinks in college. I dont mind saying it either.

down on the upside:
back door mark's lifestyle is only possible because of other people's hard work and effort. if we all tried to live that lifestyle, we (including this character) would be all flat broke, living out of cardboard boxes. He was lucky enough to get some random job where he is rewarded far in excess of his effort/risk/education, jobs that in time will become more and more rare. Personally I'd rather not be a mooch but that's just me.

Mark was definitely not a mooch. In fact, he rarely showed up to the deck without a 12-pack in tow. On the contrary, Mark was extraordinarily good at managing his cash flow, keeping his overhead to a minimum, and spending money on the things that were important to him.

He obviously added value to his employer in one way or another, or he wouldn't have been able to keep his job.


Would be a very good life style for a guy who wants to stay single (not married) all his life, but on the other hand i get where you are coming from for alternatives to the 100+ since I am doing it, but being in the grind for a few year before flying out solo if i want could be beneficial in terms of attitude and learning curve!! But then again, who am I to talk :)

Maybe I do not have quotes under my name on google, but I KEEP IT REAL

Funny thing is I know a kid just like back door and his name is also Mark. Last I talked to him, he had a small condo with roomies in Bueno Aires, making hot sauce and banging beautiful Argentinian women every day (I would assume based on his similar college exploits)


Sometimes I wish I could live 2 lives: one where I can push myself and consistently exceed expectations, and another like Mark's life where I don't care about anyone or anything but my own happiness.

BTW, PB is teeming with hot and easy ass...fucking love that place.

--- man made the money, money never made the man

This thread reminds me of a conversation that I had with my staffer when I was a 3rd yr Analyst. He was a Director, was married with kids and had a house in Summit or somewhere similar. We were out having a few drinks and discussing a job that I'd accepted to go work as an associate in a small market boutique IB. I took the offer over a couple of realtively high profile buyside offers, not necessarily the choice most on here or in the industry would choose.

My thought was that I wanted to work with people that I like and not deal with the stress and hours of being in NYC or a similar market. He confessed that he wished that he could have done that a long time ago, but he was now trapped because he needed the certainty of the big paycheck to cover the house, lifestyle and private school for the kids. The take away for me is that you should always be cognizant of what you are signing up for in life...


To each his own obviously but it amazes me that Mark is still at it. For myself, at some point I'd want to grow up and accomplish something for myself and for others.

I'd be 40+ asking myself what have I done in life? You only get one shot at life, might as well try to achieve something great. I guess the definition of greatness differs for all of us.

Ben Shalom Bernanke:
To each his own obviously but it amazes me that Mark is still at it. For myself, at some point I'd want to grow up and accomplish something for myself and for others.

I'd be 40+ asking myself what have I done in life? You only get one shot at life, might as well try to achieve something great. I guess the definition of greatness differs for all of us.

Indeed it does. I sense that what makes the Marks of the world tick is that they realize that we are all wormfood. Who today knows or cares who Agathocles of Syracuse has done? (Machiavelli fans, this one is for you) He had as successful and bloodthirsty a career as any of us aspring-to-be-alpha-gorilla types here. He ended up as much as dead and forgotten as the rest of us.

Edmundo Braverman:

It is possible today more than ever before in history to make $2-3,000 a month without ever leaving home. I'm here to tell you, if that opportunity existed when I was in my early 20's, I would've given Back-Door Mark a run for his money.

What would you do to make 3 grand a month without ever leaving home Eddie? Clearly it's possible (easy?), but I'm not sure what I can offer. What about everyone else?

P.S. For the Canadian in the room, what does PB stand for? Pacific Beach?

Edmundo Braverman:

It is possible today more than ever before in history to make $2-3,000 a month without ever leaving home. I'm here to tell you, if that opportunity existed when I was in my early 20's, I would've given Back-Door Mark a run for his money.

What would you do to make 3 grand a month without ever leaving home Eddie? Clearly it's possible (easy?), but I'm not sure what I can offer. What about everyone else?

P.S. For the Canadian in the room, what does PB stand for? Pacific Beach?

There are many ways to do it with the Internet. Blog marketing is huge right now. WSO is a great example of that. Patrick is effectively "retired" (and chasing skirts in Buenos Aires) thanks to this website. He accomplished that in under 4 years, and I'd venture a guess that he's making a damn sight more than three grand a month.

