Salary: Hedge Fund vs Fund of Hedge Funds (FoF/FoHF)

For entry level and senior levels? I'm currently a summer intern at a FoHF ($6.3b AUM) with a HF arm ($1.5b) but I can't really ask the people around me what their comps are. The HF guys are a lot more flashy with how they spend money and cop a lot of "oh wow a Tesla this time? Got bored of your lambo?" kind of jokes from the FoF guys so to me it looks like HF > FoHF at partner level but maybe its just at this firm. Obviously not talking about a Larry Fink vs Ray Dalio level but in general, how do the salaries compare?

Best Response

well some quick math for context - FOF are doing business for about 50bps flat these days. Even if you were SUPER generous and said 1% (most FOF or similar business are probably south of 50bps to be honest) you're talking 40% of the revenue for the same AUM of a 1.5%/15% hedge fund in an 8% gross return year. At 50bps, it's 20% of the revenue. Some FOF are taking mandates at 15-25bps. Like most jobs in finance at an entry level the comp is probably fairly similar - the more senior and successful you become, the quicker you'll see the ceiling at a FOF - there is just not enough revenue to pay employees/partners big money (relative to HF) these days.


Dolorem veniam omnis voluptas molestiae. Adipisci dolorum ipsum optio dicta. Est eum consequatur distinctio non.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Point72 98.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 97.9%
  • Citadel Investment Group 96.8%
  • Magnetar Capital 95.8%
  • AQR Capital Management 94.7%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Magnetar Capital 98.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 97.8%
  • Blackstone Group 96.8%
  • Two Sigma Investments 95.7%
  • Citadel Investment Group 94.6%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Hedge Fund

  • AQR Capital Management 99.0%
  • Point72 97.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 96.9%
  • Magnetar Capital 95.8%
  • Citadel Investment Group 94.8%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Portfolio Manager (9) $1,648
  • Vice President (23) $474
  • Director/MD (12) $423
  • NA (6) $322
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (25) $287
  • Manager (4) $282
  • Engineer/Quant (71) $274
  • 2nd Year Associate (30) $251
  • 1st Year Associate (73) $190
  • Analysts (228) $179
  • Intern/Summer Associate (23) $131
  • Junior Trader (5) $102
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (253) $90
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