Sport Trophy Prestige

Well, I thought that it was high time we have another ranking war, so I set this up to achieve that.
Just rank various sport trophies by the prestige they carry.
World Cup: this is the ultimate in prestige, no question. It's like an Eton kid who went to Wharton for undergrad and then HBS with a Rhodes scholarship in between and made MD at Paulson by 30.
UEFA Champions league: Second most prestigious title in sports.
EPL: Arguably more important than the Champions league (IMO), but still a notch below due to greater breadth in the champions’ league.
Super Bowl: Huge in the states, but not as many follow it internationally.
FA Cup - Like the EPL but a not as elite.

Stanley Cup - No offense, but 97% of the world does not give a shit.


are you talking about prestige in the tournament... or prestige of the physical trophy? seems to be some confusion here

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?

Please, Super Bowl and NBA championship are tops. World Cup is only big shit because millions of underdeveloped nations can play. A soccer ball and empty space is pretty attainable in most of the world.


Yes I have gone abroad and frankly I find soccer (football) completely boring. It gets all this hype because of its huge fan base, but I could care less. A soccer ball and empty land is easy to come by all over the world. I prefer American sports. I also enjoy hockey (Canadian by all rights) and Tennis (pretty international).

Soccer has so many fan and participants because of its ease of entry and prevalence in developing nations. NFL and NBA are what they are because they are expensive and we have a great college feeder system. You think American fans are barbarians, take a look at moronic hooligans.

Further note, just because I don't jerk off to world cup soccer doesn't mean I have never gone overseas or experienced other cultures. As if it is a sin to be American.

Best Response
Soccer has so many fan and participants because of its ease of entry and prevalence in developing nations. NFL and NBA are what they are because they are expensive and we have a great college feeder system. You think American fans are barbarians, take a look at moronic hooligans.

That's exactly why I love soccer. While I'm a pretty big basketball fan, the atmosphere at even the closest playoff games in the NBA is pretty weak compared to run-of-the mill games of certain soccer teams. I find a lot about the way the NBA is run quite distasteful, from David Stern's dress code, to refs heavily favoring home teams and outright match fixing for the purpose of ratings (the Celtics and Lakers had some help in getting to the Finals). The passion you see in soccer is unmatched, it's like a religion and hundreds have died for it (not saying that's a good thing, but what college basketball fans have died for their team?).

You not liking soccer is totally fair however. The emotional connection of US fans to British teams is completely artificial and your connection to your national team is often only as strong as their best results. I wasn't much of a France fan until they won it in 1998, not because I'm a fairweather fan, but because they weren't even on my radar. I had no real US sports teams to roots for until I moved to Boston, and now I'm firmly a Sox/Pats/Celtics/Bruins fan.


I was going to mention the fervent nature of the fans. You have me on that Goodbread. I would imagine that American apathy for the sport stems from the fact that a lot of the passion Europeans, Africans, South Americans have for the sport comes from rivalry between states, religious issues, family feuds, etc. I think the closest us Americans have to that passion is in college sports.


For the US to get better in soccer we need kids to get paid. I know a lot of people who are into basketball who play soccer in the summer to keep up with their cardio, foot work, etc. After a while they just stop doing it and focus on basketball since that is where the college scholarships >>>> NBA opportunities area. Just too many high paying, well publicized competing sports for soccer to take hold. Thats what I was saying about lower income countries. You don't need leather gloves, turf, helmets, whatever to play soccer. It is a sport very accessible for poor individuals. It is pretty universal.


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