Sent out resumes with 'incoming...', but internship just got downgraded. Advice?

Essentially, I had a signed offer for Financial Advisory (M&A) at a Big4 firm, but I just received notice from HR that, due to 'unforeseen circumstances' (I think the office is just downsizing), it's been downgraded to Audit/Assurance. I've sent out resumes with 'incoming...M&A advisory' and have SDs now with a top bank and PE firm. What do you guys think I should do? Should I reach out to HR now, before the SDs, and let them know or wait till after the SDs to tell them? Do you think it would result in the offer, should I receive one, being rescinded? 


In my opinion, don’t make it a big deal if it isn’t one. As in, don’t draw attention to yourself for no reason. If/when it comes up, have a crafted answer ready. Don’t make it sound worse than it is. Play it like a positive/making the best out of it.


got the offer - any advice on how to craft the message or if I should at all?


Shouldn't be a message. Have a roundabout idea of how you'd respond if asked you about your job. "Since I sent in my resume I actually found they requested I join the audit team due to X. And I'm a team player so I said sure" word it better than that so it fits your personality but that's the gist of how I would go about it

I cannot stress this enough. Don’t draw unnecessary attention to yourself if not necessary.


Nope, sound clueless. Do those interviews, sign an offer if you’re fortunate enough to get one and then just tell the employer the situation sometime later.


so I got the offer - how do you think I would go about telling them/HR? Should I even do would it come up in the background check


I don't think you need to proactively do anything here. The background check is less aggressive than you think (if they even do one) and is more focused on like do you have a criminal past and actually attend a university. On a background check, they send you the forms to fill out anyway so you would just put the correct position on it. And even if it did get flagged, you would just tell them what happened. "I was given an offer for M&A and after I sent you my resume, if got switched." I'm sure there is an email or letter or whatever if you needed proof. 


damn HR is fucking u at that big 4 that is heinious bro sorry to hear lol but yeah just keep it on ur resume and dont say shit lol


Facere dolores quasi ratione ut et. Et maiores et ullam consequuntur nulla. Dolorem omnis molestiae dolor amet eos.

Distinctio culpa facere ut eum et veritatis dolorem. Et adipisci quos explicabo. Modi quo molestiae possimus quasi sint. Nihil eius ipsa alias repudiandae similique aliquam. Atque sunt harum consectetur necessitatibus itaque maiores sint.

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (207) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (152) $101
