Shell Trading Development Programme Assessment/Interview

I just received an invitation to take the Shell TDP assessment, and I was wondering if any TDP alum can share their insight. Also, I hear the interview is brutal.. so if anyone has anything to say about that I would appreciate it.



I don't think the two are very comparable. BP has a very unique culture. BP weighs a lot on how you fit into the culture of teamwork, down to earth, personable, ect. As far as recruitment goes, I did half of the Shell assesments until I accepted my internship at BP but with Shell I think I did my application, then two tests then and over the phone interview? Don't quote me on that it was over a year ago. I just know Shell took significantly longer than BP in the recruitment process. At BP I did an application, two tests, a recorded hirevue interview, and then a superday with many interviews and case studies.


Hi guys same here I did the test for Shell TDP but haven't heard anything yet. let's keep this forum going and, hopefully if we can get to the next round, share any informations on either the interview process or industry insight.



Yeah, we need to keep the forum going.. I found very little help regarding the assessment. Glassdoor has alot of reviews under the graduate program interviews.. the process is essentially the same, so you should check those out.


I hope not, that would mean I am out too.. I checked online the manage your applications portal, and it still says application under consideration. In any event, I am starting to prepare for the interview so as not to freak out at the last minute.


I think there's a possibility that they'll notify us d-1 before the interview session. If we're still in the 2 weeks window of 9-20 October we probably still have a chance. From what i have read the main focus will be about personality/culture fit. so better do some research on Shell culture and prepare for questions like: "Tell me about a time when you worked in a diverse team with many contrasting opinions and How did you work together to solve the issue?"

There's some feedback from senior traders abt what they look for from juniors, hope this helps, I can't post a link so you need to search the topic "what-i-look-for-when-hiring-junior-traders"

Not sure abt the case interview I don't think they'll ask us abt trading technicals like swap/options but more on how we approach and solve problems (in general) but to be safe i read Oil 101 (really recommend it guys!) btw I applied to Singapore office (anyone applying to sg?)


I heard the interview is really difficult (source; glassdoor interviews). They go deep into your history and ask some investment scenario questions.


yeah I just checked glassdoor. For personality/history questions (cmiiw) i think we can practice on what type of questions they'll throw at us (glassdoor is our source) and what kind of answer we'll give them, try to do an inventory on our strength-weakness and experiences. Hopefully ASUgrad2017 can give us some insights on this since no current-TDP or alum joining our forum.

For investment scenario/knowledge in finance, what books/sources do you recommend for studying? since I work as an engineer in the upstream side I practically have no finance knowledge and Oil101 doesn't dwell deeply on the finance side.

Anyone else have any infos/thoughts?


yeah, that's kind of annoying.. why not give that information first instead of waiting until the last week to let you know you were waiting/preparing for nothing. I sent HR an email anyway.. my application status still says 'under review' and I want to clear that up now.


Hi there - whilst the dates given were 9-20october I would highly suspect these are flexible as in any large scale recruitment. Don't give up hope - after all, the probability that noone on this forum has comment that they have heard back is a good sign the process is still on-going!


London. I sent them a message yesterday. You will find the anwser below :

Dear Ibrahim,

Our recruiter is in the process of screening your qualifications and assessment results. This may take some time since at the moment, we are experiencing a high number of applications therefore you may experience a delay in receiving feedback from us. We hope that this delay does not cause you too much inconvenience.


I applied last week and tested today. I don't think it was the best results for the test, personality was great though :)


Has anyone received an invitation to interview? The forum has been very quiet post assessment. The 2018 China TDP is open until 07-Mar-2018, with 4 opportunities.

Does anyone have information about applying to multiple locations?


I didn't get a response yet. Still waiting. Houston job posting stated that 1 position was available. I also saw that China had 4. I don't know about applying to multiple locations. I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed. However, Shell has restrictions on frequency of test taking. If you haven't passed the assessment in the past, you will have to have to wait 1-2 years before you can try again.


No, I have not received anything yet. I imagine sometime next week folks would start getting an invite, and then rejections would go out possibly the 5-12 of March based on the timeline above from last Fall.


Hi. I don't know if they rotate assessment questions or everyone gets the same ones, so may be tough to compare. I found the reading and abstract sections alright, but didn't finish all math questions in time.


It is definitely the case. If they only looked at test results, they would already notify people about next round, cuz it takes a second to pick 10 or so top test results and reject all other candidates.


