Weird Offer Dilemma: Risk Mgmt vs. Prop Trading

Hi everyone!

I need to decide between two internship offers: one for trading at a fairly well-known prop shop in Chicago - think CTC/DRW/Optiver - and one in the Master's/PhD risk management division at American Express in NY. Amex group could be anything from consumer card risk to corporate underwriting. My goal is to end up in S&T at a BB doing trading or research (would even settle for market risk). If you can help:

-Is American Express a good name on the resume in general?
-Which spot opens more doors for full-time recruiting?
-Networking: Does the ability to grab drinks with my BB contacts justify taking MO over FO?

I am really on the fence and would be extremely grateful for any help you can give!

tl;dr - Risk Management at American Express or Prop. Trading in Chicago? Which will make me a happier monkey during full-time recruiting?


Prop shop 100%. If you like the culture, getting paid more, working with more talented people, and getting actual trading experience then its not even a question. Can't speak for all the shops but DRW almost made me quit banking. Great people, fun environment, and you actually learn how to be a trader.


Prop trading in Chicago is the end goal for many people in BB S&T. Take that. AMEX has nothing to do with your end goal, other than location.


i saw this earlier and didn't post b/c it was so obvious i thought i was missing something but yeah... are you kidding me? of course prop.

I don't accept sacrifices and I don't make them. ... If ever the pleasure of one has to be bought by the pain of the other, there better be no trade at all. A trade by which one gains and the other loses is a fraud.

Are you an idiot?

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Brand value is only worth considering when you are comparing apples to apples. Yes, more people (like your parents) will know about AMEX and what they do, but if the role isn't relevant to what you want to do, it doesn't really matter.

Being the janitor at Goldman won't help you by just having Goldman on your resume; it's more about what you are actually doing while you are there and how it relates to your long term goals.

Brand value is only worth considering when you are comparing apples to apples. Yes, more people (like your parents) will know about AMEX and what they do, but if the role isn't relevant to what you want to do, it doesn't really matter.

Being the janitor at Goldman won't help you by just having Goldman on your resume; it's more about what you are actually doing while you are there and how it relates to your long term goals.

So simple and filled with common sense...but I guarantee that we will see 10 more threads like this within a week.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Nisi molestiae et voluptatem rerum excepturi. Optio consequatur nesciunt dolores ut quos ut fugiat. In et et rerum harum quae eum.

Event Business Academy +44 7508341649 [email protected]

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