Nostro Account

It is the account that a bank of a nation holds in the bank of another country in the outside currency.

Author: Kavya Sharma
Kavya Sharma
Kavya Sharma
Reviewed By: Parul Gupta
Parul Gupta
Parul Gupta
Working as a Chief Editor, customer support, and content moderator at Wall Street Oasis.
Last Updated:June 11, 2024

What Is A Nostro Account?

Nostro Account is the account that a bank of a nation holds in the bank of another country in the outside currency, and it helps the bank that has the account in the bank of another country by the approach to improving the trade and exchange process for the foreign currencies.

It alludes to the foreign bank account laid out through the homegrown bank in the particular nation where the currency is wanted. But, naturally, these records are not opened in countries on the little rundown or where there is a negligible measure of foreign trade exchanges.

It is a foreign currency account opened through your local bank at a bank in the country where the currency is desired. This account is our account in another country, and a Vostro account is the account of a foreigner in our country. 

It is always denominated in foreign currency, whereas a Vostro account is in domestic currency.

Key takeaways

  • Homegrown banks are frequently utilized as caretakers to deal with the bank's activities regarding foreign trade exchanges.
  • A bank perceives the Nostro balance in the record as a charge offset by different banks and consequently recorded as the bank's assets on the accounting report.
  • It is opened by the bank in those nations where its actual presence is negligible and would be tough to impart daily.
  • To avoid this uneasiness, a bank opens a Nostro account in one more bank in a foreign country with unfamiliar money for adaptability and smooth tasks.

understanding the Nostro Account

It is a bank account that a bank holds with a foreign bank in the nation's currency where the assets are held. The expression "Nostro" is a Latin word that signifies "our own" and is utilized to work with foreign trade and worldwide exchanges, including foreign currencies. 

It is contrary to the expression "Vostro," a Latin word for "yours." This account is a reference that Bank A specifies to allude to an account on deposit in Bank B, in the local currency of the nation where Bank B is found. 

A record of Bank A's cash is held in Bank B to work with foreign trade exchanges and repayment of global business. This account is an extra specialized feature mainly found in countries with convertible currencies. 

Banks typically collaborate with third parties to facilitate transactions like these. Banks that offer Nostro services are also known as facilitator banks. These banks are nothing like deposit accounts, and they require that deposit accounts be kept in the same currency as a bank.

It is a foreign bank account in foreign currency. International students who want to study in another country can open a Nostro account with a bank in their country, which will then set up their performance in a foreign bank.

how a nostro account works

It is an instrument that banks use to monitor all assets being held in different banks in the currency of the nation where the assets are held. It is kept within a foreign currency that can be changed for use in foreign trade and exchanges.

Assume, for example, that Bank X keeps the record in Bank Y's country's currency. Bank X will treat the account as a Nostro account, whereas Bank Y will treat the account as a Vostro account.

While opening a Nostro account, the client bank chooses to open an account with one more bank with a financial relationship within a far-off country. The foreign bank, for this situation, is alluded to as the facilitator bank. 

When the bank has protected an account with the facilitator bank, the last option will help the previous make installments for exchanges utilizing its home currency. Finally, the facilitator bank uses its clearing network with the national bank to complete the transaction. 

Suppose the facilitator bank doesn't approach the necessary clearing arrangements with the national bank. In that case, it can work with the installments for the exchange through one more bank in the country, which is a primary clearing member of the national bank.

As a rule, banks use Nostro accounts while trading in another nation where it doesn't have an actual presence, and on second thought, it involves a laid out bank in the outside country to complete the exchange for its benefit.

Nostro account Examples

Assume a Bank A in the USA needs to purchase euros 1,00,000 from Bank B in the UK. On the settlement date, bank B will move euros 1,00,000 to the Nostro account in the UK. Be that as it may, a bank should pay dollars for the exchanges. 

Thus Bank A will move the necessary sum in dollars to the Nostro record of Bank B in the United States of America. Therefore, no transactions occur from one country to another; be that as it may, the exchange is executed without a hitch.

Now, assume an Individual, Mr. A, needs to transfer $ 1,00,000 to someone else, Mr. B, in the USA. In this situation, Mr. A will move toward his home bank and request that they open a Nostro account at the Reporter Bank in the USA. 