Drop shipping is also a way people make a living online. Shopify was set up for that very reason. Find a product you like that is manufactured and shipped by someone else and you set up a website to sell it.

Or, if you're a decent writer, there are literally tons of writing jobs all over the web. If I were in high school right now, I'd be putting everything in place to just make a living online when I graduated. Then I'd hit the road.

And yes, the PB I'm talking about is Pacific Beach.


That's EXACTLY what I am trying to do right now: set up a website/business on the side that makes like $2-3K with minimal time, and that will cover rent + car PMT's + student loans + beer money. Not trying to be the next Google, but it would be nice to have a little extra income while working full-time.

I call it Micro-Entrepreneurship.

--- man made the money, money never made the man
Edmundo Braverman:
There were many times back then that I looked at Mark and thought to myself, "Why am I doing what I'm doing? This guy has everything I have minus all the bullshit I have to put up with. Sure, he doesn't have a big house or a couple of boats or a fancy car, but he's got everything he needs to be happy and he doesn't stress out about jack shit.

Hey Eddie, how do you feel about it looking back over all these years? Are you happy with how things played out, or do you sorta wish you would of went "Back-Door" Mark style instead?

I wish I had boats and lived on the beach. And I'm willing to work for it too, but no is hiring.

The thing about Mark's lifestyle is that while you all envied him for his carefree lifestyle and women, I bet he envied you for your money and security. I don't know him so I'm just talking shit, but you know what they say, "the grass is always greener on the other side."


I like the idea behind the post -- and I think that work/life balance, at least in the longer term, should be considered when choosing a career path. That said - have you ever spent a week with your family or friends in a $30 million house with a full-time staff? It's just different than spending your time together somewhere else... It's certainly not necessary by any means, but it's totally different. It's a completely different way of life and I find it to be superior.


I think you need to separate this into the getting laid every night by a different woman and the rest of mark's lifestyle. Of course any heterosexual male would like the sexual aspect of his life but the rest of it would get very boring to me. There is no reason you can't be very promiscuous while living in NYC and working hard, in fact it is one of the best places in the World for that givent he amount of women and the variety of places to meet them. However, living in a small studio apartment with a murphy bed and spending all day on the beach would not work for me for very long.


Yeah, I bet that poor bastard lay awake at night thinking about how he was going to eat the next day.

From my experience when you're not getting sex it's the most important thing in the world, but when you are getting sex it's just normal. I suspect money is similar.

Yeah, I bet that poor bastard lay awake at night thinking about how he was going to eat the next day.

From my experience when you're not getting sex it's the most important thing in the world, but when you are getting sex it's just normal. I suspect money is similar.

I actually think its the opposite with money...which is why making money is such a double-edged sword.

Yeah, I bet that poor bastard lay awake at night thinking about how he was going to eat the next day.

From my experience when you're not getting sex it's the most important thing in the world, but when you are getting sex it's just normal. I suspect money is similar.

He didn't have any bills and made a comfortable wage so I'm sure he didn't go hungry.


The only reason Back Door Mark banged loads of chicks is because they all thought they could change him. I bet you that every one of those chicks though to themselves, "I wonder if I will be the one to change him. Perhaps I'll inspire him?"

Trust me, I've seen the 55 year old version of Back Door Mark. He's full of shit and is quite literally jerking his life away.

Guys like Back Door Mark really inspire me, because they reinforce my fear of wasting my life. I'd rather regret not banging six thousand chicks than regret not doing anything with my life.



I'm actually curious about this. Almost every guy I know says he has a "friend" who is average looking/broke/blah blah that pulls mad ass. What about him made him so attractive? I'm sure he had mad game - can you outline anything particular he did?

Just healthily skeptical. Curating the best advice and making it actionable.

There were several contributing factors to Mark's success with the ladies. Here's the list off the top of my head.

  1. PB is full of sluts. This one can't be overstated. PB is literally wall-to-wall in slut. This isn't a value judgment in any way, because God knows we all love sluts. But PB boasts more slut per capita than any other town in America. Not the toxic, damaged sluts you find in L.A., either. PB sluts are generally happy and good-natured. And they're dumb sluts, which is even better.

