Real Estate Hedge Fund List (Looking)

Hi all,
Trying to put a list of hedge funds who invest primarily or have a team that invests mainly in Real Estate - debt or equity doesn't matter.
Names that come to mind so far:
Och Ziff
Davidson Kempner
Fir Tree
Go ahead keep adding, thanks!

Best Response

Found a great list from Jakesnake1 : Looking for more (debt in particular, as he did a great job with equity)

reit-dedicated LOs include - RREEF, C&S, CBRE Clarion, LaSalle, CenterSquare, Adelante. Traditional LOs all have pretty large RE funds (i.e. T Rowe, BlackRock, American Century, Principal)

REIT-Specific Funds - Long Pond, Waterfront, Heitman, Security Cap, v3, 40 North, AEW, Wesley, Starwood.

As mentioned above, many of the big guys have pockets of RE money and RE-dedicated PMs..Citadel, Millenium, Surveyor, Balyasny, Alyeska, Weiss, etc.


Found a great list from @Jakesnake1 : Looking for more (debt in particular, as he did a great job with equity)

reit-dedicated LOs include - RREEF, C&S, CBRE Clarion, LaSalle, CenterSquare, Adelante.
Traditional LOs all have pretty large RE funds (i.e. T Rowe, BlackRock, American Century, Principal)

REIT-Specific Funds - Long Pond, Waterfront, Heitman, Security Cap, v3, 40 North, AEW, Wesley, Starwood.

As mentioned above, many of the big guys have pockets of RE money and RE-dedicated PMs..Citadel, Millenium, Surveyor, Balyasny, Alyeska, Weiss, etc.

What is the difference between "REIT dedicated" and "REIT-specific"? Also, I'm assuming LO means long only?


Pretty sure you are correct about Baupost. I'm personally familiar with a sponsor that has done a few deals with their equity. They were pretty involved.


REPE shop. I believe the old adage of, "do you want to play golf, or do you want to fuck around", applies here. If you want to invest in real estate actively on your own account, then go do REPE and learn how to actually do it, but if you want to give your money to someone else to invest directly or trade REITs then go to a HF. Several HFs do touch asset level transactions, but if you're trying to build a strong foundation then you'd be hard pressed to top time spent at a top REPE shop actually participating in the RE markets.


REPE shop. I believe the old adage of, "do you want to play golf, or do you want to fuck around", applies here. If you want to invest in real estate actively on your own account, then go do REPE and learn how to actually do it, but if you want to give your money to someone else to invest directly or trade REITs then go to a HF. Several HFs do touch asset level transactions, but if you're trying to build a strong foundation then you'd be hard pressed to top time spent at a top REPE shop actually participating in the RE markets.

Additionally it's important to note the financial aspect of RE is the easiest in my opinion - understanding how a deal works, understanding the markets, understanding the operation aspect (be it core or opportunistic) is critical.


REPE shop. I believe the old adage of, "do you want to play golf, or do you want to fuck around", applies here. If you want to invest in real estate actively on your own account, then go do REPE and learn how to actually do it, but if you want to give your money to someone else to invest directly or trade REITs then go to a HF. Several HFs do touch asset level transactions, but if you're trying to build a strong foundation then you'd be hard pressed to top time spent at a top REPE shop actually participating in the RE markets.

I slightly disagree and agree. Not all HF are created equal. A lot of them have to grab NPL portfolios and end up having to tag team with operating partners to manage the assets. This is the same as most PE shop, most large PE shops have a couple of AM but most of it gets outsourced. Some HF you are right: just trade the onscreen papers, and they could be trading Russian bonds that would be the same thing. With my post I was trying to get a better understanding of funds I might have missed to try and understand who is out there and what they do.

Angelo, Gordon has a few non-PE RE-related-things like lease strategies, RE-related debt, etc. Garrison is a combo private/mezz debt and hedge fund that does RE but I dunno exactly where in the capital structure they are, ie if they take equity or just debt. Farallon has a RE group, but like the above, dunno if it's solely liquid RE debt or if it's equity as well.

If you include R- and C-MBS/CMOs, there are a lot of funds that are active but they are often very quant-focused fixed income funds or distressed opportunity funds.

I think a lot of HFs with new RE desks are just trying to ride an opportunity wave, just like when everyone was adding a structured product desk when CDO tranches were trading at a discount to the underlying collateral. Unclear if they'll stay in once that's past.

There have been many great comebacks throughout history. Jesus was dead but then came back as an all-powerful God-Zombie.

Haha wow, didn't see that! Kind of changes the context of the discussion...

There have been many great comebacks throughout history. Jesus was dead but then came back as an all-powerful God-Zombie.

Still interested in the insight!

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Farallon, Baupost, Davidson Kempner, there are other ones too... I'm not sure if these funds have dedicated groups, but they definitely invest in RE in one for or another. A good way to find them is to look on Linkedin at people out of REPE firms that have moved into HFs...


I've been working at a real estate investment company for the last three years. I source deals, analyze them and negotiate with the seller. I worked full time through college and graduated from a small school with a 2.9 GPA. I'm searching for a job as an analyst and its looking bleak...Any insight or guidance?


Dude why in God's name would you attach not only your real name but your WORK EMAIL to this post?

There have been many great comebacks throughout history. Jesus was dead but then came back as an all-powerful God-Zombie.

I own part of the firm I'm working for and I'm one of the founding members. My partners and I are on great terms and I have expressed to them that I would like to move on and work for a larger firm and gain more experience. My partners support my decision to move on and are references on my resume. I do understand that this isn't conventional.

I own part of the firm I'm working for and I'm one of the founding members. My partners and I are on great terms and I have expressed to them that I would like to move on and work for a larger firm and gain more experience. My partners support my decision to move on and are references on my resume. I do understand that this isn't conventional.

If you don't see that this is a bad idea you're a lost cause, and lack common sense.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

Recusandae optio impedit ut quos. Rem quas in omnis facere dolor. Repudiandae ut quas quia labore ducimus voluptatum aut. Nihil modi placeat aut iusto architecto eaque odio nulla. Omnis tempore praesentium aspernatur eos quos quae.

Aut similique qui doloremque eum dolores possimus quis aliquam. Qui dolor tenetur occaecati autem illo necessitatibus iusto. Et deserunt dicta porro impedit porro consequatur quas. Consequuntur illum sunt sit autem. Nostrum velit eos saepe molestias pariatur alias aut eaque. Cumque magni neque nisi quo doloremque ipsa accusantium perspiciatis.

Corporis possimus architecto sit minus maxime nostrum. Magnam magnam dicta sint sit. Aspernatur est dicta qui ipsum.

"There are only two opinions in this world: Mine and the wrong one." -Jeremy Clarkson

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