What Does It Take to Get a Job at McKinsey?

McKinsey is interviewing at my school, and I was hoping to get a feel for my shot at an interview. I've previously gotten first rounds w/ Bain and BCG, but I hear McKinsey is more selective than even them.

I was a summer analyst at MS, and I did get an offer. I've got a 3.6 and solid, but not spectacular, ECs at a semi-target. I've also got the diversity thing going, if that matters at all. I'm fairly certain that I can destroy the case; I just need the opportunity.

Given that McKinsey has like a 3.7-3.8 gpa cutoff, should I expect to still get on the closed list, or should I just forget McKinsey? Sweet, thanks guys.

Harder to Get a McKinsey Interview vs. Bain and BCG?

Our users shared mixed opinions about whether it is harder to get an interview with McKinsey than it is to get an interview with Bain and BCG.

If you can get interviews with BCG and Bain, you have a high, high probability of getting a McK interview--it's not as if each company is looking for a different skill set. The diversity thing does help. How many non-Asian minorities do you see at MBB events? Very few. Probably 1 out of every 50 people.

The GPA cutoff is just BS. None of the firms you mention has a strict GPA cutoff. It just so happens that grades and test scores are valued by MBB more highly than they are by banks. But so what? That doesn't mean that if you don't have a 3.7 you won't get an interview.

The cutoff is just listed there; it really means nothing. I know many with 3.3s who interviewed with McKinsey. Honestly, there is too much misinformation out there, and people tend to believe "cutoffs" too easily. I have personally reviewed resumes, where 3.75 was the cutoff, but I would let the guy/girl through cause he had good experience. It's just the way it happens; always assume there is no GPA cutoff: if you do, how can it hurt you?

However, some users such as @ihavenomoneynow" shared that they got Bain and BGC but did not get McKinsey interviews:

I will chime in. Got both Bain and BCG first rounds on campus. Did not get a McKinsey first round, despite top internship experience and 3.9+. Ironically enough I was one of the kids invited to apply early to McKinsey (interview date of sept. 5), but chose to forgo it for more preparation time.

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If you can get interviews with BCG and Bain, you have a high, high probability of getting a McK interview--it's not as if each company is looking for a different skill set. The diversity thing does help. How many non-Asian minorities do you see at MBB events? Very few. Probably 1 out of every 50 people.

The GPA cutoff is just BS. None of the firms you mention has a strict GPA cutoff. Personally, I think that's bandied about by students who don't get interviews so that they can feel good about themselves when they find out that they didn't make the cut. It just so happens that grades and test scores are valued by MBB more highly than they are by banks. But so what? That doesn't mean that if you don't have a 3.7 you won't get an interview.


Whoops, must be a thing for semi- and non-targets then. The target I went to had no explicit cutoffs. I have never heard of it occurring at other schools. I find it odd that McK has an explicit cutoff for your school, but Bain and BCG don't. Sorry about the error and good luck with the app.


The cutoff is just listed there; it really means nothing. I know many with 3.3s who interviewed with McKinsey. Honestly, there is too much misinformation out there, and people tend to believe "cutoffs" too easily. I have personally reviewed resumes, where 3.75 was the cutoff, but I would let the guy/girl through cause he had good experience. It's just the way it happens; always assume there is no GPA cutoff: if you do, how can it hurt you?

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http://www.qonnect.me Qonnect.me - a simple resume consultation service for entry-level jobs in finance and technology

i will chime in. got both bain and BCG first rounds on campus. did not get a McKinsey first round, despite top internship experience and 3.9+. ironically enough i was one of the kids invited to apply early to McKinsey (interview date of sept. 5), but chose to forgo it for more preparation time


"Even though McK started e-mailing me the summer before recruiting and had myself and one other kid from my school come to meet people at the office, I did not even get a first round interview. That other kid did, so who knows."

lol... my thoughts exactly. visited their office 3 times during the summer... two for panel sessions, 1 exclusive one where it was me and 3 other kids. constant contact with my hr recruiter and NO McKinsey interview. i was initially pretty pissed off


just wanted to announce that I GOT A FIRST ROUND WITH McKinsey! Now I have a week to prep for their problem solving test and case interview.


better have a good excuse for the drop. from outside it looks like slacking off.

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

ex-McKinsey guy here : when writing your resume, pay attention to the impact you had, dont just write your day to day duties.

for ex.

Goldman Sachs Summer Intern, M&A Group *created..... *researched.... *prepared......


Red Cross Fundraising Coordinator *Organized student rallies to collect $5000 for floods in Pakistan

Whatever job u did - even if u were dancer/plumber/actor/writer/number crunching monk or a code monkey, try to show what was ur impact : how did u take something and made it better.

make sure gpa stays 4.0. and look for a book called "Case in Point" on Amazon.com. Best case study prep.

good luck.

