Westport Capital Partners - Info?

Is anyone familiar with Westport Capital Partners? It looks like it was founded by the top guys from Oaktree's RE platform who struck out on their own in 2005. It's a ~$2bn shop focused on opportunistic and distressed RE investments across all product types. They invest in direct property, non-performing loans, and public debt and equity securities that in someway derive value from real estate.

Does anyone have perspective on quality of the shop, reputation, compensation, culture, learning opportunities, etc?


VPs and below run insane models for due-diligence. Personal experience (not at the firm) two year prior, back in 2012. Seems like they work hard. Not sure of what they have been up to.


Also interested in learning more.

Robert Clayton Dean: What is happening? Brill: I blew up the building. Robert Clayton Dean: Why? Brill: Because you made a phone call.

They are smart, aggressive, and thorough. I can only speak from working with them from a business perspective - I know nothing about junior employee life there. I'm sure pay is good given that they are former Oaktree guys.

Best Response

I know a few specific deals they've done and made a lot of money on. These were in the $2MM - $20MM range. They don't get much press so not sure what they're up to at the macro level. I would imagine they're doing much larger things with all that staff and overhead yet it seems like they always have 1-2 of these smaller opportunistic deals in the hopper.

Based on my experience with them, I wouldn't expect too nice of a culture. Let me put it this way: they have +/-2bn in AUM according to their website which is roughly the net worth of Howard Marks, yet they act like they're all just as successful as Mr. Marks.


this sounds right. I had an awful experience working with them on a brokerage assignment. consistently displayed a higher than thou attitude to their leasing agents regarding a complete crap asset they bought, with the unrealistic leasing velocity/tenant credit/concession expectations to go with it. That was obviously only one deal but it sucked.

I will say they had some pretty young asset managers who appeared to have some pretty good free reign over their individual buildings for capex decisions, marketing spending, etc.


I have interviewed and got a job offer from there but it was years ago. From what I remember it is a decent shop that focuses on real estate deals in opportunistic investments. I would look more into the fundraising aspect because from what I remember Russel Bernard was the main fundraiser and I think he left. 

Also might be helpful to reach out to people who used to work there could provide insight typically people are pretty open once they've left to give you insight. I typically use Linkedin. 


Non aut rerum qui nihil. Ad quia illum reiciendis qui. Nemo illum vel voluptatum nulla. Velit perferendis ipsa mollitia et cum. Aut et earum quo.

Sed iure et ducimus aut. Officiis placeat autem iure aut eius sapiente. Modi sed quas voluptatem earum voluptatem perferendis.

Rerum enim ut suscipit et voluptatem repellat autem. Incidunt porro consequuntur aut perferendis voluptatem velit debitis. Deserunt et non delectus modi aut ipsam. Quidem recusandae non debitis unde voluptatem. Nobis repellat eos quis ipsam. Cum pariatur rerum est laborum perferendis aspernatur dolor voluptas. Sed officia ipsam qui exercitationem commodi.

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