Ben Shalom Bernanke:
He's already stated he'll "die a martyr" before he steps down. It's that, or flee to to Venezuela to be with his lover Chavez
He'd have to fly over water then...oooooooooooo. Lol, it's hilaious that he's scared to fly over water or stay on a floor above 1.
Reality hits you hard, bro...

Goodbread, you see the BoA report? If one other major oil African oil producer goes down thanks to revolution, like say... Algeria... there will need to be a serious rampup in production and you'll gonna see Oil break 220.

This shit is scary man... Oil above 150 will be bad... 200... looks like commuting is going to be a very expensive process.


$200/barrel oil roughly translates to $6.50/gallon gas, depending on how refining margins react (will likely depend on how much LSC production goes offline). If the average American gets 27 mpg when they drive and drives 36 miles round trip on commuting, this would increase commuting costs by about $4-5/day- maybe for one year while the Middle East recovers. For someone earning $16-20/hour, this works out to an extra 15 minutes of work every day.

Terrible news for the rural poor, but not a big deal for the middle class. Consumer balance sheets can take the hit.

$200/barrel oil roughly translates to $6.50/gallon gas, depending on how refining margins react (will likely depend on how much LSC production goes offline). If the average American gets 27 mpg when they drive and drives 36 miles round trip on commuting, this would increase commuting costs by about $4-5/day- maybe for one year while the Middle East recovers. For someone earning $16-20/hour, this works out to an extra 15 minutes of work every day.

Terrible news for the rural poor, but not a big deal for the middle class. Consumer balance sheets can take the hit.

IP, I tend to agree with you from a mathematical standpoint but I think the damage to the fragile consumer psyche would be horrible. 6.50 a gallon would kill consumer confidence.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
$200/barrel oil roughly translates to $6.50/gallon gas, depending on how refining margins react (will likely depend on how much LSC production goes offline). If the average American gets 27 mpg when they drive and drives 36 miles round trip on commuting, this would increase commuting costs by about $4-5/day- maybe for one year while the Middle East recovers. For someone earning $16-20/hour, this works out to an extra 15 minutes of work every day.

Terrible news for the rural poor, but not a big deal for the middle class. Consumer balance sheets can take the hit.

IP, I tend to agree with you from a mathematical standpoint but I think the damage to the fragile consumer psyche would be horrible. 6.50 a gallon would kill consumer confidence.
But it would also make people who got the fixed gasoline price plan feel so baller.
But it would also make people who got the fixed gasoline price plan feel so baller.
Fixed gasoline price plan??
Some while ago Ford (?) had a campaign where if you bought their cars you would get to be able to buy gas for 1.99$ a gallon for 2 (?) years. Something along those lines.
I keep writing IR at my oil companies and asking if they can offer retail investors X # of gallons of gas at a discounted price in lieu of dividends. Would be a lot more tax efficient for everyone.
But it would also make people who got the fixed gasoline price plan feel so baller.
Fixed gasoline price plan??
Some while ago Ford (?) had a campaign where if you bought their cars you would get to be able to buy gas for 1.99$ a gallon for 2 (?) years. Something along those lines.
I keep writing IR at my oil companies and asking if they can offer retail investors X # of gallons of gas at a discounted price in lieu of dividends. Would be a lot more tax efficient for everyone.
That's not half that bad an idea, but it would screw the large investors over.
That's not half that bad an idea, but it would screw the large investors over.
Howso? Texaco (using an old oilco name as I am prevented from mentioning specific investments online) pays its retailers my $50 dividend out of its dividends budget, I get a $1/gallon discount on my first 50 gallons of gas, and it incurs fewer profits taxed at 35%. Win-win for everyone but the IRS.
That's not half that bad an idea, but it would screw the large investors over.
Howso? Texaco (using an old oilco name as I am prevented from mentioning specific investments online) pays its retailers my $50 dividend out of its dividends budget, I get a $1/gallon discount on my first 50 gallons of gas, and it incurs fewer profits taxed at 35%. Win-win for everyone but the IRS.

Shortly after filling up, you get an ax and start chopping trees to get out of the gas station. 3 days later, you go looking for rocks to pave the road to your house... and so forth.