  2. Mark had a thing for sluts.

  3. Mark had really decent game. I'm not going to say he had "mad" game, but his game was top shelf. He had a way of being friendly and aloof at the same time, that kind of, "Yeah, you're hot. But who gives a shit?" attitude that chicks with daddy issues can't get enough of. Plus, he really didn't care if a chick slept with him. He knew they were like buses, and if this one didn't the next one would. They all knew it, too, and this knowledge made them even easier. A buyers market, so to speak.

  4. Mark leveraged technology. In the late 90's, Internet dating was still in its infancy, and there were no common sexual mores applied to dates acquired online. Also, the desperation level among women on the Internet dating scene was extremely high. Mark took full advantage of this and leveraged several women at one time until he was able to isolate those who would put out for a couple of drinks at happy hour. He was something of a visionary in this regard, as most of us were still convinced that the Internet dating pool was stocked with Lorena Bobbit types and none of my buddies wanted to end up with a Stage 5 clinger on their hands.

  5. Mark was a gentleman. He didn't kiss and tell. I can't tell you how many times we were out drinking on the deck with Mark there right beside us when his apartment door would open up and some little stunner would walk out fresh from the shower and he'd just wink at us and go back to his beer. He never regaled us with tales of his conquests, because he never needed to. I think chicks can sense when they're around a guy who smashes hundreds of randoms, and they want to see what the fuss is all about. But when they're done, they also want to know that the guy isn't going to tell the whole town what happened. With Mark, they never had to worry about it. He forgot about most of them within 24 hours.

I could probably write a whole post on this subject, but then I'd get fired.


^^ You SHOULD write a post on getting laid. Some of the guys on this site could really use that type of advice.

Yes, PB has a lot of hot and free ass. Every SoCal beach city is pretty much the same. Santa Monica, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, etc etc. I used to live in Newport. It reminded me of living in my frat house; basically, you stumble out the door (already shwacked from pre-partying), stumble your way to the closest bar, talk to as many chicks until you convince one to have sex with you, then bring her back to your place...its just that easy.

--- man made the money, money never made the man

haha so this post returns!! I live in SoCal and have been to the beach like 3-5 times this year. The person who isn't getting laid thinks its the most important thing in the world and the person who is its nothing special. As for back-door Mark I wouldn't recommend anyone living that life. That guy has no ambition that's why he is a beach bum, come here and you'll find plenty. And trust me even a beach becomes monotonous after few months. I would rather create value be income independent and travel anywhere i wanted to. Freedom to me is more important than pussy. You dont have to be in Socal to get laid fellas.


haha so this post returns!! I live in SoCal and have been to the beach like 3-5 times this year. The person who isn't getting laid thinks its the most important thing in the world and the person who is its nothing special. As for back-door Mark I wouldn't recommend anyone living that life. That guy has no ambition that's why he is a beach bum, come here and you'll find plenty. And trust me even a beach becomes monotonous after few months. I would rather create value be income independent and travel anywhere i wanted to. Freedom to me is more important than pussy. You dont have to be in Socal to get laid fellas.


I think you need to separate this into the getting laid every night by a different woman and the rest of mark's lifestyle. Of course any heterosexual male would like the sexual aspect of his life but the rest of it would get very boring to me. There is no reason you can't be very promiscuous while living in NYC and working hard, in fact it is one of the best places in the World for that givent he amount of women and the variety of places to meet them. However, living in a small studio apartment with a murphy bed and spending all day on the beach would not work for me for very long.

I completely agree with the above. I would have to be on some very strong drugs to be that happy as a beach bum. The people who disagree probably need to spend more time away from the office, but it doesn't have to be all or nothing. I think two a night is plenty.

Also, how the hell did Back Door Mark get so much poon without having much money? Charisma maybe?


Absolutely spot on Eddie! I'm trying to figure how to get that lifestyle myself albeit probably not as many women but I've got the same goal in mind.

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haha so this post returns!! I live in SoCal and have been to the beach like 3-5 times this year. The person who isn't getting laid thinks its the most important thing in the world and the person who is its nothing special. As for back-door Mark I wouldn't recommend anyone living that life. That guy has no ambition that's why he is a beach bum, come here and you'll find plenty. And trust me even a beach becomes monotonous after few months. I would rather create value be income independent and travel anywhere i wanted to. Freedom to me is more important than pussy. You dont have to be in Socal to get laid fellas.

