King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia wants to buy Facebook for $150 billion

From the Tehran Times:
In what is being termed as pure Wall Street Gordon Gecko tactics, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has decided to make an offer of $150 billion to buy out Facebook.

Inside sources within the kingdom suggest that the King is very upset with Mark Zukerberg for allowing the revolt to get out of control, Ahlul Bayt News Agency reported.

In a personal meeting between Mark Zuckerberg and King Abdullah on Jan 25, 2011, Zuckerberg had promised that he would not allow any revolt pages to be formed on Facebook even while he allowed Egypt and Libya revolt pages to be formed.

Left with no option, Abdullah advised by Goldman Sachs has decided to buy out Facebook and “clean out the weeds”. The offer on the table is $150 billion. Facebook balance sheet was shown to King Abdullah and his kingdom advisors had mentioned that it is not even worth $1 billion given that it generates no profit. But the King threw the report into the dustbin and fired his advisors and decided to hand over the investment banking mandate to Goldman Sachs who put the value at $150 billion. The deal will be all cash.

Most analysts believe that Zuckerberg will not take the offer and will wait for King Abdullah to up the offer to at least $500 billion. In the meanwhile king Abdullah has now logged on the Facebook and was busy profiling some of the models in the Goldman Sachs presentation.

Plans to provide cheap land for housing

In another development, minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Prince Mansour bin Miteb said the government is striving to make affordable housing plots available for citizens.

“The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs has allocated 130 plots for the General Housing Authority,” said Prince Mansour, adding that the task of making land cheaper needs the efforts of many government departments.

The prince said the housing authority, which has many plots of land left over from older allocations, will strive to provide houses to as many citizens as possible in all provinces. He added that a few housing projects were implemented in an unscientific manner and had to be redesigned.…


The Tehran Times: The only source I trust less than The Huffington Post

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Well the Saudi Arabians do have mad money... but would they really give out 500b... That is a little extreme I think

It's what you put into it
Well the Saudi Arabians do have mad money... but would they really give out 500b... That is a little extreme I think

That last part made me chuckle. Do you ever see anything that's not extreme coming out of that region?

" A recession is when other people lose their job, a depression is when you lose your job. "

Dude I doubt it's true. It's probably a conspiracy by Iran to discredit the King of Saudi Arabia and enrage protestors in that country. They've been trying to stoke the fires ina bunch of countries...seems like a double edged sword to me but w/e

Reality hits you hard, bro...

The funniest thing about this is that if they came out with this issue before the goldman deal but changed the figure to $50 billion, I would have laughed just as hard at how utterly stupid that would be.


LOL...very funny...

although ultimately untrue since King Abdullah in all likelihood would not meet with a Jew, much less buy a business from a Jew.


Good post, lol.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

I felt the need to post that they were all idiots :-p

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Non cum quia occaecati quas fuga quia. Est sequi voluptate omnis. Quo sed officiis officia ut recusandae tenetur. A placeat facere minus.

Enim eum aliquid aperiam. Et et exercitationem cumque optio illum voluptas. Molestias dolorem ullam tempore velit iure aperiam. Quisquam vero laudantium enim qui.


Expedita rerum id porro cumque deleniti. Impedit minus tenetur consequatur. Assumenda odit voluptate dolorum sit consectetur. Cum maiores provident nobis a illo.

Et sunt illo repellendus sunt earum. Odio et rem sapiente quasi minus eveniet. Voluptas deserunt ab enim voluptatem qui expedita. Itaque eos deserunt rem quasi. Et pariatur ipsam voluptatem et. Quae recusandae qui dolor quas voluptatem expedita fugit quia.

Illo perspiciatis dolor recusandae optio fugiat et. Incidunt iure velit aliquid voluptatum tempora nihil. Sint dolores iusto ipsum. Ipsa et explicabo deleniti eos. Sed maiores nobis corrupti odio vel. Qui occaecati omnis harum est.

Eos excepturi nulla minima hic optio nam. Vel maiores ipsa quidem velit asperiores animi.

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