Goldman Sachs Video Interview

Myself, and a few people I know of were invited to do the 15min video interviewers for Goldman Sach's IBD summer internship. However, I believe they are not interviews, but rather you recording answers. Anybody have any experience with this/know what they ask?

GS HireVue Online Interview

In recent years, all applicants have been asked to participate in HireVue Video Interviews after applying to a program (internships, full time, and pre-internship programs). Users have said that they usually hear back after recording their interview between a 1 week to a month later to schedule second round or superday interviews. The status of their candidacy can be accessed on the applicant portal.

The interview includes 3-5 questions with 30 seconds to prepare a response, and up to 2 minutes to answer. HireVue stops recording as soon as 2 minutes are up. There is an opportunity to practice this video format in the HireVue tutorial you will see prior to starting your interview. It is recommended to practice preparing and recording videos prior to your interview- HireVue offers unlimited practice trials.

The HireVue Video interview can be inclusive of all the divisions you applied to, but the questions will be catered to one division. One way to find out which division you are interviewing with is to check "reply-to" recipient in that email. Then Linkedin that person to find which division he/she is recruiting for.

Questions to expect in the Interview

Users have typically been given behavioral questions, and occasionally technical questions depending on the division they applied for.

  • Why GS?
  • Why this division?
  • What does this division do and how does it fit into the firm?
  • Tell us about a time that you had to work in a team.
  • How does your experience and background apply to this division?
  • Tell us about a project you're proud of.
  • Tell me about a time when someone wasn't pulling their weight.
  • Tell me about a time when you were faced with a confrontation.

Why Work at GS?

Below is an example answer for "why do you want to work at GS?"

I first became interested in GS when attending an informational session at XYZ school. There I spoke with several alumni from the Goldman Sachs IB Group. After connecting with members of the firm at that event, I was connected to speak to more alumni from the firm who spoke extensively about the beneficial nature of the 3 analyst mobility program and the internal modeling in the IBD group. Recently, I had the chance to come visit the FIG floor and speak with multiple bankers throughout the day. After that experience, I knew that I wanted to work at GS due to the very collegial nature of the firm in addition to the unique program structure.

Tips for Video Interviews with Goldman Sachs

  • Ensure your webcam and microphone work
  • Practice answering general behavioral questions concisely in front of a webcam, and prepare yourself mentally for questions you may not expect
  • Review your resume for experiences and skills you want to highlight
  • Be dressed in business professional from the waist up, and conduct your HireVue interview in a quiet, well- lit room with minimal background distractions

As digitial interviews increase in popularity - review guides to the J.P. Morgan, Barclays, BlackRock video interviews.

Also, check out uncommon tips for nailing digital interviews.

You can read more about Goldman Sachs on the Wall Steet Oasis Company Database.

Read More About Goldman Sachs on WSO

Preparing for Investment Banking Interviews?

The WSO investment banking interview course is designed by countless professionals with real world experience, tailored to people aspiring to break into the industry. This guide will help you learn how to answer these questions and many, many more.

Investment Banking Interview Course Here


This is the first time they are doing this so no one really has any background experience in how they will go. I thought that they were interviews except that they give you a certain allotted amount of time for you to answer each question that they ask you on video and you simply record your answer. I would assume they would just ask you basic behavioral questions if it's only 15 minutes long though.


Those of you who did the pre-recording video interview, do you have any insight in the type of questions they asked since they said they were standardized and how you felt overall about the pre-recording?


Hey. I got an August 17th deadline and I still haven't done it. Have you gotten around to doing the interview yet? Do they ask job related questions or mostly behavioral questions?


Can you clarify on what they meant on that last behavioral they asked? Are they just essentially asking how the IBD (if that's the division you applied for) is useful? Isn't it just bringing in revenues through advisory fees?

Did they ask you any out of the ordinary questions or questions you didn't really expect / prep for? Would appreciate any insight you could give on this.


Yeah, they asked how "internal audit strengthened the functions of the firm" and the same for compliance/finance that I applied for. None of the other questions were crazy--very straightforward (greatest strength, why your major/school, group/team projects, background). I think it was 6 or 7 questions long.

Does anyone have any idea how long they might take to get back after the video interview? Also for me, this was for a fall (seasonal/off cycle) internship NOT summer.


I just did the video interview yesterday. After the interview, a video played and it indicated that I would be hearing within a week or two. I was such a nervous wreck. I totally bombed it. It was so weird for me, talking in front of a camera.


I'm assuming that for my fall internship application the response rate (positive or negative!) would be much faster, right?

Any idea/input would be appreciated! Thanks :)


Well, the fact is that people have heard back in a week or two. Since it's a video interview, I would give them time to view it first. I'm sure they are looking at a lot of them. So, give it some time and see what happens. Good luck! Let me know how it goes for you.


Yeah. Go to the website and log in to the careers site where you filled out the application. There's a drop down menu on the top right of the screen where you can see your application status. The questions are pretty general anyway. One thing I will say is be sure you know a few things about the divisions you applied for because they will ask in the video interview. Everything else is behavioral. It was only 6 questions for me. Hope this helps!


Lol, you wrote a complaint to the head of HR? What did that look like?

Or was it an "Ok I'm not seriously good at Skyping, please consider me pls" appeal?

Also, did it work!?