Don Corleone:
ex-McKinsey guy here : when writing your resume, pay attention to the impact you had, dont just write your day to day duties.

for ex.

Goldman Sachs Summer Intern, M&A Group *created..... *researched.... *prepared......


Red Cross Fundraising Coordinator *Organized student rallies to collect $5000 for floods in Pakistan

Whatever job u did - even if u were dancer/plumber/actor/writer/number crunching monk or a code monkey, try to show what was ur impact : how did u take something and made it better.

make sure gpa stays 4.0. and look for a book called "Case in Point" on Amazon.com. Best case study prep.

good luck.

i wish i had enough credits to give you but thanks! this really helps :)


The odds of landing an interview by simply submitting your resume and cover letter are slim. Your best bet, like any career switcher, is to either network your way in or get an MBA from a top school. You might want to contact some headhunters and see if they show any interest. Either way you are going to have to show why you should be hired over the Harvard/Wharton/Standford MBA grad who also had 4-5 years of experience before going to Bschool.


i think it's ridiculous to assume that they'll give a shit about your gpa being low considering your experience. plus, emphasizing your work and debt-free graduation would be very helpful if you could make it an interesting story. but the initial interview really is a tough cookie i hear. try getting into a recruiting event, talking with one of the attending consultants, and handing him/her your resume, if you can't network your way in some more direct way. mba is not always a necessity - it's for the less imaginative ppl :P

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

oh, but if you can get a high gmat score, that would be good - they want some proof of you being a mental powerhouse.

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

Just go to Harvard Business School. nbd. Their admission standards are piss poor these days.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Best Response
  1. Top School... Top 15 school or Oxbridge/LSE/Imperial/Ivey HBA/Queen's
  2. GPA > 3.8 or First Class Honors
  3. EC's where you are a leader and show 'passion'
  4. Beast at case studies and acing personality interview
  5. Also apply to Bain/BCG/Accenture/Deloitte/PwC
  6. I am a high school senior and 20 minutes on WSO and managementconsulting.com helped me figure this out. Jesus man, can't you search this information on google or utilize the search function.

This is true but I just want to point something out. McKinsey's (and MBBs in general for that matter) London office is FUCKING competitive so 'how to land an interview' depends on the location of the office.

-The Visa requirement for the US already cuts out a lot of potential applicants (unless McKinsey sponsors which I don't know)

-Anyone who has great grades, a solid CV and speak business proficient english can apply to the London office. Since pretty much everyone around the world learns english as their 2nd or 3rd language, you compete against many more people

-Local offices have less competition due to this language barrier; a lot of Danes could apply to the London office but not many Brits or International people in London could apply for Copenhagen

I speak from personal experience; I went to a UK target and people from numerous nationalities (German, French, Dutch, Spanish and Italian) all applied to the London offices and their home country offices. None got London, many got at least an interview with their home office.

In a nutshell, what you mentioned is important but be sure to make distinctions between office locations


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Veniam enim quidem fuga perferendis deserunt distinctio. Ut ut corrupti quis ut.

Non quisquam corrupti iste nobis. Provident earum illum laboriosam est esse velit. Illum architecto fuga ducimus enim sed pariatur. Ut odio nulla hic et qui beatae assumenda. Aut id neque laboriosam omnis et. Et quo vero aut rerum minima et. A officiis dicta quae ipsam eum incidunt.


Optio ut qui deserunt voluptatibus quibusdam exercitationem. Itaque quasi voluptate doloremque. Nihil facere aut ipsum dolorem aut. Dolor blanditiis et et. Soluta libero sint officiis suscipit cupiditate. Ullam ipsa asperiores quasi perferendis saepe error sunt.

Omnis labore ipsam molestias est provident. Maiores aut quis quis quia. Perspiciatis sed aperiam consectetur eos quia quibusdam. Veritatis vel dignissimos et hic est.

Optio maiores commodi tenetur. Aliquam mollitia id dolorem rerum facilis.

Necessitatibus iusto aut dolorum voluptatem molestiae. Maiores voluptatum hic sed voluptatem et odit eum. Qui sint aspernatur porro. Repudiandae aut excepturi temporibus alias non aut. Voluptas cupiditate excepturi in et provident voluptatem et. Tempora ad maxime hic earum sit sunt. Sapiente quo similique id reprehenderit nesciunt ut.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (48) $246
  • Engagement Manager (101) $227
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (159) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (594) $120
  • 1st Year Associate (541) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (348) $103
  • Associate Consultant (167) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1053) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (191) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (558) $67
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