Just found that Shell post another Trader Development Program on 26th Feb, work location is London, 5 headcount. Anybody know why Shell start the program so early this year as last round TDP application just closed in Dec 2017 ?


Houston office:

Thank you for your email.

​Our recruiter is in the process of screening your qualifications. This may take some time since at the moment, we are experiencing a high number of applications therefore you may experience a delay in receiving feedback from us.

Please note that our communication with you with regard to your application is mostly done via email. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could check your email inbox including your Spam or Junk folder regularly to ensure we maintain close contact throughout your application.


I applied for the Houston office in December, got invited to take the assessment early Feb., and heard back today that I am making it to the phone interview.

Check this out...… If I’m not successful this time around, when can I re-apply? If you were unsuccessful in your initial application for the TDP, you can re-apply in 12 months.

If your application was progressed and you were interviewed over the phone, you will need to wait two years to re-apply.

If you were progressed to the Assessment Centre and did not pass, you will need to wait three years until you can re-apply for the TDP.

I really am hoping to get in, but I can't imagine making to an in-person interview then not being selected. You can't re-apply for 3 years which pretty much tells you your not wanted... Wish me luck!


For London Office:- Application Status - Under Review.

Received mail from HR stating that if resume was selected then only got a mail on 9th april from cubik for on-line assessment and we have a window of 14 days to complete it.

Any updation from any other member.


For which office you have applied and when you had given the test.

For case study scenario please visit glassdor , there is few example and suggestions


For London Office:- Application Status - Under Review.

Received mail from HR stating that if resume was selected then only got a mail on 9th april from cubik for on-line assessment and we have a window of 14 days to complete it.

Any updation from any other member.


Thanks for your reply. So if I understood well, they make their selection only on the resume as they do not even give the possibility to add a cover letter?

Also, have you received a link to pass an online test or something like this? I remember applying for an internship at Shell some years ago and I got immediately a link to pass an online test?

From what I understood in the replies above, a link will be shared to selected candidates on April 9?

Good luck to everybody


Yes , in there reply they have clearly mentioned it that if your resume is find suitable than only by 9th April link for online assessment will be send by Cubik.


Hi Wama,

I applied for Dubai Office, got link for the online assessment on the 21st Mar and submitted on 26th and yet to get any feedback. Please let me know once you get any communication from the HR.

By the way when did you get the assessment link? Thanks


Can you please tell something about the format and difficulty level of exam. It might be helpful to all of us . Thanks in advance


Hi everyone I’ve just found out about this a program and applied my application is under review. Does anyone know what this job/ program pays. Cause I’ve looked everywhere and cannot find anything. Just I don’t live in London so I would have to move down to London So need to consider the finical side of things. Also how long is the average wait between them assessing you’re application and getting to do the online test.




Hi Tasha

Exact figure is not know. On various site the pay grade mentioned was different On one site its mentioned about 5k to 7k initial . But the exact figure for TDP is not mentioned anywhere.


I had a phone interview for the Houston TDP program a few weeks ago and today received an email I was not selected. Good luck to everyone else moving forward!


Primarily behavioral questions. The case study portion was interesting and there's not really anything I could have done to study for it. Just be sure to have a calculator and notepad handy and don't try to work too fast, take your time to be sure you understand the questions being asked. I enjoyed the case study though! It was fun.


I still have my application under "Application submitted". I received an automatic email two days ago stating that they are sorry for the delay due to many applications but they do that to review each application.

I have applied for two weeks now. So I don't know if they just haven't reviewed my application yet or if one of their CV-scanning bots has just directly put my application in the trash.

We'll see. You said in another post that they should send a link for selected candidates on April 9, right?


Yes Mathieu ..

I received the mail from HR. Mail is pasted below for our reference.

Hi Rajan, REF: xxxxx A warm welcome to the next step of your Shell application for the Trader Development Programme (TDP)! We aim to provide inspiring, rewarding careers and we're delighted that you're considering working with us. If you join us the work you’ll do will be really important, because we believe everyone in the world deserves equal access to energy. How can companies, governments and communities work together to meet the rising demand for more and cleaner energy solutions? At Shell, you’ll be a part of our response to this challenge.

What happens next?

Candidates who have successfully passed initial screening will receive an email on 9th April from our assessment partner.

The timeframe

You have 14 days to submit the assessments, so we encourage you to complete them as promptly as you can. The deadline for submissions is Friday 23rd April. If you don’t submit the assessments by 23rd April your application will be withdrawn.


