Turning down summer offer but applying full-time?

In the midst of bschool recruiting. Evaluating a couple potential things to try for summer. Consulting is not my top choice for the summer but still interested in exploring. If I get a summer offer but turn it down (Big 3), will that hurt me for full time recruiting? Would it be looked on negatively (for lack of interest first time), positively (knew I was qualified first time around), or neither? thanks!

Best Response

Like beezle said, I think it depends on the firm, but I can share an anecdote. I have two friends who both got offers from McKinsey for the summer (same office too) but chose to do investment banking instead (one at JPM, the other at BX). McKinsey kept it touch with them throughout the summer and both of them signed with McKinsey for full-time, so I'm guessing it didn't hurt them. Though it's hard to know whether this is specific to Mck or even just specific to that office, but just thought I'd throw that out there.


The short answer is no, it likely wouldn't hurt you. But it depends on a few things.

MBB knows, or at least assumes, that if they are making you an offer, there is a high likelihood that other Consulting firms have also made you an offer. So turning down their offer may lead them to believe that you have joined a competing firm, or have chosen another industry (in my experience, this is usually IB.) This isn't a bad thing. As much as students aspire to join MBB, there is also intense competition amongst the Consulting industry to secure top talent. So candidates turn down MBB - this is nothing new.

So if MBB makes you a summer offer, and you decline, they may very well ask you why. I know I would ask you why. Of course you don't technically have to give them any specifics (so you could just say "I just elected to pursue another opportunity").

If you then reapply for a full time position, and they select you for an interview (BTW - getting a summer offer doesn't necessarily guarantee you an interview for full time), they will ask you what you did over the summer. At this point, they will assess whether or not you really want Consulting (maybe you worked in IB), and if you really want to work at their firm (if you worked for a competing firm.)

All this said - you should pursue what you believe is the best fit.


I agree with everything said above. I went through the recruiting process at MBB for internships and pulled myself out after final rounds to accepts a BB S&T offer. When, later in the summer, I decided S&T wasn't for me I was able to interview on an accelerated recruiting timeline at the same firm for FT. So, in my case (n=1), it only helped.

Go for what you'd most like to do.


"Do HR/MDs hold grudges? Has this been done before? Thanks."

They might, they might not. Yes it has been done before.


Yes, it is possible to reject an internship and come back full time. You'll have to explain why you did it and have since "seen the light," but the Company did at one point think you were qualified enough to give you an internship.

For your second question, listen to the feedback that the Company gives you. If they say: "Gosh, we really liked you, but wanted to stick with our core schools," then you've got a great shot. We hire far fewer summers than we do full time, and often time we will see candidates that we hope will apply full time even if we don't have a spot for them during the summer.

~~~~~~~~~~~ CompBanker

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By burnt bridges do you mean you did something particularly obnoxious other than rejecting the offer? Your reject email wasn't polite enough? You said stuff to senior people that tried to change your mind?

Not trying to pick on you or anything just trying to get a sense of how realistic it is to expect to ever get a second shot. I have a weird situation where one firm might be best for summer but i think i'd rather do another ft and i have both offers from both of them.


why wouldn't you just take the offer from the firm you want to work FT for? why put yourself in a situation that could come back to bite you, especially in this market?


I was actually facing a similar dilemma... signed offer with my second choice BB firm for SA and the next day my first choice gives me an offer. As tempted as I was to renege, I stuck with my second choice and told the first firm the situation. They said to keep in touch... so, who knows.

I was actually facing a similar dilemma... signed offer with my second choice BB firm for SA and the next day my first choice gives me an offer. As tempted as I was to renege, I stuck with my second choice and told the first firm the situation. They said to keep in touch... so, who knows.

Should have reneged.


Sunt expedita alias laboriosam adipisci amet quasi. Nobis totam esse debitis totam enim.

Atque nulla quod ipsum incidunt sunt vel porro doloribus. Facilis doloremque eos a corrupti. Inventore nam itaque rerum quis totam est eum et. Tempore occaecati quisquam molestiae omnis pariatur. Rerum et voluptas itaque earum nulla. Et libero ut blanditiis placeat est. Exercitationem sapiente rerum dolores dicta consectetur est aspernatur.

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Total Avg Compensation

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  • 2nd Year Associate (159) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (594) $120
  • 1st Year Associate (541) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (348) $103
  • Associate Consultant (167) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1053) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (190) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (558) $67
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