PS - you got robbed on day 2.

That's not half that bad an idea, but it would screw the large investors over.
Howso? Texaco (using an old oilco name as I am prevented from mentioning specific investments online) pays its retailers my $50 dividend out of its dividends budget, I get a $1/gallon discount on my first 50 gallons of gas, and it incurs fewer profits taxed at 35%. Win-win for everyone but the IRS.
How do you deal with funds, for example? It gets really complicated compliance/ops-wise. Not to mention that even for large individual investors, they may get more oil discounts than they know how to deal with.
Best Response
That's not half that bad an idea, but it would screw the large investors over.
Howso? Texaco (using an old oilco name as I am prevented from mentioning specific investments online) pays its retailers my $50 dividend out of its dividends budget, I get a $1/gallon discount on my first 50 gallons of gas, and it incurs fewer profits taxed at 35%. Win-win for everyone but the IRS.
How do you deal with funds, for example? It gets really complicated compliance/ops-wise. Not to mention that even for large individual investors, they may get more oil discounts than they know how to deal with.
They could repackage and sell the discounts and we'll call them CDS (Crude discount swaps) that should scare the fuck out of the common man.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
How do you deal with funds, for example? It gets really complicated compliance/ops-wise. Not to mention that even for large individual investors, they may get more oil discounts than they know how to deal with.
They don't have to opt into it. Most of the ops/compliance stuff would be internal to the oilco if you can convert the stock to the equivalent of an RSU- held with the firm- and back.

There wouldn't be a tax advantage for a rich investor, but for someone with 500 shares paying $2/year in dividends, it would save a lot in taxes. If Texaco did this, they'd probably be able to get a 35% tax break on 10-15% of their dividend payments.



If you're talking a ~40 mile round trip commute, that's a round trip between where I live and where my parents live. If I were to do that daily, I would need to fill my car up ~2-3 times a month if I used it soley for commuting. You double that from 40 to 80 miles, round trip, and you're talking every 3-4 days. What about the people who work in NYC that don't live near a bus or train line who are forced to drive lengthier commutes. Oh, and my favorite is the costs incurred by NJ Transit on their desiel fuel lines.

While your math might be right, HPM is right in that you're not factoring the expected increases across the board to commuters and non-commuters alike. Gas over $4/Gallon is a psychological barrier that people do not want to see crossed. At $4/Gallon, you will start to see the prices of shipped goods go up, and if oil continues to increase, that's going to continue to eat into the costs of living. At $5/Gallon, that's going to have a huge impact on Food prices. At $6... looks like I'm gonnna start home brewing again.


Yeah Frieds, I thought Nomura had come up with that number ( In any case, that's pretty scary. If you were to extrapolate that kind of increase in prices to serious unrest in Saudi, we're talking $300-$500 oil which is basically instant demand destruction and a guaranteed double-dip recession. The coming months will be very interesting, even though I suspect Saudi Arabia will get out of this scotch-free.


Word on the street is the US may tap into SPR(Strategic Petro Reserve) if anything happens in saudi.

SPR is at aabout 757 MM BBL. It can pipe barrels at 200-300k Bbl/D.

Not sure but if Gaddafi got shot and did die..why would that be bearish? All signs point to 100+ crude but why did we have such a sharp sell off near the close.


Reiciendis nihil veritatis nam animi autem. Vel assumenda in beatae cum ratione sed consectetur. Rem laudantium quia ab ea numquam voluptatum. Aut facere et eum earum assumenda aut incidunt. At adipisci iste quam eaque eum eos. Repudiandae ea temporibus blanditiis vel beatae.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

Culpa voluptas et necessitatibus delectus amet. Minima recusandae veritatis est blanditiis ut. Nulla id possimus velit in veritatis magni soluta laudantium. Molestiae saepe aut tempora impedit. Quasi autem omnis qui vel mollitia quaerat non.

Ut reiciendis libero rerum architecto asperiores qui. Voluptas aspernatur modi et accusamus voluptatum optio fugiat. Dicta debitis deleniti debitis molestiae perspiciatis aperiam quasi. Consequuntur veritatis dolor aut repudiandae quia.

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