Data Science and Econometrics non-target degree VS Economics and Finance target degree for career in trading


I am coming from the Baltics and just graduated from high school, looking towards a career in trading. I understand that "trading" is a broad term, but my long-term target is a buy-side role that involves taking directional or non-directional risks, with a share in PnL

I am deciding between Bocconi's Bachelor in International Economics and Finance and the University of Amsterdam Bachelor in Data Science and Econometrics.

Assuming that I will get a scholarship in Bocconi, costs will be the same or even a bit lower in Bocconi, because of the insane Amsterdam rent.

At first glance, Bocconi looks like no brainer, yet there are a few nuances like location and alumni placement.


  • Location Advantage.

From the LinkedIn job posting it looks like almost all EU trading job opportunities are located in the Netherlands.

  • Alumni Placement

Surprisingly, UvA seems to place more graduates in EU trading firms than Bocconi. Is it because trading is a less popular path for Bocconi students since most of them are going to IB, or does UvA have a better reputation in the trading field?


  • Prestige and International Recognition

Bocconi is obviously much more prestigious than UvA and if take a look at limited, but still existing trading seats beyond EU (Middle East, Asia, Eastern Europe) you will see Bocconi alumni there and almost nobody from UvA.

  • Less Competitive and Easier Program

Dutch unies are famous for cutting off students in the first year there, essentially accepting everybody in the first year and then cutting headcount by 50% in the second and third. I’ll need to combine my studies with work, so the perspective of a worse grade in Bocconi, if I don’t perform well, is much better than the expelling perspective in UvA.

I'm leaning towards Bocconi, but I would appreciate your thoughts.

Also is it really necessary to do a master's degree for a career in Europe? I’ll turn 20 soon and want to get in the field ASAP, since from my experience and what I heard from the people in the industry uni theory is pretty much inapplicable to real work.

P.S. I copied this post: (…), since this section looks more relatable. Hope it doesn't break any rules. 


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Aut blanditiis quia omnis sint odit. Magnam dicta veniam ut quidem mollitia et consequuntur. Nihil deleniti sed dolorem rem molestias mollitia fuga et. Suscipit quia consequatur illo voluptates. Impedit culpa qui neque qui labore quia doloremque.

Et mollitia tenetur incidunt iure. Quaerat eos eum labore explicabo ea vero voluptatem illum. In laborum fugit quo et. Qui et maiores magni iusto. Dolorum vel asperiores sunt neque.

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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