Presently Mr. A will pay $1,00,000 to the homegrown bank in the Nostro record of Mr. B, and the home bank will pay the related bank in the USA $1,00,000 into its Vostro account. In addition, the reporter bank will pay $1,00,000 to Mr. B's Account from that account. 

Along these lines, assets are not developed starting with one country and then onto the next. In any case, the exchanges go through, and the two players are fulfilled. Mr. B gets his cash, and Mr. A takes care of his commitments.

nostro account Requirements

It is the account of a local bank set up in a foreign bank. It eases foreign exchanges and trade payments. It is also used to ease international trade among nations. These are required to boost business growth by smoothening financial transactions.

The following are the requirements:

  1. It is utilized to settle foreign money.
  2. It is utilized to settle worldwide exchanges, including installments or receipts in money other than foreign cash.
  3. To assure the foreign seller that his cash will be paid in earlier assurance to the foreign bank from the homegrown bank.
  4. To give offices and advance foreign exchanges and dealings.
  5. One can pay for their living expenses without worrying about exchange rates.
  6. It is simple to use because it is simply a transfer of funds from one bank to another.
  7. Some funds can be kept in foreign currency.
  8. Because there is no physical cash involved, the risk of fluctuating exchange rates is reduced.

These accounts are most widely used for currency settlement, which occurs when a bank or other financial institution wants to settle balances in a currency other than the currency of its home accounting unit.

These accounts are a specialized feature typically found in countries with convertible currencies. However, in countries without convertible currencies, banks collaborate with third parties to facilitate such financial transactions.

Nostro account Advantages and Disadvantages

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages:


It is for the person who deals with the whole monetary system of the organization or government. The following are its advantages:

  1. You can pay the cash to an outsider in your home currency with practically no conversion scale risk.
  2. It is not difficult to work since it is a simple exchange of assets starting with one record and then onto the next in a similar bank.
  3. Empowers to keep finances in foreign money.
  4. Diminishes the unreasonable variance risk in return rates since cash is straightforwardly discharged to the next party without truly being there.


The following are its disadvantages:

  1. It is, for the most part, more costly since it is an office the home bank gives to execute foreign trade exchanges flawlessly.
  2. Thorough guidelines and regulations were forced on the activity of the Nostro account by the government bank.
  3. Open to cyberattacks, which can tremendously affect the bank's money saved whenever hacked.

Nostro Account Vs. Vostro Account

The terms Nostro and Vostro describe the same bank account; the terms are used when one bank has money on deposit with another bank.

Aspect Nostro Account Vostro Account
Definition An account that a domestic bank holds in a foreign bank in foreign currency. An account that a foreign bank holds in a domestic bank in the domestic currency.
Meaning "Our account with you." "Your account with us."
Currency Maintained in the currency of the foreign bank. Maintained in the currency of the domestic bank.
Maintained by The home (domestic) bank in the foreign bank. The foreign bank in the domestic bank.
Example Bank A (domestic) opens an account in Bank B (foreign) in the foreign currency, Bank A maintains a Nostro account. Bank B (foreign) opens an account in Bank A (domestic) in the domestic currency, and Bank B maintains a Vostro account.
Accounting Records Recorded as an asset in the domestic bank's accounting records. Recorded as a liability in the domestic bank's accounting records.
Role in Correspondent Banking Allows domestic banks to make transactions in foreign countries using foreign currency. Allows foreign banks to make transactions in the domestic country using domestic currency.
Fees and Charges The foreign bank may charge fees for maintaining the Nostro account. The domestic bank charges the foreign bank for maintaining the Vostro account.
Usage Typically used for facilitating international trade and foreign exchange transactions. Typically used for managing the funds of foreign banks and facilitating transactions on their behalf in the domestic currency.


In the world of international banking, Nostro accounts are an essential tool that allows domestic banks to easily and efficiently handle foreign exchange transactions and funds.

Without having to have a physical presence in the foreign nation, a local bank can enable international trade and foreign exchange operations by holding an account in the currency of a foreign bank.

This agreement serves to reduce the risks related to currency conversion and exchange rate changes in addition to streamlining the cross-border payment settlement procedure.

Even though having a Nostro account has advantages, there are expenses and regulatory complications involved. Banks have to deal with strict rules and costs from the foreign banks that handle these accounts.

Nonetheless, the increased ability to carry out worldwide commerce effectively frequently justifies these expenses.

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