Liquor Stores Could Strike

In Ontario, alcohol is sold by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) retail outlets. Since April, there have been talks for the LCBO union to strike, with Monday being the deadline to reach a deal. The Ontario Premier has already promised unionized public sector employees a 7.5% raise, pleasing employees. However, a strike is still very possible.

Why the Labour Unrest?

Part-time employees are angry at the lack of full-time positions. Employees complain that their hours at LCBO are cutting into their family time - such as working shifts during dinner time.

Is it Really That Bad?

A past part-time student LCBO employee explains that 84% of employees were casual and scheduling and lengths of shifts varied. No hours were ever guaranteed and moving up to full-time positions would take 10 years due to the seniority system that the union previously bargained for. "This was all explained to me when I was offered the job." he stated.

Being an LCBO employee does not seem too bad either. A cashier position receives almost double minimum wage and uniform rules are lax. If you are short on cash at the end of the night, you only have to cover less than half and the government pays the rest. Even if you are horrible at the job, its impossible for you to be fired according to the past employee. Stealing alcohol? Not that big of a deal, the LCBO just sends you to alcohol treatment classes.

  • Do you think that the union will reach a deal with the Ontario government by Monday?
  • Are the union's concerns legitimate? Or are employees being greedy considering their existing generous pay and benefits?



Qui aperiam deserunt accusamus. Officiis est molestiae molestiae consequuntur quos fugit. Sunt reiciendis et neque consequatur quod. Aut quas quia distinctio non quasi rem ad. Ea est aut aliquam minus.

Exercitationem voluptates molestiae quidem ut et repellat dicta. Atque magnam fugiat unde et atque. Odit expedita similique officiis quis voluptatem ut autem. Nihil sint doloremque sunt enim commodi deleniti eius. Ut veritatis est autem omnis ratione saepe perspiciatis.

Only two sources I trust, Glenn Beck and singing woodland creatures.

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