Hi everybody I still wait for responding from dubai office it's two weeks since I did my assessment, is there any update from dubai office?


9th April is passed but didn't receive any email or Link from Shell or Cubiks. Let hope in near future we all receive some communication from shell regarding the delay.



I'm new to this post and I applied last week. Like you all I just got the online test email. Hopefully it isn't as hard as other people say it is.

Good luck!


Just completed my exam.

By taking exam I am not sure that whether I am able to make to other round or not. Just an advice ...In exam time fly very fast so please be ready and prepare accordingly.

All the best to others.


Its depends on candidate .. in my case i stuck in one question in numerical . For verbal please read passage thoroughly and answer . For abstract , its seem easy for me..


I have applied for singapore program and I have got link for assessment tests. Deadline for these tests is 26th April. Anybody cleared these tests? How is the difficulty level? When do you think the program will commence?


I applied for London. Like E said, if I had as much time as need, could’ve passed it with a 100%.. But the time flies, and that what makes the test hard.. numerical section, a pen and paper wouldn’t do you any good.. it’s all about time, you have to read the problem and figure it out in your head all with in 30 sec.. I would think anyone applying for this position would be able to solve the problems on paper, their looking for the few who can solve it in their heads quick!! So needless to say, I will not be getting a interview


I applied for London. Like E said, if I had as much time as need, could’ve passed it with a 100%.. But the time flies, and that what makes the test hard.. numerical section, a pen and paper wouldn’t do you any good.. it’s all about time, you have to read the problem and figure it out in your head all with in 30 sec.. I would think anyone applying for this position would be able to solve the problems on paper, their looking for the few who can solve it in their heads quick!! So needless to say, I will not be getting a interview


Hello everyone, did the assessment today. Excuse me, ....... only 4 minutes time for one section of the test ?! Well, I am very pessimistic about my test results. I hope the evaluation depends not only on the assessment results but is a combination of experience, motivation, resume e.t.c.


(London) With a week since the test deadlines... anyone heard anything about interviews? Online my application is still ‘under review’.


Anyone know the logistics of the second round interview? I'm interviewing with the Dubai office, and am based in the western US. Where would it take place in my case?


Hi evaleva... Do you get second round of interview call or first round of interview call ?? Because first round of interview was not done yet.

And for more clarification about logistics mail your querry to HR ,they will simply let you now. But some where i have read that for second round of interview all arrangements are done by SHELL. If you get any reply please let us know.


At least it means you are allowed to already try again next year. Keep trying and practice the tests well in advance!


Hey guys, did anyone who applied to the Dubai office receive any news after the assessment? (Also is everyone invited to take the assessment or is there CV screening prior?)


Aut repudiandae molestias et culpa et et accusamus. Placeat reiciendis voluptatem molestias laboriosam sint. Eum autem qui quis eum eos. Aspernatur libero sunt nihil dolores ut. Repellat consectetur beatae possimus reiciendis. Consectetur facere magni voluptatem sunt. Commodi repudiandae commodi placeat.


Dolores repudiandae ea nisi. Reiciendis libero est et. Eveniet vitae distinctio sequi nihil quam veniam voluptatem ipsam.

Perferendis aut sint vero tempore delectus in. Dolores doloremque quam non est provident ex.

Quis repudiandae qui molestiae quas cum autem hic qui. Ab non ut deserunt voluptatum nihil ut. Eaque sequi officiis mollitia quia et excepturi ut. Consectetur enim similique incidunt mollitia qui.


Occaecati minus fugit facere earum. Rerum quasi ipsa quas voluptates natus. Voluptatem ducimus molestiae voluptas eveniet. Expedita possimus repudiandae nihil quibusdam facere rerum. Autem vel at praesentium autem. Architecto consequatur est nemo.

Eos ut necessitatibus beatae omnis. Occaecati eum enim dolor ea sit et. Laborum quam nemo ea voluptatum sit dolorem quia. Repellat molestiae ut consectetur dolorem voluptatem.

Nostrum ipsa laudantium molestiae sunt reprehenderit. Sit sunt praesentium voluptatem aut voluptatem. Voluptas totam quas libero autem laudantium veniam consequatur mollitia.


Incidunt dolore cupiditate molestias adipisci quod numquam quo. Velit dignissimos perspiciatis cum sequi hic deleniti. Eum officia ex vel officiis ut nihil pariatur.