I'm pretty sure Mark is about as free as it gets.

lol at "create value"


Funny thing is I know a kid just like back door and his name is also Mark. Last I talked to him, he had a small condo with roomies in Bueno Aires, making hot sauce and banging beautiful Argentinian women every day (I would assume based on his similar college exploits)

ha I knew him while he lived in bsas last year, nice guy / great hot sauce.. "ya ya bean"

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haha so this post returns!! I live in SoCal and have been to the beach like 3-5 times this year. The person who isn't getting laid thinks its the most important thing in the world and the person who is its nothing special. As for back-door Mark I wouldn't recommend anyone living that life. That guy has no ambition that's why he is a beach bum, come here and you'll find plenty. And trust me even a beach becomes monotonous after few months. I would rather create value be income independent and travel anywhere i wanted to. Freedom to me is more important than pussy. You dont have to be in Socal to get laid fellas.

I'm pretty sure Mark is about as free as it gets.

lol at "create value"

free to never leave PB and whats funny about creating value? Businesses create value to make money.

Edmundo Braverman:

3. Mark had really decent game. I'm not going to say he had "mad" game, but his game was top shelf. He had a way of being friendly and aloof at the same time, that kind of, "Yeah, you're hot. But who gives a shit?" attitude that chicks with daddy issues can't get enough of. Plus, he really didn't care if a chick slept with him. He knew they were like buses, and if this one didn't the next one would. They all knew it, too, and this knowledge made them even easier. A buyers market, so to speak.

How exactly does this work? From my experience, the direct, "come home with me," approach generates the best bang for the buck. However, it usually only leads to overconfident sluts, and I like the innocent/naive types better because they scream louder and spend more time in the "pregame" phase.


haha so this post returns!! I live in SoCal and have been to the beach like 3-5 times this year. The person who isn't getting laid thinks its the most important thing in the world and the person who is its nothing special. As for back-door Mark I wouldn't recommend anyone living that life. That guy has no ambition that's why he is a beach bum, come here and you'll find plenty. And trust me even a beach becomes monotonous after few months. I would rather create value be income independent and travel anywhere i wanted to. Freedom to me is more important than pussy. You dont have to be in Socal to get laid fellas.

I'm pretty sure Mark is about as free as it gets.

lol at "create value"

free to never leave PB and whats funny about creating value? Businesses create value to make money.

Why is he free to never leave PB? You're just making assumptions based on nothing and projecting your own idea of freedom onto someone else.

Freedom means being able to do what you want to do with your time. There is no specific definition of freedom. I think one could argue that "creating value to become independent" requires a great input of time and effort to achieve what someone like Mark already has. Peace of mind and the ability to spend his days doing what he likes.

You don't need a lot of money to travel the world and do the things you want to do. And, who's to say that Mark doesn't create value for his company? The fact that he's kept on while living a life of leisure must mean he's got valuable skills to offer.

Lastly, I laughed about "creating value" because it sounds like something a 20 year old college student would say. I certainly don't need a lesson on how businesses make money. Though, I'd put selling a product or service above cost is how a business makes money, creating value is a pretty nebulous term on its own.


From my experience when you're not getting sex it's the most important thing in the world, but when you are getting sex it's just normal. I suspect money is similar.

^Very true.

This post really aligns with my thoughts on choosing a career path after school. I'd much rather choose a job/lifestyle in an awesome city that's going to pay less than one where I'm in the office for 80-100 hours and hating my life for the next two years. To each his own, but I really feel like your friends/experiences outweigh making that extra $. Company culture, the team I'm working with, and work/life balance are my three main things I'm looking for this fall during FT recruiting.


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Sint nobis corporis quis et. Voluptate deleniti eaque aut est corrupti ut quae est.

Omnis cumque aut nemo deleniti sint. Voluptatem neque totam delectus cumque. Adipisci voluptatum rerum aperiam.

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Odit iusto cumque neque optio in minima. Velit et autem laborum a in odit. Recusandae iure explicabo sint aut ipsum ducimus.

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