Chrome Extension

Programs that can be installed in a Google Chrome browser to enhance a user’s experience

Author: Laila Al-Eisawi
Laila Al-Eisawi
Laila Al-Eisawi
I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Economics at New York University Abu Dhabi where I got the opportunity to explore various courses within Economic Growth, Development, Behavioral, and other areas with applications to the real world. My course experience and internships have helped me grow and develop my presentation and writing, analytical,
Reviewed By: James Fazeli-Sinaki
James Fazeli-Sinaki
James Fazeli-Sinaki
Last Updated:May 7, 2024

What Are Chrome Extensions?

Chrome extensions are programs that can be installed in a Google Chrome browser to enhance a user’s experience on the browser.

These extensions work by targeting an aspect of its functionality or enhancing entertainment features, allowing for the personalization of Chrome for things like:

  • Easing an operative aspect or task on the Google Chrome browser, such as:
    • Blocking ads
    • Adding notes
    • Enhancing memory usage
    • Saving passwords
    • Creating citations
    • Adding developer tools (SEO)
    • Others
      • Google Drive, calendars, calculators, dictionaries, and more
  • Entertainment:
    • Shopping and Coupons
    • Travel helpers
    • Mini-games
    • Personalizing pages with cursors, images, and themes
    • Others 
      • Like those related to arts and culture

As you can see, extensions offer a wide range of add-on options and features so that individuals can perform tasks more simply and get more out of the websites they visit.

Some of these work on the browser itself and will add to the list of options available in the menu. You can access the menu by right-clicking on a web page or opening it when you click on the respective icon that pops up next to the web address field.

Meanwhile, other extensions operate indirectly and work in the background to execute certain tasks automatically.

Key Takeaways

  • The Chrome Extension developed by Pitchbook Data is a convenient tool that allows users to access key financial data and insights directly from their web browser.
  • By installing the extension, users can streamline their workflow and access Pitchbook's rich database of information without leaving their current webpage.
  • Users can quickly access Pitchbook's database of private market data, including company profiles, funding history, valuations, and financial metrics.
  • The extension seamlessly integrates with other productivity tools and platforms commonly used by financial professionals, allowing for a seamless user experience and enhanced workflow efficiency.

Using Chrome Extensions

These can be explored, downloaded, and installed onto an individual’s Google Chrome browser by accessing the Chrome Web Store.

The Web Store also has help pages that outline the steps to help users know how to install and manage extensions

Most of these are free and easy for individuals to install and enjoy, while few need payment. 

Searching for and finding Chrome extensions is quite simple. On the Web Store, you can search for extensions by entering a specific keyword related to the one you are seeking or browsing through the list of categories available. 

The extensions that can be downloaded span a wide variety of choices and categories, from accessibility to productivity, developer tools, fun, social, and more. 

From the Web Store’s list of Everyone’s Favorites and the Favorites of 2021, some of the best extensions include:

While many of those extensions enhance an individual’s experience while utilizing Google Chrome for work and educational purposes, there are also entertainment-related ones. 

Besides customizing one’s Google Chrome page, there are extensions for learning languages like Toucan, as mentioned above, and planning trips, like Tripadvisor.

Some extensions are also related to accessibility and target specific groups of people, such as Colorblind – Dalton for Google Chrome. This extension helps individuals with different types of color blindness with everyday use, shifting colors to those within the visual spectrum of the user. 

Many productivity-related extensions are also widely used and recommended, including Office Editing, Grammarly for editing, and Zotero Connector for creating citations. They aim to ease the process of writing essays and other assignments, especially for students.

Staying Safe With Chrome Extensions 

When approaching the Web Store with the goal of installing Chrome extensions, it is important to proceed with caution. Users should read reviews before downloading a specific extension. 

Many extensions can be quite helpful in facilitating tasks or even adding protection to one’s data, like Disconnect. However, some can be pretty unsafe and harmful to how Chrome operates, as well as the user’s device and personal information.

Following is a brief YouTube video explaining the unwanted tracking in the Google Chrome browser:

Dangers and issues that can arise from malicious extensions include:

  • Creating unnecessary pop-up advertisements
  • Tracking a user’s Chrome browsing history and personal data
  • Stealing or even selling personal information collected
  • Installing malware on the device
  • Impeding Chrome’s ability to function appropriately without freezing

Many blogs and forums online discuss examples of dangerous Chrome extensions that have seen issues reported and concerns raised for safety. These extensions often include those related to VPNs and some antivirus extensions.

So, to stay safe while downloading Chrome extensions, one step is to consider its name. Sometimes they have questionable characters, which raises a more immediate cause for concern. Also, if the extension website seems unprofessional, it may be a harmful extension.

If the name does not necessarily give it away, before you install the extension, scroll through its reviews on the Web Store and various online forums with a quick Google search.

People can also look at the extensions they have already installed by clicking on the three dots representing the “Menu” button at the top right side of the Chrome page.

From there, going to “More tools” and “Extensions” reveals the list of programs on that device’s Chrome browser. Thus, people can alter permission and access settings and disable or remove the extensions they no longer use.

Meanwhile, Google Chrome has improved and worked to ensure more safe extensions are available for people to use and enjoy. Google wants to exhibit to its users that their privacy can be protected and their data can be kept secure while browsing. 

For instance, following reviews and safety checks, Google has removed several harmful extensions from its Web Store.

On top of that, Google has also introduced an Updated Privacy Policy and Secure Handling Requirements page, covering the details of the privacy policy and users’ consent relating to data.

This page has provided a detailed list of policies and questions that are often asked by the public to help individuals understand and feel more protected when it comes to using extensions. 

The Developer Data Protection Reward Program facilitates the execution of these policies and guidelines. This program involves a sum paid as bounties for finding extensions that go against this policy. Thus, they can ensure anything harmful is spotted and removed.

Chrome Extension FAQs

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