Nulla deserunt culpa dignissimos. Debitis esse omnis praesentium amet laboriosam alias delectus aspernatur. Pariatur tenetur quae nam distinctio et numquam.

Distinctio omnis vero sequi repudiandae minima ducimus ipsum. Itaque laboriosam voluptatem qui. Laboriosam et eum accusamus voluptatem. Excepturi id dignissimos hic eos nulla ut. Ratione omnis deserunt est molestiae unde. Est et impedit rerum unde.

Quibusdam aut eaque sint sunt ut sit. Eaque suscipit est cumque doloremque dolor. In consequatur dolor provident veritatis temporibus aut hic magnam. Repudiandae dolores tenetur quasi excepturi illum quo libero. Saepe sint quas perferendis incidunt corrupti neque.


Dolorum ut magni voluptas aliquid et enim. Iure eum culpa quos rerum omnis nemo aut. Aut ad ex adipisci eaque alias explicabo error ea. Qui consectetur pariatur voluptatibus et.

Dolorem repudiandae odio consequuntur rerum voluptatem et consectetur. Minima praesentium odio ut nemo. Quia magnam iusto tempora aperiam doloribus. Nostrum quis ullam ea aspernatur asperiores dolorem ipsum. Optio ut ab et alias nesciunt ipsam temporibus. Vero adipisci dolor cumque veritatis consequatur dolorum quia qui.

Odio omnis ex sapiente iure totam. Veniam aut ipsa quas et numquam sit exercitationem. Consequatur quaerat deserunt alias blanditiis. Adipisci voluptatibus repellat quia earum iste voluptate. Ut et at non laudantium repellendus nostrum pariatur. Quaerat fuga neque atque blanditiis omnis molestias.


In voluptatem quas voluptas commodi quo et. Consequuntur soluta omnis perferendis. Vitae consectetur quis sed minima veniam.

Non qui explicabo consequatur voluptate inventore. Itaque ea deserunt et unde consequuntur. Et nulla dicta ut quis. Enim mollitia dolorem doloremque iure.

Enim eligendi et aliquam accusantium. Velit harum voluptas ad tempora quia nostrum accusamus.

Qui voluptatibus distinctio id earum optio. Facere et ut nesciunt rerum. Illo velit rerum consectetur quas autem earum est. Possimus quia voluptatem velit qui alias. Saepe veniam eos vel ratione aut. Itaque provident qui officia accusamus itaque et autem.


Adipisci et asperiores et. Iste deserunt et fugiat illo. Temporibus adipisci qui necessitatibus est provident. Reprehenderit repudiandae dolorum quod dolor. Quia ab consequatur accusamus cum unde.

Doloribus tenetur aut consectetur laborum iure alias. Hic possimus numquam iusto quia deserunt. Voluptas illo excepturi officia maxime. Veritatis consequatur assumenda velit porro quos hic. Corrupti voluptatem quod minima est. Ducimus et laudantium repellat sunt.

Esse aspernatur est expedita recusandae. Et deleniti nam non officiis rerum et. Fugiat est accusantium quasi aliquam pariatur vel cumque. Vel mollitia consequatur consectetur aut iusto impedit totam repudiandae.

Esse asperiores molestiae aut tenetur provident earum. Sunt fugit illo minima quo. Suscipit pariatur et minus quis quae voluptate dolorum. Consequatur iure vitae dicta dignissimos praesentium natus dolor. Et earum cupiditate vel fugiat nihil.


Corrupti velit aut rerum omnis suscipit. Excepturi hic fuga recusandae placeat iste. Minus natus accusantium quo pariatur explicabo et perspiciatis. Nulla et odit quisquam voluptatum magni. Voluptatem magni nobis repudiandae et.

A enim illum iure placeat commodi. Qui nostrum natus cupiditate omnis dicta minima consequatur. Dicta illum ipsam quas a molestiae rerum harum maxime. Voluptatem tempora quae odit. Et ipsum aut doloremque quia occaecati. Fugit nihil consequuntur dolore neque quas id.

Est ut dolorem quasi et suscipit inventore. Animi distinctio autem earum in suscipit repellat. Sint corporis facilis et aut aliquam eius.

Eos eos quis id dicta. Earum illum voluptatem doloremque enim fugiat enim delectus. Reiciendis et repellendus in quia quas ipsum.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

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July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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