"A modest man, with much to be modest about"

Has anyone heard back yet? And if anyone's applied to and completed the PWM interview, were the questions the same as the ones posted above? Thanks.


That's awesome! Congratulations! Did you have to do a second interview before being invited to the superday or did you only do the HireVue? Also, were you notified of the superday by phone or email?


my status on the securities interview says "Interview completed, we forward to meeting you on your selected interview date" and IMD says "Interview scheduled". I did my hirevue interview 28th August. Anyone heard back yet? Any ideas on the statuses?

Best Response

So what questions do they ask for IBD hirevue First round? This is a list I compiled from this thread and the SA megathread. If someone could verify, that'd be awesome and I'll give SBs.


Why GS

What is IBD and how does it benefit the firm

and these are the questions I got form the SA megathread below

  • What motivated you to pick your major(s) and university, do you think you made a good choice?

  • Giving an example of working on projects with tight schedules/deadlines, how did you do and how did you meet expectations?

  • Give an example of forging personal relationships with coworkers and supervisors and how these improved the quality of your work

  • What particular skills do you currently have that you believe would be of use working as an Analyst at GS (they say you have to be specific for this one; I talked about my extensive Excel work and the praise it has received as well as my public speaking/debate career and how it could help me put together pitchbooks)

  • Giving your thoughts about one current market trend or talking about a particular financial, technological or business idea that you have


Damn, I wish the questions I got were like that...Just a fair warning for anyone applying to other divisions, the questions above have nothing to do with the questions you'll be asked.


A bunch of companies do this now. The format is always the same. You basically are given a question to answer and a minute or two to record your answer. The questions are usually fit and behavioral, and the interview is basically a recorded phone screen. Some firms give you the questions beforehand, but not all. You do not speak with an interviewer or other human being during the "interview".

"There's nothing you can do if you're too scared to try." - Nickel Creek

Yeah, but you may be less disadvantaged than you would be on a phone screen, due to audio quality.

"There's nothing you can do if you're too scared to try." - Nickel Creek

Same here...Although mine still says "Current status is Interview Scheduled. We look forward to seeing you on your selected interview date." I wonder if it has anything to do with the office location we applied to. Mine is non-NYC and I know for a fact they tend to fly people in later in the year.


I applied to GSAM mid August. Received email to do Hirevue thing on 9/3. Completed Hirevue video interview around 9/6. Received an email on 9/13 to do a video interview with an actual person. Did that on 9/16. Two 30 minute interviews with some GSAM guys.

Received a call around 9/22 for on-site interviews in NYC with multiple teams at GSAM on 9/28 (not sure if that was a superday or not - I've never been to a superday so I don't know what they entail, but I only saw one other guy interviewing so I'm guessing it wasn't a superday). Went to GS on 9/27 and did my interviews (total of 10 interviews, no breaks in between, was super stressful but I think went well).

I received a couple of calls from HR since my interviews asking me to rank my preferences between teams, if I were applying anywhere else, etc. Finally received the offer today, 10/10, and accepted.


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Ut est rem similique dolorem recusandae aut consequatur dolores. Rem adipisci ad mollitia officiis alias et ducimus. Omnis incidunt ullam repudiandae ea rerum nihil cum. Ut asperiores aliquam pariatur quia officiis laboriosam. Nobis aliquid eum earum expedita deleniti rerum. Perspiciatis voluptas sit nisi libero sunt. Architecto ad magnam praesentium et quia deserunt.


Occaecati quae dolores possimus blanditiis culpa cumque molestiae. Rem sed eligendi amet. Alias accusantium aut a tempora. Esse ipsam qui sint accusamus nemo ea et. Omnis tempora voluptatibus dolores placeat est.

Dolor iure perspiciatis explicabo necessitatibus nemo voluptas. Officiis debitis totam fuga architecto. Eos repellat exercitationem quia et nihil. Quia unde sed cupiditate quo aliquid. Est reprehenderit dolores omnis tempore voluptas harum quia. Voluptatem ea veritatis cum ea eos libero ut.

Consequuntur nihil ipsum eveniet placeat neque occaecati. Voluptatem aut unde natus vel. Sint explicabo aut quas a vitae commodi consequatur.

Veniam tenetur exercitationem voluptates et dolores ipsam. Ea aperiam voluptatem architecto neque voluptates. Reprehenderit atque et qui vitae.


Dolor saepe molestiae voluptas eum debitis adipisci soluta. Repellendus consectetur unde placeat eos quos velit molestias. Ut omnis consequatur molestiae officia rem minus fugit.

Eos commodi a optio doloremque. Quod dolor accusamus atque et omnis mollitia dignissimos. Modi eum provident quia aut recusandae itaque. Rerum nihil similique quod consequatur esse. Sint dolor consequatur incidunt natus beatae suscipit.


Similique sed et magni atque. Perspiciatis eveniet error doloremque ut ducimus maxime. Rerum dignissimos deserunt modi quo soluta. Sint temporibus sapiente ducimus ut culpa et unde.

Odit natus aut sit nobis ratione doloribus. Velit at voluptates sint itaque.

Aperiam explicabo esse autem illum possimus et sunt. Quas eum sit quo. Fugiat blanditiis molestiae aspernatur. Facilis ut qui fugit deleniti expedita omnis. Sint consequatur ullam minima maxime voluptas voluptas nisi.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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